Publishing datasets |
The processes of loading datasets or data in standard formats such as WMS, WFS, and KML/KMZ in a 3D scene and then publishing the 3D scene are basically the same. An image dataset Beijing.sit is used as an example here to illustrate the flow of publishing 2D and 3D data.
Step 1. Import the dataset.
In SuperMap iDesktop, right click on Datasources to create a new file datasource. Set its path and file name (test.udb is used here). Then right click on datasource test to import dataset beijing.sit in it. No new datasource is created here because a ".sit" file itself is a file type datasource and can be directly opened. If other image formats are used, e.g., a tiff file, the file cannot be opened directly and can only be imported via a datasource.
Step 2. Create a new 3D scene. Right click on Scenes to create a new scene. An empty scene will be generated.
Step 3. Drag the image dataset from the workspace manager into the 3D scene window. Or right click on Beijing to load it in the current scene.
Step 4. Save the 3D scene, and name it as scene1. Save the workspace. Set a path and name (Realspace1.smwu) for the workspace. Select SuperMap UGC 6.0 (i.e., the *. smwu format) as the workspace version. The password can be empty.
Step 5. Right click the workspace, select the Publish Services. Select the 3D service in the REST service.
In addition, you can also publish the service quickly through WebManager of SuperMap iServer. Please refer to Quickly publishing_GIS_Services.
After publishing the service, you can see the new scene1 by accessing its scenes resource. Select View scene with 3D to view the data beijing.sit.