SuperMap iPortal provides sharing of resources such as maps, services, scenes, data, apps, etc. You can perform sharing settings for the first time you create a Web map, sign up for a service, add a map, and a scene, in Personal center you can perform permission or bulk authorization for My map, My service, My scene, My data. Shared scope supports iPortal administrator to configure, for example: default does not open the designated department sharing, the administrator can configure in iportal.xml.
Sharing map
When mapping online with DataViz, you can click the "Share" button to share your map with others.
Map sharing scope
Including private, public, designated department, designated groups, and designated users.
- private: Only the author himself is allowed to view, edit and delete map information. The default sharing scope is private. If you need to allow others to view or edit your map, you need to set the sharing scope to public, specified department, specified groups, or specified users.
- public: Contains two options that allow all users (including anonymous users) to view and allow all users (login users only) to edit.
- Designated department: Allows members of the specified department to view, edit the shared map. This option is disabled by default, administrators need to open this function in iportal.xml configuration file.
- Designated groups: Allows specified groups to view and edit the shared map.
- Designated users: Allows specified users to view and edit the shared map.
Map permission edit and batch authorization
In My map page, you can modify the sharing setting of specified maps. Click the icon in the "Operation" column
or select the targeted maps, then clike the "Share" button above, the Sharing Settings dialog will pop up.
Note: The specified maps after batch authorization will be granted the same sharing scope.
Sharing service
When register services, you can set the sharing scope.
Service sharing scope
Including private, public, designated department, designated groups, and designated users.
- private: Only the author himself is allowed to view the service information. The default sharing scope is private. If you need to allow others to view your service, you need to set the sharing scope to public, specified department, specified groups, or specified users.
- public: Allow all users (including anonymous users) to view service information.
- Designated department: Allows members of the specified department to view the shared service. This option is disabled by default, administrators need to open this function in iportal.xml configuration file.
- Designated groups: Allows specified groups to view the shared service.
- Designated users: Allows specified users to view the shared service.
Service authority edit and batch authorization
In My service page, you can modify the sharing setting of specified services. Click the icon in the "Operation" column
or select the targeted services, then clike the "Share" button above, the Sharing Settings dialog will pop up.
Note: The specified services after batch authorization will be granted the same sharing scope.
Sharing data
You can perform the sharing setting in My data page.
Data sharing scope
Including private, public, designated department, designated groups, and designated users.
- private: Only the author himself is allowed to view, download, edit and delete data information. The default sharing scope is private. If you need to allow others to view or download your data, you need to set the sharing scope to public, specified department, specified groups, or specified users.
- public: Includes all users (including anonymous users) to view and download.
- Designated department: Allows members of the specified department to view and download the shared data. This option is disabled by default, administrators need to open this function in iportal.xml configuration file.
- Designated groups: Allows specified groups to view and download the shared data.
- Designated users: Allows specified users to view and edit the shared data.
Data permission edit and batch authorization
In My data page, you can modify the sharing setting of specified data. Click the icon in the "Operation" column
or select the targeted data, then clike the "Share" button above, the Sharing Settings dialog will pop up.
Note: The specified data after batch authorization will be granted the same sharing scope.
Sharing scene
The scenes in iPortal are added by adding the scene in batch or by registering the 3D services, you can perform scene sharing settings when Registering services. The sharing scope of the batch added scenes in portal is private by default.
Scene sharing scope
Including private, public, designated department, designated groups, and designated users.
- private: Only the author himself is allowed to view, edit and delete scene information. The default sharing scope is private. If you need to allow others to view your scene, you need to set the sharing scope to public, specified department, specified groups, or specified users.
- public: Allows all users (including anonymous users) to view scene information.
- Designated department: Allows members of the specified department to view the shared scene. This option is disabled by default, administrators need to open this function in iportal.xml configuration file.
- Designated groups: Allows specified groups to view the shared scene.
- Designated users: Allows specified users to view the shared scene.
Scene permission edit and batch authorization
In My scene page, you can modify the sharing setting of specified scenes. Click the icon in the "Operation" column
or select the targeted scenes, then clike the "Share" button above, the Sharing Settings dialog will pop up.
Note: The specified scenes after batch authorization will be granted the same sharing scope.
Sharing application
When registering applications, administrators can set the sharing scope.
Application sharing scope
Including private, public, designated department, designated groups, and designated users.
- private: Only the author himself is allowed to view, edit and delete application information. The default sharing scope is private. If you need to allow others to view or edit your application, you need to set the sharing scope to public, specified department, specified groups, or specified users.
- public: Contains two options that allow all users (including anonymous users) to view and allow all users (login users only) to edit.
- Designated department: Allows members of the specified department to view and edit the shared application. This option is disabled by default, administrators need to open this function in iportal.xml configuration file.
- Designated groups: Allows specified groups to view and edit the shared application.
- Designated users: Allows specified users to view and edit the shared application.
Application permission edit and batch authorization
In My scene page, you can modify the sharing setting of specified applications. Click the icon in the "Operation" column
or select the targeted applications, then clike the "Share" button above, the Sharing Settings dialog will pop up.
Note: The specified applications after batch authorization will be granted the same sharing scope.