Product installation |
Before installation, please check whether the installation machine meets the minimum hardware and software configuration requirements of SuperMap iPortal. If it is satisfied, please follow the steps below to complete the installation of SuperMap iPortal on Linux (Here takes Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® 5 as an example to introduce the installation process of SuperMap iPortal):
(1) Copy the acquired SuperMap iPortal installation package to a directory on the Linux operating system computer, such as /home/map/SuperMap, the directory where the .tar.gz file is located in the command line mode , for example: cd/home/map/SuperMap.
(2) As a non-root user, execute the following command to extract:
tar -zxvf filename .tar.gz
(3) Enter into the bin path after decompression, execute the following command to start the iPortal service as a non-root user:
Or stop the iPortal service by the following command:
After starting the iPortal service, you can access the iPortal portal. Please refer to Getting Started.