iPortal supports users to delete resources they have added to iPortal, including maps, services, data, mapdashboards, insights, notebooks, GPA models, and design 3D. It is important to note that deleted resources cannot be recovered, so please make sure the resource to be deleted is out of date or no longer required before deleting it. Also, administrators who have iPortal resource management permission can manage the resources of all users and delete resources which do not comply with standards, please see: Resource management.
Deleting resources
iPortal supports deleting a single resource and deleting resources in batch. The followings are the steps to delete, using the map as an example.
Deleting a single resource
- After logging in, click on "Resource Center" > "Map" in the navigation bar to enter the map resources page, then click on "My Maps" in the secondary navigation bar to enter the My Maps page.
- In list view mode, find the map you want to delete and click on the icon
in the action bar. In grid view mode, click on the "..." in the bottom right corner of the card and select "Delete" to delete the map; you can also go to the map details page and delete the map.
Delete resources in batch
- After logging in, click on "Resource Center" > "Maps" in the navigation bar to enter the map resources page, then click on "My Maps" in the secondary navigation bar to enter the My Maps page.
- After finding maps you want to delete, check the checkbox in front of the maps (you can select the map in batch by selecting all, reversing selecting, or selecting none) , and click the Delete button.
Note: Resources may have dependencies on each other, so when you delete a resource, it may result in the loss or inaccessibility of related resources, for example:
- Maps: When a map is deleted, the mapdashboard which used this map will not display the corresponding map component.
- Data: When data is deleted, the published service based on it will be deleted; the data will also be inaccessible on maps, insights, and mapdashboards that used the data as a data source.
- Services: When a service is deleted, the corresponding layer or component will not be displayed on maps, insights, and mapdashboards that used the service as the data source.
- Scenes: When a scene is deleted, the mapdashboard which used this scene will not display the corresponding scene component.
- Mapdashboards: when a mapdashboard is deleted, the published online application based on the mapdashboard will be inaccessible.
Removing resources
iPortal provides the ability to share resources in departments and groups. Removing resources means removing the shared resources from departments and groups, but not deleting them from iPortal. The resource contributor, department administrator, and group creator can remove resources, please see: Use group and Department Management.