Getting 3D layers list |
We can get the scene list of the realspace service through the scenes resource. Each scene can contain multiple 3D layers.
To get the scene list, we need to implement the GET request on the scenes resource, i.e., the URI below. For more details, please refer to scenes.
In the collection, name is the scene name, and path is the access path of the scene.
Below is a sample path for a scene.
By appending "/layers.json" to the path, we can get the layer information of the scene. Please refer to scenes.
By this way, we can get the scene information and the layer information of the REST realspace service. Below is the sample code:
//Get 3D layer information on the server
function getRLayers()
var commit=getcommit();
var uri="http://localhost:8090/iserver/services/components-rest/rest/realspace/scenes.json";"GET",encodeURI(uri),false,"","");
commit.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8");
//Parse the json string returned from the server to a JavaScript object
var response = json_parse(commit.responseText, null);
//Get the Div container for display
var container = document.getElementById('container');
//Output the result
//The number of scenes
var len=response.length;
container.innerHTML="There are "+len+" scene(s): ";
var str ='<ol>';
for(var i=0;i<len;i++)
str += '<li>Scene name: ' + response[i].name + '; Layers contained: ' + '<ul>';
var layerspath=response[i].path+'/layers.json';
//Get the layers of the scene"GET",encodeURI(layerspath),false,"","");
commit.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8");
var layersInfo=json_parse(commit.responseText, null);
//The number of 3D layers
var len1=layersInfo.length;
for(var j=0;j<len1;j++)
str += '<li>Layer name: '+layersInfo[j].name+'; Layer type: '+layersInfo[j].layer3DType+"; Data: "+layersInfo[j].dataName+'</li>';
str +='</ul></li>';
str +='</ol>';
The information about the scene and the layers is shown as below:
There are 1 scene(s):
Layer name: OlympicGreen; Layer type: VectorLayer; Data: OlympicGreen_1358161394
Layer name: flyRoute2; Layer type: KMLLayer; Data: flyRoute2_492950542
Layer name: flyRoute1; Layer type: KMLLayer; Data: flyRoute1_493874063
Layer name: BirdNestRoad; Layer type: KMLLayer; Data: BirdNestRoad_1596249843
Layer name: SubwayPoint@RealspaceSample; Layer type: VectorLayer; Data: SubwayPoint@RealspaceSample
Layer name: GasPoint@RealspaceSample; Layer type: VectorLayer; Data: GasPoint@RealspaceSample
Layer name: BusPoint@RealspaceSample; Layer type: VectorLayer; Data: BusPoint@RealspaceSample
Layer name: RoadA@RealspaceSample; Layer type: VectorLayer; Data: RoadA@RealspaceSample
Layer name: lawn@RealspaceSample; Layer type: VectorLayer; Data: lawn@RealspaceSample
Layer name: buildings@RealspaceSample; Layer type: VectorLayer; Data: buildings@RealspaceSample
Layer name: 2015beijingsubway; Layer type: KMZLayer; Data: 2015beijingsubway_1078398575
Layer name: bridge_beijing; Layer type: KMLLayer; Data: bridge_beijing_1681266282
Layer name: beijing@beijing; Layer type: ImageFileLayer; Data: beijing@beijing
Layer name: WorldMap; Layer type: ImageFileLayer; Data: WorldMap
Layer name: Beijing@RealspaceSample_Terrain; Layer type: TerrainFileLayer; Data: Beijing@RealspaceSample_Terrain