public class RestSpatialAnalystProvider extends RestProviderBase implements SpatialAnalystProvider, ProviderContextAware
Rest spatial analysis service provider.
RestProviderBase.CacheModel, RestProviderBase.RestRequestException
JAVA_POSTFIX, javaConverter, JSON_POSTFIX, jsonConverter, jsonDecoder, lock, logger, message
Constructor and Description |
The constructor.
RestSpatialAnalystProvider(RestSpatialAnalystProviderSetting setting)
The constructor.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
GeometrySpatialAnalystResult |
buffer(Geometry geometry, BufferAnalystParameter bufferAnalystparameter, GeometrySpatialAnalystResultSetting resultSetting)
Creates a buffer for a geometric object and returns a region object if the creation is successful; otherwise null is returned.
GeometrySpatialAnalystResult |
buffer(GeometryWithPrjCoordSys geometry, BufferAnalystParameter bufferAnalystparameter, GeometrySpatialAnalystResultSetting resultSetting)
Creates a buffer based on a geometry object, returns a polygon object if successful, and returns a null value if it fails.
DatasetSpatialAnalystResult |
buffer(java.lang.String dataset, QueryParameter filterQueryParameter, BufferAnalystParameter bufferAnalystParameter, BufferResultSetting setting)
Creates buffer based on dataset.
DatasetSpatialAnalystResult |
calculateAspect(java.lang.String gridDataset, TerrainAnalystSetting terrainAnalystSetting, DataReturnOption resultSetting)
Calculates aspect, and returns the aspect grid dataset, i.e., aspect map.
java.util.List<DatasetSpatialAnalystResult> |
calculateCurvature(java.lang.String gridDataset, double zFactor, java.lang.String profileCurvatureName, java.lang.String planCurvatureName, DataReturnOption resultSetting)
Calculates the curvature.
RouteCalculateMeasureResult |
calculateMeasureAtPoint(Route sourceRoute, Point2D point, double tolerance, boolean isIgnoreGap)
Calculates the M value of the specified point with the specified route object.
DatasetSpatialAnalystResult |
calculatePlumbProfile(Point2D startPoint, Point2D endPoint, java.lang.String[] modelDatasets, java.lang.String surfaceGrid, boolean returnRecordsetOrDataset)
Performs the profile analysis for the terrain or model according to the specified profile line.
ProfileResult |
calculateProfile(java.lang.String gridDataset, Geometry line, double resampleTolerance)
Analyzes the profile for a grid dataset.
ProfileResult |
calculateProfile(java.lang.String gridDataset, java.lang.String lineDataset, double resampleTolerance)
Analyzes the profile for a grid dataset.
DatasetSpatialAnalystResult |
calculateSlope(java.lang.String gridDataset, TerrainAnalystSetting terrainAnalystSetting, SlopeType slopeType, double zFactor, DataReturnOption resultSetting)
Calculates slope, and returns the slope grid dataset, i.e., slope map.
GeometrySpatialAnalystResult |
clip(Geometry sourceGeometry, Geometry operateGeometry, GeometrySpatialAnalystResultSetting resultSetting)
Performs a clip operation by using two Geometry objects.
DatasetSpatialAnalystResult |
clip(java.lang.String sourceDataset, QueryParameter sourceDatasetFilter, Geometry[] operateGeometries, DatasetOverlayResultSetting resultSetting)
Performs a clip operation to a dataset by using specified region objects.
DatasetSpatialAnalystResult |
clip(java.lang.String sourceDataset, QueryParameter sourceDatasetFilter, java.lang.String operateDataset, QueryParameter operateDatasetFilter, DatasetOverlayResultSetting resultSetting)
Performs a clip operation by using two datasets.
ComputeDistanceResult |
computeMinDistance(ComputeMinDistanceParameterForDatasetInput computeMinDistanceParameter)
Calculates the minimum distance according to the specified dataset.
ComputeDistanceResult |
computeMinDistance(ComputeMinDistanceParameterForGeometriesInput computeMinDistanceParameter)
Calculates the minimum distance according to the specified Geometry set.
double |
computeSurfaceArea(java.lang.String gridDataset, Geometry region)
Surface area calculation.
double |
computeSurfaceDistance(java.lang.String gridDataset, Geometry line)
Calculates surface distance.
CostPathLineResult |
costPathLine(java.lang.String gridDataset, Point2D sourcePoint, Point2D targetPoint, SmoothMethod smoothMethod, int smoothDegree, DataReturnOption resultSetting, double maxUpslopeDegree, double maxDownslopeDegree)
Raster shortest path analysis.
ProximityAnalystResult |
createThiessenPolygon(ProximityAnalystParameterForDatasetInput proximityAnalystParameter)
Creates Thiessen polygons according to the specified point dataset.
ProximityAnalystResult |
createThiessenPolygon(ProximityAnalystParameterForPointsInput proximityAnalystParameter)
Creates Thiessen polygons according to the specified collection of points.
double |
cutFill(java.lang.String gridDataset, double volume, boolean isFill, Geometry validRegion)
Back-calculates cut and fill.
CutFillResult |
cutFill(java.lang.String gridDataset, Geometry3D region3d, java.lang.String resultDataset, boolean deleteExistResultDataset, boolean buildPyramid)
3D region Cut and Fill.
CutFillResult |
cutFill(java.lang.String gridDataset, Geometry line3d, double bufferRadius, boolean isRoundHead, java.lang.String resultDataset, boolean deleteExistResultDataset, boolean buildPyramid)
Incline cut and fill.
CutFillResult |
cutFill(java.lang.String gridDataset, Geometry region, double baseAltitude, java.lang.String resultDataset, boolean deleteExistResultDataset, boolean buildPyramid)
Cut and fill for a selected region.
CutFillResult |
cutFill(java.lang.String gridDataset, java.lang.String afterCutFillDataset, java.lang.String resultDataset, boolean deleteExistResultDataset, boolean buildPyramid)
Rater cut and fill calculation.
boolean |
deleteDataset(java.lang.String datasourceName, java.lang.String datasetName)
Deletes the result dataset created after the analysis.
void |
Release the resource object.
GeometrySpatialAnalystResult |
erase(Geometry sourceGeometry, Geometry operateGeometry, GeometrySpatialAnalystResultSetting resultSetting)
Performs the erase operation on two geometric objects to implement an overlay analysis on two geometric objects.
DatasetSpatialAnalystResult |
erase(java.lang.String sourceDataset, QueryParameter sourceDatasetFilter, Geometry[] operateGeometries, DatasetOverlayResultSetting resultSetting)
Performs the erase operation on a dataset by using specified region objects to implement an overlay analysis on a dataset and geometric objects.
DatasetSpatialAnalystResult |
erase(java.lang.String sourceDataset, QueryParameter sourceDatasetFilter, java.lang.String operateDataset, QueryParameter operateDatasetFilter, DatasetOverlayResultSetting resultSetting)
Performs an erase operation on two datasets.
DatasetSpatialAnalystResult |
executeMathAnalystExpression(java.lang.String expression, Geometry extractRegion, boolean isZip, boolean ignoreNoValue, java.lang.String targetDatasource, java.lang.String resultGridName, boolean deleteExistResultDataset)
Performs a grid algebraic operation expression.
DatasetSpatialAnalystResult |
extractIsoline(Point2D[] points, double[] zValues, double resolution, ExtractParameter parameter, DataReturnOption resultSetting)
Extracts isolines from a 3D point set.
DatasetSpatialAnalystResult |
extractIsoline(Point2D[] points, double[] zValues, double resolution, ExtractParameter parameter, DataReturnOption resultSetting, InterpolateType terrainInterpolateType)
Extracts isolines from a 3D point set.
DatasetSpatialAnalystResult |
extractIsoline(java.lang.String gridDataset, ExtractParameter parameter, DataReturnOption resultSetting)
Extracts the isolines from the grid dataset.
DatasetSpatialAnalystResult |
extractIsoline(java.lang.String pointDataset, QueryParameter filterQueryParameter, java.lang.String zValueField, double resolution, ExtractParameter parameter, DataReturnOption resultSetting)
Extracts isolines from a point dataset.
DatasetSpatialAnalystResult |
extractIsoline(java.lang.String pointDataset, QueryParameter filterQueryParameter, java.lang.String zValueField, double resolution, ExtractParameter parameter, DataReturnOption resultSetting, InterpolateType terrainInterpolateType)
Extracts isolines from a point dataset.
DatasetSpatialAnalystResult |
extractIsoregion(Point2D[] points, double[] zValues, double resolution, ExtractParameter parameter, DataReturnOption resultSetting)
Extracts isoregions from a 3D point set.
DatasetSpatialAnalystResult |
extractIsoregion(Point2D[] points, double[] zValues, double resolution, ExtractParameter parameter, DataReturnOption resultSetting, InterpolateType terrainInterpolateType)
Extracts isoregions from a 3D point set.
DatasetSpatialAnalystResult |
extractIsoregion(java.lang.String gridDataset, ExtractParameter parameter, DataReturnOption resultSetting)
Extracts isoregions from a raster dataset.
DatasetSpatialAnalystResult |
extractIsoregion(java.lang.String pointDataset, QueryParameter filterQueryParameter, java.lang.String zValueField, double resolution, ExtractParameter parameter, DataReturnOption resultSetting)
Extracts isoregions from a point dataset.
DatasetSpatialAnalystResult |
extractIsoregion(java.lang.String pointDataset, QueryParameter filterQueryParameter, java.lang.String zValueField, double resolution, ExtractParameter parameter, DataReturnOption resultSetting, InterpolateType terrainInterpolateType)
Extracts isoregions from a point dataset.
DatasetSpatialAnalystResult |
extractRidgeLine(java.lang.String gridDataset, Geometry extractRegion, java.lang.String targetDatasource, java.lang.String resultGridName, boolean deleteExistResultDataset)
Extracts the ridge line.
DatasetSpatialAnalystResult |
extractValleyLine(java.lang.String gridDataset, Geometry extractRegion, java.lang.String targetDatasource, java.lang.String resultGridName, boolean deleteExistResultDataset)
Extracts the valley line.
GeometrySpatialAnalystResult |
flood(java.lang.String gridDataset, double floodHeigth, Geometry validRegion)
Calculates the flood area according to the given elevation.
DatasetSpatialAnalystResult |
generateSpatialData(GenerateSpatialDataParameter generateSpatialDataParameter, DataReturnOption resultSetting)
Executes the dynamic segmentation.
GeoRelationResult<?>[] |
geoRelation(GeoRelationParameter geoRelationParameter)
The spatial relation analysis of objects in two datasets.
DatasetInfo |
getDatasetInfo(java.lang.String datasourceName, java.lang.String datasetName)
Gets information about a specified dataset in a datasource.
java.util.List<java.lang.String> |
getDatasetNames(java.lang.String datasourceName)
Gets the list of dataset names in a specified datasource.
protected void |
getDataSourceInfos() |
java.util.List<java.lang.String> |
Gets the list of datasource names.
SpatialQuery3DResult |
getRelativePosition3D(Geometry sourceGeometry, double bottomAltitude, double extendedHeightSource, Geometry operateGeometry, double bottomAltitudeOperate, double extendedHeightOperate, GeometrySpatialAnalystResultSetting resultSetting)
Analyzes the spatial relationship between two model data by performing 3D spatial queries on source dataset and operating dataset.
SpatialQuery3DResult |
getRelativePosition3D(java.lang.String sourceDataset, QueryParameter sourceDatasetFilter, Geometry operateGeometry, double bottomAltitude, double extendedHeight, DatasetSpatialQuery3DResultSetting resultSetting)
Analyzes the spatial relationship between two model data by performing 3D spatial queries on source dataset and operating dataset.
SpatialQuery3DResult |
getRelativePosition3D(java.lang.String sourceDataset, QueryParameter sourceDatasetFilter, java.lang.String operateDataset, QueryParameter operateDatasetFilter, DatasetSpatialQuery3DResultSetting resultSetting)
Analyzes the spatial relationship between two model data by performing 3D spatial queries on source dataset and operating dataset.
protected RestProviderSetting |
Return the rest service provider configuration information.
GeometrySpatialAnalystResult |
identity(Geometry sourceGeometry, Geometry operateGeometry, GeometrySpatialAnalystResultSetting resultSetting)
Performs the identity operation with a source geometric object and an operating geometric object to implement an overlay analysis on two geometric objects.
DatasetSpatialAnalystResult |
identity(java.lang.String sourceDataset, QueryParameter sourceDatasetFilter, Geometry[] operateGeometries, DatasetOverlayResultSetting resultSetting)
Performs the identity operation on a dataset using specified region objects, implementing an overlay analysis on a dataset and geometric objects.
DatasetSpatialAnalystResult |
identity(java.lang.String sourceDataset, QueryParameter sourceDatasetFilter, java.lang.String operateDataset, QueryParameter operateDatasetFilter, DatasetOverlayResultSetting resultSetting)
Performs the identity overlay operation on datasets, generating a dataset with all objects in the source dataset and objects resulted from intersecting the two datasets.
InterpolationResult |
interpolate(InterpolationParameter interpolationParameter)
Used to gets raster dataset by performing interpolation analysis on discrete point data.
GeometrySpatialAnalystResult |
intersect(Geometry sourceGeometry, Geometry operateGeometry, GeometrySpatialAnalystResultSetting resultSetting)
Performs the intersect overlay operation on two geometric objects, with the objects generated from intersecting the two datasets retained in the result dataset.
DatasetSpatialAnalystResult |
intersect(java.lang.String sourceDataset, QueryParameter sourceDatasetFilter, Geometry[] operateGeometries, DatasetOverlayResultSetting resultSetting)
Performs the intersect overlay operation on a dataset and geometric objects, with the objects generated from intersecting the dataset and the operating objects retained in the result dataset.
DatasetSpatialAnalystResult |
intersect(java.lang.String sourceDataset, QueryParameter sourceDatasetFilter, java.lang.String operateDataset, QueryParameter operateDatasetFilter, DatasetOverlayResultSetting resultSetting)
Performs the intersect overlay operation on datasets, with the objects generated from intersecting the two datasets retained in the result dataset.
DatasetSpatialAnalystResult |
kernelDensity(DensityAnalystParameterInput inputParam, java.lang.String sourceDatasetTag, java.lang.String fieldName, java.lang.String targetDatasource, java.lang.String resultGridName, boolean deleteExistResultDataset)
Performs kernel density analysis on point dataset or line dataset.
GeometrySpatialAnalystResult |
locateLine(Route sourceRoute, double startMeasure, double endMeasure)
Returns the corresponding line objects with the given start and end M values.
GeometrySpatialAnalystResult |
locateLine(java.lang.String datasetName, java.lang.String routeIdField, java.lang.String routeId, double startMeasure, double endMeasure)
Returns the corresponding line objects with the given start and end M values.
GeometrySpatialAnalystResult |
locatePoint(Route sourceRoute, double measure, double offset, boolean isIgnoreGap)
Gets the point object of M specified by the route object.
GeometrySpatialAnalystResult |
locatePoint(java.lang.String datasetName, java.lang.String routeIdField, java.lang.String routeId, double measure, double offset, boolean isIgnoreGap)
Gets the point object of M specified by the route object.
void |
setProviderContext(ProviderContext context)
Sets the service provider context
SpatialQuery3DResult |
spatialQuery3D(java.lang.String sourceDataset, QueryParameter sourceDatasetFilter, Geometry operateGeometry, double bottomAltitude, double extendedHeight, PositionMode posMode, DatasetSpatialQuery3DResultSetting resultSetting)
Analyzes the spatial relationship between two model data by performing 3D spatial queries on source dataset and operating dataset.
SpatialQuery3DResult |
spatialQuery3D(java.lang.String sourceDataset, QueryParameter sourceDatasetFilter, java.lang.String operateDataset, QueryParameter operateDatasetFilter, PositionMode posMode, DatasetSpatialQuery3DResultSetting resultSetting)
Analyzes the spatial relationship between two model data by performing 3D spatial queries on source dataset and operating dataset.
GeometrySpatialAnalystResult |
union(Geometry sourceGeometry, Geometry operateGeometry, GeometrySpatialAnalystResultSetting resultSetting)
Performs the union overlay operation on two region objects, with all the objects from the operated object and the operating object retained in the result dataset.The intersect and split operations are also performed on the intersected parts during the process.
DatasetSpatialAnalystResult |
union(java.lang.String sourceDataset, QueryParameter sourceDatasetFilter, Geometry[] operateGeometries, DatasetOverlayResultSetting resultSetting)
Performs the union overlay operation on a dataset and geometric objects, with all the objects from the operated dataset and the operating geometric objects retained in the result dataset.The intersect and split operations are also performed on the intersected parts during the process.
DatasetSpatialAnalystResult |
union(java.lang.String sourceDataset, QueryParameter sourceDatasetFilter, java.lang.String operateDataset, QueryParameter operateDatasetFilter, DatasetOverlayResultSetting resultSetting)
Performs the union overlay operation on two region datasets, with all the objects from the operated dataset and the operating dataset retained in the result dataset.
GeometrySpatialAnalystResult |
update(Geometry sourceGeometry, Geometry operateGeometry, GeometrySpatialAnalystResultSetting resultSetting)
Performs the update overlay operation on two region geometric objects, implementing an overlay analysis on geometric objects.
DatasetSpatialAnalystResult |
update(java.lang.String sourceDataset, QueryParameter sourceDatasetFilter, Geometry[] operateGeometries, DatasetOverlayResultSetting resultSetting)
Performs the update overlay operation on a dataset using region geometric objects, implementing an overlay analysis on a dataset and region objects.
DatasetSpatialAnalystResult |
update(java.lang.String sourceDataset, QueryParameter sourceDatasetFilter, java.lang.String operateDataset, QueryParameter operateDatasetFilter, DatasetOverlayResultSetting resultSetting)
Performs the update overlay operation on two region datasets, replacing the source dataset with the operating dataset at places where the two overlap.It is accomplished by an erasing process followed by a pasting process.
GeometrySpatialAnalystResult |
xor(Geometry sourceGeometry, Geometry operateGeometry, GeometrySpatialAnalystResultSetting resultSetting)
Performs the xor operation, i.e., the Exclusive Or operation, on two geometric objects, implementing an overlay analysis on two geometric objects.
DatasetSpatialAnalystResult |
xor(java.lang.String sourceDataset, QueryParameter sourceDatasetFilter, Geometry[] operateGeometries, DatasetOverlayResultSetting resultSetting)
Performs the xor operation, i.e., the Exclusive Or operation, on a dataset using region geometric objects, implementing an overlay analysis on a dataset and geometric objects.
DatasetSpatialAnalystResult |
xor(java.lang.String sourceDataset, QueryParameter sourceDatasetFilter, java.lang.String operateDataset, QueryParameter operateDatasetFilter, DatasetOverlayResultSetting resultSetting)
Performs the xor operation, i.e., the Exclusive Or operation, on two region datasets, implementing an overlay analysis on two datasets.
clearCache, executeRequest, executeRequest, executeRequest, executeRequestForByteArray, executeRequestForByteArray, executeRequestForByteArray, executeRequestForByteArray, executeRequestForList, executeRequestForList, executeRequestForList, executeRequestForList, executeRequestForStream, executeRequestForStream, executeRequestForStream, executeRequestForText, executeRequestForText, executeRequestForText, handleExeption, init, newAndSetClient, rectifyRestServiceRootURL
public RestSpatialAnalystProvider()
The constructor.
public RestSpatialAnalystProvider(RestSpatialAnalystProviderSetting setting)
The constructor.
- The parameter object for setting Rest spatial analysis service provider.public void dispose()
Release the resource object.
in interface Disposable
in class RestProviderBase
protected RestProviderSetting getRestProviderSetting()
in class RestProviderBase
public void setProviderContext(ProviderContext context)
Sets the service provider context
in interface ProviderContextAware
- service provider contextpublic java.util.List<java.lang.String> getDatasourceNames()
Gets the list of datasource names.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getDatasetNames(java.lang.String datasourceName)
Gets the list of dataset names in a specified datasource.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The name of the datasource.public DatasetInfo getDatasetInfo(java.lang.String datasourceName, java.lang.String datasetName)
Gets information about a specified dataset in a datasource.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The name of the datasource.datasetName
- The dataset name.public boolean deleteDataset(java.lang.String datasourceName, java.lang.String datasetName)
Deletes the result dataset created after the analysis.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The name of the datasource which includes the analysis results.datasetName
- The dataset name of the analysis results.public GeometrySpatialAnalystResult buffer(Geometry geometry, BufferAnalystParameter bufferAnalystparameter, GeometrySpatialAnalystResultSetting resultSetting)
Creates a buffer for a geometric object and returns a region object if the creation is successful; otherwise null is returned.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- Geometric object needed to create buffer.bufferAnalystparameter
- The buffer analysis parameter. Required. It is used to specify information needed to perform a buffer analysis, such as the buffer distance, the endpoint type of the buffer, etc. Please see BufferAnalystParameter
- The buffer analysis result setting.public GeometrySpatialAnalystResult buffer(GeometryWithPrjCoordSys geometry, BufferAnalystParameter bufferAnalystparameter, GeometrySpatialAnalystResultSetting resultSetting)
Creates a buffer based on a geometry object, returns a polygon object if successful, and returns a null value if it fails.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- Geometric object needed to create buffer.bufferAnalystparameter
- The buffer analysis parameter. Required. It is used to specify information needed to perform a buffer analysis, such as the buffer distance, the endpoint type of the buffer, etc. Please see BufferAnalystParameter
- The buffer analysis result setting.public DatasetSpatialAnalystResult buffer(java.lang.String dataset, QueryParameter filterQueryParameter, BufferAnalystParameter bufferAnalystParameter, BufferResultSetting setting)
Creates buffer based on dataset.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- Dataset identifier.filterQueryParameter
- The filter parameter. Optional. With this parameter set, buffers will be created only for the objects that meet the filter condition.bufferAnalystParameter
- The buffer analysis parameter. Required. It is used to specify information needed to perform a buffer analysis, such as the buffer distance, the endpoint type of the buffer, etc. Please see BufferAnalystParameter
class.public DatasetSpatialAnalystResult erase(java.lang.String sourceDataset, QueryParameter sourceDatasetFilter, java.lang.String operateDataset, QueryParameter operateDatasetFilter, DatasetOverlayResultSetting resultSetting)
Performs an erase operation on two datasets.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The identifier of the dataset to be erased (the first dataset). The type of this dataset can be any of the following: point, line, or region.sourceDatasetFilter
- The filter query parameter for the first dataset. It can be null.operateDataset
- The identifier of the dataset used for erasing (the second dataset). It must be the region type.operateDatasetFilter
- The filter query parameter for the second dataset. It can be null.resultSetting
- The result setting for overlay analysis on datasets.public DatasetSpatialAnalystResult erase(java.lang.String sourceDataset, QueryParameter sourceDatasetFilter, Geometry[] operateGeometries, DatasetOverlayResultSetting resultSetting)
Performs the erase operation on a dataset by using specified region objects to implement an overlay analysis on a dataset and geometric objects.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The identifier of the dataset to be erased (the first dataset). The type of this dataset can be any of the following: point, line, or region.sourceDatasetFilter
- The filter query parameter for the source dataset. It can be null.operateGeometries
- The identifier of the dataset used for erasing (the second dataset). It must be the region type.resultSetting
- The result setting for overlay analysis on datasets.public GeometrySpatialAnalystResult erase(Geometry sourceGeometry, Geometry operateGeometry, GeometrySpatialAnalystResultSetting resultSetting)
Performs the erase operation on two geometric objects to implement an overlay analysis on two geometric objects.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The geometric object to be erased. Its type can be point, line, or region.operateGeometry
- The Geometry used for erasing. It must be of the region type.resultSetting
- The result setting for spatial analysis on geometric objects.public DatasetSpatialAnalystResult identity(java.lang.String sourceDataset, QueryParameter sourceDatasetFilter, java.lang.String operateDataset, QueryParameter operateDatasetFilter, DatasetOverlayResultSetting resultSetting)
Performs the identity overlay operation on datasets, generating a dataset with all objects in the source dataset and objects resulted from intersecting the two datasets.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The identifier of the dataset to be operated on (the first dataset). The type of this dataset can be any of the following: point, line, or region.sourceDatasetFilter
- The filter query parameter for the source dataset. It can be null.operateDataset
- The ID of the operating dataset (the second dataset). It must be of the region type.operateDatasetFilter
- The filter parameter for querying the operating dataset. It can be null.resultSetting
- The result setting for overlay analysis on datasets.public DatasetSpatialAnalystResult identity(java.lang.String sourceDataset, QueryParameter sourceDatasetFilter, Geometry[] operateGeometries, DatasetOverlayResultSetting resultSetting)
Performs the identity operation on a dataset using specified region objects, implementing an overlay analysis on a dataset and geometric objects.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The identifier of the dataset to be operated on (the first dataset). The type of this dataset can be any of the following: point, line, or region.sourceDatasetFilter
- The filter query parameter for the source dataset. It can be null.operateGeometries
- The ID of the operating dataset (the second dataset). It must be the region type.resultSetting
- The result setting for overlay analysis on datasets.public GeometrySpatialAnalystResult identity(Geometry sourceGeometry, Geometry operateGeometry, GeometrySpatialAnalystResultSetting resultSetting)
Performs the identity operation with a source geometric object and an operating geometric object to implement an overlay analysis on two geometric objects.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The geometric object to be operated. Its type can be point, line, or region.operateGeometry
- The Geometry used for identity operation. It must be of the region type.resultSetting
- The result setting for spatial analysis on geometric objects.public DatasetSpatialAnalystResult intersect(java.lang.String sourceDataset, QueryParameter sourceDatasetFilter, java.lang.String operateDataset, QueryParameter operateDatasetFilter, DatasetOverlayResultSetting resultSetting)
Performs the intersect overlay operation on datasets, with the objects generated from intersecting the two datasets retained in the result dataset.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The identifier of the dataset to be operated on (the first dataset). The type of this dataset can be any of the following: point, line, or region.sourceDatasetFilter
- The filter query parameter for the source dataset. It can be null.operateDataset
- The ID of the operating dataset (the second dataset). It must be of the region type.operateDatasetFilter
- The filter parameter for querying the operating dataset. It can be null.resultSetting
- The result setting for overlay analysis on datasets.public DatasetSpatialAnalystResult intersect(java.lang.String sourceDataset, QueryParameter sourceDatasetFilter, Geometry[] operateGeometries, DatasetOverlayResultSetting resultSetting)
Performs the intersect overlay operation on a dataset and geometric objects, with the objects generated from intersecting the dataset and the operating objects retained in the result dataset.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The identifier of the dataset to be operated on (the first dataset). The type of this dataset can be any of the following: point, line, or region.sourceDatasetFilter
- The filter query parameter for the source dataset. It can be null.operateGeometries
- The ID of the operating dataset (the second dataset). It must be the region type.resultSetting
- The result setting for overlay analysis on datasets.public GeometrySpatialAnalystResult intersect(Geometry sourceGeometry, Geometry operateGeometry, GeometrySpatialAnalystResultSetting resultSetting)
Performs the intersect overlay operation on two geometric objects, with the objects generated from intersecting the two datasets retained in the result dataset.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The operating geometric object. It must be of the region type.operateGeometry
- The Geometry used for identity operation. It must be of the region type.resultSetting
- The result setting for spatial analysis on geometric objects.public DatasetSpatialAnalystResult union(java.lang.String sourceDataset, QueryParameter sourceDatasetFilter, java.lang.String operateDataset, QueryParameter operateDatasetFilter, DatasetOverlayResultSetting resultSetting)
Performs the union overlay operation on two region datasets, with all the objects from the operated dataset and the operating dataset retained in the result dataset. The intersect and split operations are also performed on the intersected parts during the process.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The dataset to be operated on. It must be of the region type.sourceDatasetFilter
- The filter query parameter for the source dataset. It can be null.operateDataset
- The ID of the operating dataset (the second dataset). It must be of the region type.operateDatasetFilter
- The filter parameter for querying the operating dataset. It can be null.resultSetting
- The result setting for overlay analysis on datasets.public DatasetSpatialAnalystResult union(java.lang.String sourceDataset, QueryParameter sourceDatasetFilter, Geometry[] operateGeometries, DatasetOverlayResultSetting resultSetting)
Performs the union overlay operation on a dataset and geometric objects, with all the objects from the operated dataset and the operating geometric objects retained in the result dataset.The intersect and split operations are also performed on the intersected parts during the process.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The dataset to be operated on. It must be of the region type.sourceDatasetFilter
- The filter parameter for querying the source dataset.operateGeometries
- The operate geometric objects.resultSetting
- The result setting for overlay analysis on datasets.public GeometrySpatialAnalystResult union(Geometry sourceGeometry, Geometry operateGeometry, GeometrySpatialAnalystResultSetting resultSetting)
Performs the union overlay operation on two region objects, with all the objects from the operated object and the operating object retained in the result dataset.The intersect and split operations are also performed on the intersected parts during the process.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The operating geometric object. It must be of the region type.operateGeometry
- The Geometry used for identity operation. It must be of the region type.resultSetting
- The result setting for spatial analysis on geometric objects.public DatasetSpatialAnalystResult update(java.lang.String sourceDataset, QueryParameter sourceDatasetFilter, java.lang.String operateDataset, QueryParameter operateDatasetFilter, DatasetOverlayResultSetting resultSetting)
Performs the update overlay operation on two region datasets, replacing the source dataset with the operating dataset at places where the two overlap.It is accomplished by an erasing process followed by a pasting process.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The dataset to be operated on. It must be of the region type.sourceDatasetFilter
- The filter query parameter for the source dataset. It can be null.operateDataset
- The ID of the operating dataset (the second dataset). It must be of the region type.operateDatasetFilter
- The filter parameter for querying the operating dataset. It can be null.resultSetting
- The result setting for overlay analysis on datasets.public DatasetSpatialAnalystResult update(java.lang.String sourceDataset, QueryParameter sourceDatasetFilter, Geometry[] operateGeometries, DatasetOverlayResultSetting resultSetting)
Performs the update overlay operation on a dataset using region geometric objects, implementing an overlay analysis on a dataset and region objects.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The dataset to be operated on. It must be of the region type.sourceDatasetFilter
- The filter query parameter for the source dataset. It can be null.operateGeometries
- The operating geometric objects. They must be of the region type.resultSetting
- The result setting for overlay analysis on datasets.public GeometrySpatialAnalystResult update(Geometry sourceGeometry, Geometry operateGeometry, GeometrySpatialAnalystResultSetting resultSetting)
Performs the update overlay operation on two region geometric objects, implementing an overlay analysis on geometric objects.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The operating geometric object. It must be of the region type.operateGeometry
- The Geometry used for identity operation. It must be of the region type.resultSetting
- The result setting for spatial analysis on geometric objects.public DatasetSpatialAnalystResult clip(java.lang.String sourceDataset, QueryParameter sourceDatasetFilter, java.lang.String operateDataset, QueryParameter operateDatasetFilter, DatasetOverlayResultSetting resultSetting)
Performs a clip operation by using two datasets.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The ID of the dataset to be clipped (the first dataset). It can be of the point, line, or region type.sourceDatasetFilter
- The filter query parameter for the first dataset. It can be null.operateDataset
- The identifier of the dataset that is used to clip (the second dataset). The type of this dataset must be region.operateDatasetFilter
- The filter query parameter for the second dataset. It can be null.resultSetting
- The result setting for overlay analysis on datasets.public SpatialQuery3DResult getRelativePosition3D(java.lang.String sourceDataset, QueryParameter sourceDatasetFilter, java.lang.String operateDataset, QueryParameter operateDatasetFilter, DatasetSpatialQuery3DResultSetting resultSetting)
Analyzes the spatial relationship between two model data by performing 3D spatial queries on source dataset and operating dataset.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The source dataset identifier (also known as the first dataset). The type is model dataset.sourceDatasetFilter
- The filter query parameter for the source dataset. It can be null.operateDataset
- The target dataset identifier (also known as the second dataset). The type is model dataset. When setting the fields of result dataset, if both the sourceDataset and operateDataset have the same field such as "Code", the result dataset will save the "Code" field from sourceDataset as "Code_1" and save the "Code" from the operateDataset as "Code_2" automatically .operateDatasetFilter
- The filter parameter for querying the operating dataset. It can be null.resultSetting
- 3D spatial analysis result settings.public SpatialQuery3DResult getRelativePosition3D(java.lang.String sourceDataset, QueryParameter sourceDatasetFilter, Geometry operateGeometry, double bottomAltitude, double extendedHeight, DatasetSpatialQuery3DResultSetting resultSetting)
Analyzes the spatial relationship between two model data by performing 3D spatial queries on source dataset and operating dataset.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The source dataset identifier (also known as the first dataset). The type is model dataset.sourceDatasetFilter
- The filter query parameter for the source dataset. It can be null.operateGeometry
- The geometric object used for 3D spatial analysis.resultSetting
- 3D spatial analysis result settings.public SpatialQuery3DResult spatialQuery3D(java.lang.String sourceDataset, QueryParameter sourceDatasetFilter, java.lang.String operateDataset, QueryParameter operateDatasetFilter, PositionMode posMode, DatasetSpatialQuery3DResultSetting resultSetting)
Analyzes the spatial relationship between two model data by performing 3D spatial queries on source dataset and operating dataset.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The source dataset identifier (also known as the first dataset). The type is model dataset.sourceDatasetFilter
- The filter query parameter for the source dataset. It can be null.operateDataset
- The target dataset identifier (also known as the second dataset). The type is model dataset. When setting the fields of result dataset, if both the sourceDataset and operateDataset have the same field such as "Code", the result dataset will save the "Code" field from sourceDataset as "Code_1" and save the "Code" from the operateDataset as "Code_2" automatically .operateDatasetFilter
- The filter parameter for querying the operating dataset. It can be null.resultSetting
- 3D spatial analysis result settings.public SpatialQuery3DResult spatialQuery3D(java.lang.String sourceDataset, QueryParameter sourceDatasetFilter, Geometry operateGeometry, double bottomAltitude, double extendedHeight, PositionMode posMode, DatasetSpatialQuery3DResultSetting resultSetting)
Analyzes the spatial relationship between two model data by performing 3D spatial queries on source dataset and operating dataset.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The source dataset identifier (also known as the first dataset). The type is model dataset.sourceDatasetFilter
- The filter query parameter for the source dataset. It can be null.resultSetting
- 3D spatial analysis result settings.public SpatialQuery3DResult getRelativePosition3D(Geometry sourceGeometry, double bottomAltitude, double extendedHeightSource, Geometry operateGeometry, double bottomAltitudeOperate, double extendedHeightOperate, GeometrySpatialAnalystResultSetting resultSetting)
Analyzes the spatial relationship between two model data by performing 3D spatial queries on source dataset and operating dataset.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- 3D spatial analysis result settings.public DatasetSpatialAnalystResult clip(java.lang.String sourceDataset, QueryParameter sourceDatasetFilter, Geometry[] operateGeometries, DatasetOverlayResultSetting resultSetting)
Performs a clip operation to a dataset by using specified region objects.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The ID of the dataset to be clipped (the first dataset). It can be of the point, line, or region type.sourceDatasetFilter
- The filter query parameter for the first dataset. It can be null.operateGeometries
- The array of the region objects that are used to clip.resultSetting
- The result setting for overlay analysis on datasets.public GeometrySpatialAnalystResult clip(Geometry sourceGeometry, Geometry operateGeometry, GeometrySpatialAnalystResultSetting resultSetting)
Performs a clip operation by using two Geometry objects.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The Geometry object to be clipped. Its type can be either line or area.operateGeometry
- The Geometry object that is used to clip. Its type must be region.resultSetting
- The result setting for overlay analysis on datasets.public DatasetSpatialAnalystResult xor(java.lang.String sourceDataset, QueryParameter sourceDatasetFilter, java.lang.String operateDataset, QueryParameter operateDatasetFilter, DatasetOverlayResultSetting resultSetting)
Performs the xor operation, i.e., the Exclusive Or operation, on two region datasets, implementing an overlay analysis on two datasets.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The dataset to be operated on. It must be of the region type.sourceDatasetFilter
- The filter query parameter for the source dataset. It can be null.operateDataset
- The ID of the operating dataset. It must be of the region type.operateDatasetFilter
- The filter parameter for querying the operating dataset. It can be null.resultSetting
- The result setting for overlay analysis on datasets.public DatasetSpatialAnalystResult xor(java.lang.String sourceDataset, QueryParameter sourceDatasetFilter, Geometry[] operateGeometries, DatasetOverlayResultSetting resultSetting)
Performs the xor operation, i.e., the Exclusive Or operation, on a dataset using region geometric objects, implementing an overlay analysis on a dataset and geometric objects.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The dataset to be operated on. It must be of the region type.sourceDatasetFilter
- The filter query parameter for the source dataset. It can be null.operateGeometries
- The operating geometric objects. They must be of the region type.resultSetting
- The result setting for overlay analysis on datasets.public GeometrySpatialAnalystResult xor(Geometry sourceGeometry, Geometry operateGeometry, GeometrySpatialAnalystResultSetting resultSetting)
Performs the xor operation, i.e., the Exclusive Or operation, on two geometric objects, implementing an overlay analysis on two geometric objects.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The operating geometric object. It must be of the region type.operateGeometry
- The Geometry used for identity operation. It must be of the region type.resultSetting
- The result setting for spatial analysis on geometric objects.public ProximityAnalystResult createThiessenPolygon(ProximityAnalystParameterForDatasetInput proximityAnalystParameter)
Creates Thiessen polygons according to the specified point dataset.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The proximity analysis parameter. Required. For the point dataset to be analyzed, please see ProximityAnalystParameterForDatasetInput
class.public ProximityAnalystResult createThiessenPolygon(ProximityAnalystParameterForPointsInput proximityAnalystParameter)
Creates Thiessen polygons according to the specified collection of points.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The proximity analysis parameter. Required. For the point dataset to be analyzed, please see ProximityAnalystParameterForDatasetInput
class.public ComputeDistanceResult computeMinDistance(ComputeMinDistanceParameterForDatasetInput computeMinDistanceParameter)
Calculates the minimum distance according to the specified dataset.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The parameter for minimum distance.public ComputeDistanceResult computeMinDistance(ComputeMinDistanceParameterForGeometriesInput computeMinDistanceParameter)
Calculates the minimum distance according to the specified Geometry set.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The parameter for minimum distance.public DatasetSpatialAnalystResult extractIsoline(java.lang.String pointDataset, QueryParameter filterQueryParameter, java.lang.String zValueField, double resolution, ExtractParameter parameter, DataReturnOption resultSetting)
Extracts isolines from a point dataset. The implementation principle of this method is to perform interpolation on the point dataset first and obtain a raster dataset (the intermediate result of the implementation). Then isolines are extracted from the raster dataset.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The identifier of the point dataset for this analysis (datasetName@datasourceName).zValueField
- The name of the elevation field.resolution
- The resolution of the intermediate raster dataset.parameter
- The parameter for extracting isolines. Required. It is used to set the smoothness, the resampling interval, etc. Please see ExtractParameter
class.public DatasetSpatialAnalystResult extractIsoline(java.lang.String pointDataset, QueryParameter filterQueryParameter, java.lang.String zValueField, double resolution, ExtractParameter parameter, DataReturnOption resultSetting, InterpolateType terrainInterpolateType)
Extracts isolines from a point dataset. The implementation principle of this method is to perform interpolation on the point dataset first and obtain a raster dataset (the intermediate result of the implementation). Then isolines are extracted from the raster dataset.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The identifier of the point dataset for this analysis (datasetName@datasourceName).zValueField
- The name of the elevation field.resolution
- The resolution of the intermediate raster dataset.parameter
- The parameter for extracting isolines. Required. It is used to set the smoothness, the resampling interval, etc. Please see ExtractParameter
- Interpolation analysis method.public DatasetSpatialAnalystResult extractIsoline(java.lang.String gridDataset, ExtractParameter parameter, DataReturnOption resultSetting)
Extracts the isolines from the grid dataset.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The identifier of the raster dataset for this analysis.parameter
- The parameter for extracting isolines. Required. It is used to set the smoothness, the resampling interval, etc. Please see ExtractParameter
- The result setting parameter, including whether to return the record, whether to generate result dataset, etc.public DatasetSpatialAnalystResult extractIsoline(Point2D[] points, double[] zValues, double resolution, ExtractParameter parameter, DataReturnOption resultSetting)
Extracts isolines from a 3D point set. The implementation principle of this method is to first perform an interpolation analysis on the points using the 3rd dimension information, such as elevation and temperature, aside from the coordinate data stored in the point set. A raster dataset (an intermediate result dataset) is obtained. Isolines are then extracted from the raster dataset.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The array of the points for analyzing.zValues
- The array of Z values of the points. This array must have the same length with the length of the points array.resolution
- The resolution of the intermediate raster dataset.parameter
- The parameter object for surface analysis. Please see ExtractParameter
- The result setting parameter, including whether to return the record, whether to generate result dataset, etc.public DatasetSpatialAnalystResult extractIsoline(Point2D[] points, double[] zValues, double resolution, ExtractParameter parameter, DataReturnOption resultSetting, InterpolateType terrainInterpolateType)
Extracts isolines from a 3D point set. The implementation principle of this method is to first perform an interpolation analysis on the points using the 3rd dimension information, such as elevation and temperature, aside from the coordinate data stored in the point set. A raster dataset (an intermediate result dataset) is obtained. Isolines are then extracted from the raster dataset.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The array of the points for analyzing.zValues
- The array of Z values of the points. This array must have the same length with the length of the points array.resolution
- The resolution of the intermediate raster dataset.parameter
- The parameter object for surface analysis. Please see ExtractParameter
- The result setting parameter, including whether to return the record, whether to generate result dataset, etc.terrainInterpolateType
- Interpolation analysis method.public DatasetSpatialAnalystResult extractIsoregion(java.lang.String pointDataset, QueryParameter filterQueryParameter, java.lang.String zValueField, double resolution, ExtractParameter parameter, DataReturnOption resultSetting, InterpolateType terrainInterpolateType)
Extracts isoregions from a point dataset. The implementation principle of this method is to first perform interpolation on the point dataset and obtain a raster dataset (the intermediate result of the implementation). Then isoregions are extracted from the raster dataset.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The identifier of the point dataset for this analysis (datasetName@datasourceName).zValueField
- The name of the elevation field.resolution
- The resolution of the intermediate raster dataset.parameter
- The parameter for extracting isoregions. Required. It is used to set the smoothness, the resampling interval, etc. Please see ExtractParameter
- Interpolation analysis method.public DatasetSpatialAnalystResult extractIsoregion(java.lang.String pointDataset, QueryParameter filterQueryParameter, java.lang.String zValueField, double resolution, ExtractParameter parameter, DataReturnOption resultSetting)
Extracts isoregions from a point dataset. The implementation principle of this method is to first perform interpolation on the point dataset and obtain a raster dataset (the intermediate result of the implementation). Then isoregions are extracted from the raster dataset.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The identifier of the point dataset for this analysis (datasetName@datasourceName).zValueField
- The name of the elevation field.resolution
- The resolution of the intermediate raster dataset.parameter
- The parameter for extracting isoregions. Required. It is used to set the smoothness, the resampling interval, etc. Please see ExtractParameter
class.public DatasetSpatialAnalystResult extractIsoregion(java.lang.String gridDataset, ExtractParameter parameter, DataReturnOption resultSetting)
Extracts isoregions from a raster dataset.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The identifier of the raster dataset for this analysis.parameter
- The parameter for extracting isoregions. Required. It is used to set the smoothness, the resampling interval, etc. Please see ExtractParameter
- The result setting parameter, including whether to return the record, whether to generate result dataset, etc.public DatasetSpatialAnalystResult extractIsoregion(Point2D[] points, double[] zValues, double resolution, ExtractParameter parameter, DataReturnOption resultSetting)
Extracts isoregions from a 3D point set. The implementation principle of this method is to first perform an interpolation analysis on the points using the 3rd dimension information, such as elevation and temperature, aside from the coordinate data stored in the point set. A raster dataset (an intermediate result dataset) is obtained. Isoregions are then extracted from the raster dataset.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The array of the points for analyzing.zValues
- The array of Z values of the points. This array must have the same length with the length of the points array.resolution
- The resolution of the intermediate raster dataset.parameter
- The parameter object for surface analysis. Please see ExtractParameter
- The result setting parameter, including whether to return the record, whether to generate result dataset, etc.public DatasetSpatialAnalystResult extractIsoregion(Point2D[] points, double[] zValues, double resolution, ExtractParameter parameter, DataReturnOption resultSetting, InterpolateType terrainInterpolateType)
Extracts isoregions from a 3D point set. The implementation principle of this method is to first perform an interpolation analysis on the points using the 3rd dimension information, such as elevation and temperature, aside from the coordinate data stored in the point set. A raster dataset (an intermediate result dataset) is obtained. Isoregions are then extracted from the raster dataset.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The array of the points for analyzing.zValues
- The array of Z values of the points. This array must have the same length with the length of the points array.resolution
- The resolution of the intermediate raster dataset.parameter
- The parameter object for surface analysis. Please see ExtractParameter
- The result setting parameter, including whether to return the record, whether to generate result dataset, etc.terrainInterpolateType
- Interpolation analysis method.public InterpolationResult interpolate(InterpolationParameter interpolationParameter)
Used to gets raster dataset by performing interpolation analysis on discrete point data. Interpolation analysis can forecast the values around the sampling points and know the whole distribution of the data in the target region, the sampling points don’t only reflect the values of themselves, but the whole region.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The interpolation parameter object. Please see InterpolationParameter
class.public DatasetSpatialAnalystResult generateSpatialData(GenerateSpatialDataParameter generateSpatialDataParameter, DataReturnOption resultSetting)
Executes the dynamic segmentation.
The general process of dynamic segmentation is:
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The parameter for dynamic segmentation function, including route dataset name, route identifier field, event table dataset name, route identifier field in event table dataset, scale field of point event table, start and end scale field of line event table, offset field, error information field, etc.resultSetting
- The result setting parameter, including whether to return the record, whether to generate result dataset, etc.public GeoRelationResult<?>[] geoRelation(GeoRelationParameter geoRelationParameter)
The spatial relation analysis of objects in two datasets.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- Spatial relationship analysis parameter.public DatasetSpatialAnalystResult calculateAspect(java.lang.String gridDataset, TerrainAnalystSetting terrainAnalystSetting, DataReturnOption resultSetting)
Calculates aspect, and returns the aspect grid dataset, i.e., aspect map.
Aspect is the direction a slope faces. It is the steepest downslope direction at a certain location on terrain surface. Slope aspect is measured in degrees. It ranges from 0 (the north direction) to 360 degrees with the clockwise direction as the positive direction.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The identifier of the raster dataset for aspect analysis.terrainAnalystSetting
- The environment setting of terrain analysis.resultSetting
- The result setting parameter, including whether to return the record, whether to generate result dataset, etc.public java.util.List<DatasetSpatialAnalystResult> calculateCurvature(java.lang.String gridDataset, double zFactor, java.lang.String profileCurvatureName, java.lang.String planCurvatureName, DataReturnOption resultSetting)
Calculates the curvature.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The grid dataset identifiers of slope analysis.zFactor
- The specified elevation scale factor. The z-factor adjusts the units of measure for the z units when they are different from the x,y units of the input surface. For example, if your z units are feet and your x,y units are meters, you would use a z-factor of 0.3048 to convert your z units from feet to meters (1 foot = 0.3048 meter). In general, z-factor is used for a calculation involves x,y,z. The default value is 1, which means the x,y and z units are in the same units of measure.profileCurvatureName
- The name of the output profile curvature dataset.planCurvatureName
- The name of the output plane curvature dataset.resultSetting
- The result setting parameter, including whether to return the record, whether to generate result dataset, etc.public DatasetSpatialAnalystResult calculateSlope(java.lang.String gridDataset, TerrainAnalystSetting terrainAnalystSetting, SlopeType slopeType, double zFactor, DataReturnOption resultSetting)
Calculates slope, and returns the slope grid dataset, i.e., slope map.
Slope is the included angle formed by the tangent surface of a point on Earth and the horizontal surface. Every cell in a slope map has a slope value. A greater slope indicates steeper terrain. Slope can be measured in degrees, radians, or percentages. It is used to calculate the average slope values of the cell surfaces in a grid dataset. The values in the calculation result range from 0 to 90 degrees.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The identifier of the raster dataset for slope analysis.terrainAnalystSetting
- The environment setting of terrain analysis.slopeType
- The unit type of the specified slope. The default angle is DEGREE.zFactor
- The specified elevation scale factor. The z-factor adjusts the units of measure for the z units when they are different from the x,y units of the input surface. For example, if your z units are feet and your x,y units are meters, you would use a z-factor of 0.3048 to convert your z units from feet to meters (1 foot = 0.3048 meter). In general, z-factor is used for a calculation involves x,y,z. The default value is 1, which means the x,y and z units are in the same units of measure.resultSetting
- The result setting parameter, including whether to return the record, whether to generate result dataset, etc.public double computeSurfaceArea(java.lang.String gridDataset, Geometry region)
Surface area calculation. It calculates the total surface area of a 3D curved surface within a selected polygon region. The curved surface is simulated by a grid dataset.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The raster dataset identifier used to calculate the surface area.region
- The polygon used to calculate the surface area.public double computeSurfaceDistance(java.lang.String gridDataset, Geometry line)
Calculates surface distance. It is used to calculate curved surface distance along specified line segments or polyline segments on a 3D curved surface simulated by a grid dataset.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The raster dataset identifier used to calculate the surface area.line
- The 2D line used to calculate the surface distance.public ProfileResult calculateProfile(java.lang.String gridDataset, Geometry line, double resampleTolerance)
Analyzes the profile for a grid dataset.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The specified grid dataset for profile analysis.line
- The specified start and end range for the profile. It is a line.resampleTolerance
- The specified tolerance for resampling.public ProfileResult calculateProfile(java.lang.String gridDataset, java.lang.String lineDataset, double resampleTolerance)
Analyzes the profile for a grid dataset.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The specified grid dataset for profile analysis.lineDataset
- The specified dataset to calculate the aspect. It is a line dataset.resampleTolerance
- The specified tolerance for resampling.public DatasetSpatialAnalystResult calculatePlumbProfile(Point2D startPoint, Point2D endPoint, java.lang.String[] modelDatasets, java.lang.String surfaceGrid, boolean returnRecordsetOrDataset)
Performs the profile analysis for the terrain or model according to the specified profile line.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The start point of the specified secant line.endPoint
- The end point of the specified secant line.modelDatasets
- The specified model dataset collection. Optional, but at least specifies a surface raster dataset or a model dataset.surfaceGrid
- The specified surface raster dataset. Optional, but at least specifies a surface raster dataset or a model dataset.returnRecordsetOrDataset
- Returns the dataset or recordset. The default is recordset.public CostPathLineResult costPathLine(java.lang.String gridDataset, Point2D sourcePoint, Point2D targetPoint, SmoothMethod smoothMethod, int smoothDegree, DataReturnOption resultSetting, double maxUpslopeDegree, double maxDownslopeDegree)
Raster shortest path analysis.
Performs the least cost path grid analysis according to given parameters. This method calculates the least-cost paths between specified sources and target points.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The specified cost distance. It is a raster dataset. The value of each cell in this dataset represents the cost to travel through this cell.sourcePoint
- The specific source point.targetPoint
- The specified target point.smoothMethod
- The specified smoothing method for processing the least-cost paths.smoothDegree
- The specified smooth degree. 1 indicates that the result will not be smoothed. A greater value will result in a greater smoothness and a lower efficiency. The recommended range is [1,3].resultSetting
- The result setting parameter, including whether to return the record, whether to generate result dataset, etc.maxUpslopeDegree
- The specified maximum uphill angle when calculating the shortest route between two points (source and target).maxDownslopeDegree
- The specified maximum downhill angle when calculating the shortest route between two points (source and target).public CutFillResult cutFill(java.lang.String gridDataset, java.lang.String afterCutFillDataset, java.lang.String resultDataset, boolean deleteExistResultDataset, boolean buildPyramid)
Rater cut and fill calculation.
Surface materials on the Earth surface usually move as they are eroded and deposited, which result in accumulation of surface materials in some area and loss in some other. In an engineering project, the loss of surface materials is called "Cut", and the increase of surface materials is called "Fill". A grid cut and fill calculation requires two input grid datasets: the dataset before a cutting and filling operation and the one after. The value of each cell in the result dataset is the difference between the values of the corresponding cell in the two input datasets. A positive cell value indicates that the surface material at that cell has reduced; a negative cell value indicates the surface material there has increased. The two input grid datasets must have the same coordinate system and projection, so that a point on the Earth would have the same coordinates in the two datasets. If the coordinate systems of the two grid datasets are not the same, an erroneous result may be produced. Theoretically, the spatial extents of the two input grid datasets should be the same. If not, only the overlapped part will participate in the cut and fill calculation. If a cell in a grid dataset has a null value, the corresponding cell in the result dataset will have a null value too.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The original grid dataset used in cut and fill.afterCutFillDataset
- The grid dataset after the cut and fill operation.resultDataset
- The result dataset after the cut and fill analysis.deleteExistResultDataset
- Whether to delete the existing dataset if the name of the result dataset named by users is the same as that of an existing dataset.buildPyramid
- Whether creating image pyramid or not for the result raster dataset.public CutFillResult cutFill(java.lang.String gridDataset, Geometry region, double baseAltitude, java.lang.String resultDataset, boolean deleteExistResultDataset, boolean buildPyramid)
Cut and fill for a selected region.
It can be applied when a region with ridges and valleys is to be flattened. The user can specify the region to be flattened and the target elevation. This method can be used to calculate the filled area, the cut area, the fill volume, and the cut volume.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The original grid dataset used in cut and fill.region
- Cut and fill area.baseAltitude
- The result elevation of the specified region to be cut and filled.resultDataset
- The result dataset after the cut and fill analysis.deleteExistResultDataset
- Whether to delete the existing dataset if the name of the result dataset named by users is the same as that of an existing dataset.buildPyramid
- Whether creating image pyramid or not for the result raster dataset.public CutFillResult cutFill(java.lang.String gridDataset, Geometry line3d, double bufferRadius, boolean isRoundHead, java.lang.String resultDataset, boolean deleteExistResultDataset, boolean buildPyramid)
Incline cut and fill.
The incline cut and fill. This function calculates the volume needed to be cut and filled to create a slope on the terrain surface. The principle is similar to cutting and filling for a selected region. It makes use of specifying cut and fill route, buffer radius to construct the required filled area, cut area, fill volume, and cut volume.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The original grid dataset used in cut and fill.line3d
- The specified cut and fill route.bufferRadius
- The buffer radius of the specified cut and fill route.isRoundHead
- Whether to use a round buffer for the cut and fill route.resultDataset
- The result dataset after the cut and fill analysis.deleteExistResultDataset
- Whether to delete the existing dataset if the name of the result dataset named by users is the same as that of an existing dataset.buildPyramid
- Whether creating image pyramid or not for the result raster dataset.public double cutFill(java.lang.String gridDataset, double volume, boolean isFill, Geometry validRegion)
Back-calculates cut and fill.
That is calculating the expected elevation after performing cut and fill according to the specified volume for filling or cutting.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The specified grid data to be cut and filled.volume
- The specified volume for filling or cutting. The value is a value greater than 0, and if set to less than or equal to 0, an exception will be thrown.isFill
- Specifies whether to do fill and cut calculation. True, calculate; false, otherwise.validRegion
- The valid region. After specified this region, the cut and fill operation will be conducted in this region. If this parameter is null, the cut and fill operation will be conducted in the whole grid dataset.public CutFillResult cutFill(java.lang.String gridDataset, Geometry3D region3d, java.lang.String resultDataset, boolean deleteExistResultDataset, boolean buildPyramid)
3D region Cut and Fill.
It can be applied when a region with ridges and valleys is to be cut and filled into a specified expected 3D region. The filled area, the cut area, the fill volume, and the cut volume can be calculated.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
public GeometrySpatialAnalystResult flood(java.lang.String gridDataset, double floodHeigth, Geometry validRegion)
Calculates the flood area according to the given elevation.
The flood area calculation is based on DEM. Cells that have elevation lower than the given water elevation will be flooded. The flood area can be converted to the region data. The source DEM data isn't modified. The flood area is easy to be calculated by the flood region.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- DEM data for calculating the flood area.floodHeigth
- The water elevation.validRegion
- The valid region. Only this region is calculated.public DatasetSpatialAnalystResult extractValleyLine(java.lang.String gridDataset, Geometry extractRegion, java.lang.String targetDatasource, java.lang.String resultGridName, boolean deleteExistResultDataset)
Extracts the valley line.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The specified DEM data on which to extract the valley lines.targetDatasource
- Used to store the result dataset. If set to null, the result will be stored into the same datasource with that of surfaceGrid dataset.resultGridName
- The name of the result dataet.deleteExistResultDataset
- Whether to delete the existing result dataset.public DatasetSpatialAnalystResult extractRidgeLine(java.lang.String gridDataset, Geometry extractRegion, java.lang.String targetDatasource, java.lang.String resultGridName, boolean deleteExistResultDataset)
Extracts the ridge line.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The specified DEM data on which to extract the ridge lines.targetDatasource
- Used to store the result dataset. If set to null, the result will be stored into the same datasource with that of surfaceGrid dataset.resultGridName
- The name of the result dataet.deleteExistResultDataset
- Whether to delete the existing result dataset.public GeometrySpatialAnalystResult locatePoint(Route sourceRoute, double measure, double offset, boolean isIgnoreGap)
Gets the point object of M specified by the route object.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The route object.measure
- The specified M value.offset
- The offset of result point.isIgnoreGap
- Whether to ignore the distances between parts.public GeometrySpatialAnalystResult locatePoint(java.lang.String datasetName, java.lang.String routeIdField, java.lang.String routeId, double measure, double offset, boolean isIgnoreGap)
Gets the point object of M specified by the route object.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The dataset name.routeIdField
- The route ID field.routeId
- The route object identifier.measure
- The specified M value.offset
- The offset of result point.isIgnoreGap
- Whether to ignore the distances between parts.public GeometrySpatialAnalystResult locateLine(Route sourceRoute, double startMeasure, double endMeasure)
Returns the corresponding line objects with the given start and end M values.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The route object.startMeasure
- The specified start M value.endMeasure
- The specified end M value.public GeometrySpatialAnalystResult locateLine(java.lang.String datasetName, java.lang.String routeIdField, java.lang.String routeId, double startMeasure, double endMeasure)
Returns the corresponding line objects with the given start and end M values.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The dataset name.routeIdField
- The route ID field.routeId
- The route object identifier.startMeasure
- The specified start M value.endMeasure
- The specified end M value.public RouteCalculateMeasureResult calculateMeasureAtPoint(Route sourceRoute, Point2D point, double tolerance, boolean isIgnoreGap)
Calculates the M value of the specified point with the specified route object.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The route object.point
- The specified point object.tolerance
- The tolerance.isIgnoreGap
- Whether to ignore the distances between parts.protected void getDataSourceInfos()
public DatasetSpatialAnalystResult executeMathAnalystExpression(java.lang.String expression, Geometry extractRegion, boolean isZip, boolean ignoreNoValue, java.lang.String targetDatasource, java.lang.String resultGridName, boolean deleteExistResultDataset)
Performs a grid algebraic operation expression.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- A custom grid algebraic operation expression.extractRegion
- User-specified valid calculation area. If it is null, calculate entire region. If the datasets are not inconformity, use the intersection to calculate.isZip
- Whether to compress the result dataset. true means compression.ignoreNoValue
- Whether to ignore the no-value grid data. true means ignore; otherwise, false.targetDatasource
- The specified datasource used for storing result dataset.resultGridName
- The specified result dataset.deleteExistResultDataset
- Whether to delete the existing result dataset.public DatasetSpatialAnalystResult kernelDensity(DensityAnalystParameterInput inputParam, java.lang.String sourceDatasetTag, java.lang.String fieldName, java.lang.String targetDatasource, java.lang.String resultGridName, boolean deleteExistResultDataset)
Performs kernel density analysis on point dataset or line dataset. Return the result grid dataset.
in interface SpatialAnalystProvider
- The parameters needed in kernel density analysis.sourceDatasetTag
- The point or line datasets identification used to perform kernel density analysis (datasetName@datasourceName).fieldName
- The field name of the measured value used to perform the density analysis. The density analysis doesn't support text field.targetDatasource
- The specified datasource used for storing result dataset.resultGridName
- The specified result dataset.deleteExistResultDataset
- Whether to delete the existing result dataset.