Initialize the wizard configuration


The iServer Data Science Service provides two deployment methods. For details, see the Data Science Service Pack Installation Guide . The address of the initialization wizard accessed after startup is different for different deployment methods:

Initialize the wizard configuration

Starting iServer Data Science Services for the first time brings you to the Initialization Wizard page (enter the address of the deployment in the browser). You need to configuration the data user system and administrator for the science service. Two user systems are currently supported: using the KeyCloak user or operating system user; also configure the Notebook running mode, which currently supports running in local process, in local Docker container and in the Docker container in K8S.

Configure the process

1. Select the authorization type

User system and administrator for configuration the data science services.

Currently, the following two user systems are supported. Click "Next" after configuration.

Before using KeyCloak users, the KeyCloak service must be available. See KeyCloak Installation and Configuration for details.

Note: In the current Docker image, two non-root users, "iserver" and "guest", have been created, and the user name and password are the same.

2. Set the Notebook operating mode

The following three Notebook operating modes are currently available:

After setting, click "Next"

3.Confirm the initialization information.

 After the configuration of the above steps is completed, click" Initialize "; to modify the configuration, click" Back "

4.Initialization completed.

After initialization, if the Data Science Service is running on Docker in a non-K8S cluster In the container, a manual restart is required with the following command:

docker Start Docker Container ID

5. Log in to Data Science Services.

Log in by using the account password of the user in the user system according to the user system selected in the first step.