WMS Introduction |
SuperMap iServer provides WMS (Web Map Service) services, and the services conform to WMS implementation standards established by the OGS (Open Geospatial Consortium).
WMS produces maps using data with geographic spatial information. In international standards, the map is defined as the visual representation of geographic data. Maps returned by the WMS are not map data, but map images whose formats can be PNG, GIF, JPEG, SVG, WebCGM, etc.
WMS versions supported by SuperMap iServer currently include:
SuperMap iServer WMS service supports the maps based on all the coordinate systems and also supports maps to project the following coordinate systems:
Geographic Coordinate System:
GCS_WGS_1984,EPSG Code: 4326,refer to: CoordSysType;
Projected Coordinate System:
PCS_WORLD_MERCATOR,EPSG Code: 3857,refer to: PrjCoordSysType.
WMS, WMTS, WFS, WCS and WPS SuperMap iServer support Token Authentication. Please refer to REST service resources based on Token.