java.lang.String userName
java.lang.Integer searchId
AccessCountSearchParameter.AccessCountType type
java.lang.String[] userNames
java.lang.String[] tags
IportalApp.AppType type
User currentUser
AppSearchParameter.AppOrderBy orderBy
AppSearchParameter.FilterField[] filterFields
java.lang.Integer[] groupIds
java.lang.Integer[] departmentIds
java.lang.Long createStart
java.lang.Long createEnd
java.lang.Integer id
Directory id
java.lang.String dirName
Directory name
BasicDirInfo.DirectoryResourceType dirType
Directory type
java.lang.String icon
Directory icon
java.lang.String dirCreator
Directory creator
java.lang.String description
Directory description information
java.lang.Integer dirLevel
Directory level
java.lang.Integer parentDirId
id of parent directory
java.lang.Long createTime
The created time of directory
java.lang.Long updateTime
The update time of the directory
java.lang.Integer weight
boolean isPersonal
java.lang.Integer resourceCount
java.lang.Integer id
java.lang.String[] userNames
User currentUser
java.lang.String nickname
BuilderSearchParameter.BuilderOrderBy orderBy
BuilderSearchParameter.FilterField[] filterFields
java.lang.Long updateStart
java.lang.Long updateEnd
CheckStatus[] checkStatuses
CheckInfoSearchParameter.CheckObjectType objectType
java.lang.Integer[] serviceIds
java.lang.Integer[] mapIds
CheckInfoSearchParameter.CheckInfoOrderBy orderBy
java.lang.Integer[] ids
java.lang.String[] tags
java.lang.String[] userNames
DataItem.DataItemType[] types
Query by the data type.
java.lang.String userName
java.lang.String fileName
DataItem.DataItemType type
DataItemSearchParameter.DataItemOrderBy orderBy
DataItem.ServiceStatus[] serviceStatuses
java.lang.String serviceId
java.lang.Boolean isPublic
StoredItemInfo.Status status
java.lang.String[] md5s
DataItemSearchParameter.FilterField[] filterFields
java.lang.Long createStart
java.lang.Long createEnd
java.lang.Integer id
java.lang.String MD5
DataItem.DataItemType dataType
DataServiceParameter.DataServiceType serviceType
DataCheckStatus checkStatus
java.lang.String checkMsg
java.lang.String address
DataItem.ServiceStatus serviceStatus
java.lang.Integer departmentId
ResourceEntity.ResourceType resourceType
DepartmentResourceParameter.OrderBy orderBy
java.lang.Integer dirLevel
Directory level
java.lang.Integer parentDirId
Parent directory id
BasicDirInfo.DirectoryResourceType dirType
Directory type
DirectorySearchParameter.DirOrderBy orderBy
The filter of directory sorting
boolean isPersonal
java.lang.String dirCreator
boolean queryResourceCount
boolean querySubDirResourceCount
boolean queryPublicResource
java.lang.String resourceName
Queries by resource name.
User currentUser
Currently logged in user. Get from the back-end. The parameter passed from front-end will be discarded.
BasicDirInfo.DirectoryResourceType type
Directory resource type.
GroupApplyParameter.ApplyOrderby orderBy
Sort type
java.lang.Integer id
Group ID
java.lang.String groupName
Group name
java.lang.String icon
Group icon
java.lang.Boolean isEnabled
The group status: true for enable, false for disable
java.lang.Boolean isPublic
The group type: true for public, false for private
java.lang.String description
Group description
GroupRole resourceSharer
The group resource sharer
java.lang.Boolean isNeedCheck
Whether the application of joining groups need to be audited
java.lang.String creator
The group creator
java.lang.String nickname
java.lang.Long createTime
The time at which the group was created.
java.lang.Long updateTime
The time at which the group was updated.
GroupInviteParameter.InviteOrderby orderBy
Sort type.
java.lang.Integer id
java.lang.Integer groupId
GroupRole groupRole
java.lang.String userName
java.lang.String nickname
java.lang.Long joinTime
java.lang.Long roleUpdateTime
java.lang.String memberDescription
java.lang.Integer groupId
java.lang.String userName
GroupRole groupRole
GroupMemberParameter.MemberOrderBy orderBy
User currentUser
java.lang.Integer groupId
java.util.ArrayList<E> memberIds
GroupRole groupRole
java.lang.Integer groupId
java.lang.Integer resourceId
java.lang.String resourceName
ResourceEntity.ResourceType groupResourceType
User currentUser
java.lang.String resourceCreator
java.lang.String[] tags
GroupResourceParameter.ResourceOrderBy orderBy
java.lang.String[] tags
java.lang.String[] userNames
java.lang.Boolean isPublic
java.lang.Boolean isEnabled
GroupSearchParameter.GroupOrderBy orderBy
GroupSearchParameter.JoinType[] joinTypes
User currentUser
java.lang.Boolean returnCreate
java.lang.Boolean returnJoined
java.lang.Boolean returnCanJoin
GroupSearchParameter.FilterField[] filterFields
java.lang.String[] userNames
java.lang.String[] tags
InsightsWorkspaceSearchParameter.InsightsOrderBy orderBy
InsightsWorkspaceSearchParameter.FilterField[] filterFields
java.lang.Long createStart
java.lang.Long createEnd
int id
Key ID
The parameters created by the server
java.lang.String key
The Key random code corresponding to this service instance
The parameters created by the server
java.lang.String name
KeyInfo.KeyType keyType
java.lang.String userName
Creates the Key username
java.lang.String serviceIds
Alllows all service id
KeyInfo.ClientType clientType
java.lang.String limitation
Allows to access the restrict string of this service instance. The restrictions are different in the different clients.
Service request: Request source IP address
Web: source stop referer
Mobile: Mobile id
java.lang.String userName
KeyInfo.KeyType[] types
java.lang.String[] userNames
java.lang.String[] tags
java.lang.Boolean suggest
SourceType[] sourceTypes
MapSearchParameter.ViewerMapStatus mapStatus
java.lang.String[] permitInstances
java.lang.Boolean unique
java.lang.Integer epsgCode
java.lang.Integer[] excludeIds
java.lang.Long updateStart
java.lang.Long updateEnd
java.lang.Long visitStart
java.lang.Long visitEnd
MapSearchParameter.FilterField[] filterFields
CheckStatus checkStatus
java.lang.Long createStart
java.lang.Long createEnd
MessageType type
Query according to the message type.
MessageStatus status
Query according to the message status.
MessageStatus[] statuses
MessageObjectType objectType
Query according to specific message object type. It is recommended to use the objectTypes field.
MessageObjectType[] objectTypes
java.lang.Integer objectId
Query according to the id of the message object type.
java.lang.String receiver
The message receiver.
OnlineUserSearchParameter.Orderby orderBy
Filter by order type.
java.lang.String userName
java.lang.String[] roles
boolean rememberme
long lastAccessTime
java.lang.Long startTime
java.lang.Long endTime
ResContributorParameter.OrderBy orderBy
ResourceEntity.ResourceType resourceType
User currentUser
Current user
java.lang.Integer[] dirIds
java.lang.Boolean returnSubDir
java.lang.Boolean isNotInDir
java.lang.Integer[] groupIds
java.lang.Integer[] departmentIds
java.lang.Integer[] resourceIds
java.lang.Long createStart
java.lang.Long createEnd
ResOverviewInfoParameter.ResOverviewInfoOrderBy orderBy
java.lang.String[] userNames
ResourceEntity.ResourceType resourceType
java.lang.Integer resourceId
java.lang.Long startTime
java.lang.Long endTime
ResVisitDetailParameter.ResVisitDetailOrderBy orderBy
ResourceEntity.ResourceType resourceType
java.lang.Long startTime
java.lang.Long endTime
ResVisitorParameter.ResVisitorOrderBy orderBy
java.lang.String[] tags
Query according to the scene tag
SceneSearchParameter.SceneOrderBy orderBy
Field for using order by statement
java.lang.String[] userNames
Query according to scene creator
SceneSearchParameter.FilterField[] filterFields
java.lang.Long createStart
java.lang.Long createEnd
java.lang.String[] applicants
java.lang.String[] checkUsers
java.lang.String[] serviceRegisters
java.lang.Integer[] serviceIds
ServiceApplyInfo.ServiceApplyStatus[] applyStatuses
User currentUser
ServiceApplySearchParameter.ServiceApplyOrderBy orderBy
java.lang.Integer id
java.lang.Integer serviceRootUrlId
java.lang.String resTitle
java.lang.String linkPage
java.lang.String proxiedUrl
java.lang.String userName
java.lang.String nickname
Metadata metadata
CheckStatus checkStatus
java.lang.Long checkTime
java.lang.String verifyReason
java.lang.String checkUser
java.lang.String checkUserNick
java.lang.Boolean enable
java.lang.Boolean offline
SourceType type
java.lang.String version
java.lang.Boolean isBatch
java.lang.Long createTime
java.lang.Long updateTime
java.lang.String description
java.lang.Boolean isDataItemService
java.lang.String thumbnail
java.lang.Integer visitCount
java.lang.String[] tags
java.lang.String[] userNames
SourceType[] types
CheckStatus checkStatus
java.lang.Boolean offline
java.lang.Boolean isBatch
ServiceSearchParameter.ServiceOrderBy orderBy
java.lang.Boolean enable
ServiceSearchParameter.FilterField[] filterFields
AccessMode accessMode
java.lang.Boolean authorizedOnly
java.lang.Long createStart
java.lang.Long createEnd
java.lang.Long visitStart
java.lang.Long visitEnd
java.lang.Boolean isDataItemService
DistributionTypeByRole distributionTypeByRole
Query according to user's role
java.lang.Long startTime
Query the users joined the portal equal to or after startTime value.
java.lang.Long endTime
Query the users joined the portal before or equal to endTime value.
UserDistributionSearchParameter.Orderby orderBy
Filter by order type.
java.lang.String distance
java.lang.String distanceField
DistanceUnit distanceUnit
java.lang.String bounds
java.lang.String dissolveField
java.lang.String bounds
int level
ImageType imageType
java.lang.String cacheName
CacheType cacheType
java.lang.String indexFile
boolean isSer
java.lang.String bounds
java.lang.String rows
java.lang.String cols
java.lang.String interval
DatasourceConnectionInfo datasourceInfo
Named datasetInfo
java.lang.String datasetName
int numSlices
java.lang.String specField
java.lang.String inputJoin
java.lang.String datasetFeatureJoin
JoinOperation joinOperation
java.lang.String joinFields
SpatialRelationShip spatialRelationship
double spatialNearDistance
Unit spatialNearDistanceUnit
double tolerance
TemporalRelationShip temporalRelationship
long temporalNearDistance
TemporalNearDistanceUnit temporalNearDistanceUnit
java.lang.String attributeRelationship
java.lang.String summaryFields
java.lang.String summaryMode
AttributeStatisticalMode attributeMode
java.lang.String specFields
java.lang.String resultFieldNames
MappingParameters mappingParameters
java.lang.String query
java.lang.String resolution
java.lang.String radius
java.lang.String fields
int method
int meshType
DistanceUnit meshSizeUnit
DistanceUnit radiusUnit
AreaUnit areaUnit
java.lang.String outputPath
java.lang.String datasetName
OutputType type
java.lang.String inputVectorClip
java.lang.String datasetVectorClip
OverlayMode mode
java.lang.String attributeFilter
Geometry geometryClip
BufferAnalystParameter bufferAnalystParameter
java.lang.String inputOverlay
java.lang.String datasetOverlay
java.lang.String srcFields
java.lang.String overlayFields
OverlayMode mode
java.lang.String trackFields
java.lang.String summaryFields
java.lang.String summaryStatisticModes
int timeSplit
TemporalNearDistanceUnit timeSplitUnit
java.lang.String inputQuery
java.lang.String datasetQuery
SpatialQueryMode mode
java.lang.String attributeFilter
Geometry geometryQuery
BufferAnalystParameter bufferAnalystParameter
java.lang.String groupField
java.lang.String attributeField
java.lang.String statisticModes
java.lang.String resultField
java.lang.String query
java.lang.String resolution
java.lang.String fields
int meshType
java.lang.String statisticModes
java.lang.String resultFieldNames
DistanceUnit meshSizeUnit
MappingParameters mappingParameters
boolean standardSummaryFields
boolean weightedSummaryFields
boolean sumShape
java.lang.String weightedFields
java.lang.String standardFields
java.lang.String standardStatisticModes
java.lang.String weightedStatisticModes
boolean standardSummaryFields
boolean weightedSummaryFields
boolean sumShape
java.lang.String query
java.lang.String weightedFields
java.lang.String standardFields
java.lang.String standardStatisticModes
java.lang.String weightedStatisticModes
java.lang.String inputValidating
java.lang.String datasetTopology
TopologyValidatorRuleType rule
java.lang.String tolerance
java.lang.String userName
The users corresponding to the service access records.
java.lang.String proxyNode
The users corresponding to the agent nodes.
java.lang.String remoteAddress
The IP address of the service access record.
long accessTime
The time of the service access record.
java.lang.String method
The request method of the service access record.
java.lang.String requestURL
The URL of the service access record.
java.lang.String queryString
The request aurgument of the service access record.
java.lang.String instanceName
java.lang.String componentType
java.lang.String interfaceType
int responseCode
int interval
The time interval of service accessing statistics. Default is 1 second.
int[] historicalAccessCounts
Records the concurrency of server in 5 minutes.
int currentCount
The current concurrency.
long averageTime
The average response time of the server. The unit is second.
boolean authorized
java.lang.String id
boolean active
java.lang.String ip
int port
java.lang.String hostName
java.lang.String uriRoot
boolean isControllable
boolean isOffLine
boolean isAgent
boolean isTileWorker
java.lang.String agentId
int id
Configure ID
boolean enabled
Whether it is enabled or not.
java.lang.String loginType
The login type.
java.lang.String clientSecret
The AppSecret while applying for application.
java.lang.String clientID
The Appkey while applying for application.
java.lang.String redirectDomain
The redirect domain.
java.lang.String buttonText
The login button name displaying in the login interface Such as: QQ
java.lang.String loginIcon
The login icon on the login interface. e.g., twitter_login.png. Note: The icons are placed in jar (./staticFiles/img)
SecurityInfoStorageType type
java.lang.String referenceDatasourceName
java.lang.String referenceDatasetName
QueryParameter referenceFilterQueryParameter
double minDistance
double maxDistance
boolean isCreateResultDataset
java.lang.String resultDatasourceName
java.lang.String resultDatasetName
Geometry clipRegion
java.lang.String resultDatasourceName
, it is valid when AbstractProximityAnalystParameter.createResultDataset
is truejava.lang.String resultDatasetName
, it is valid when AbstractProximityAnalystParameter.createResultDataset
is trueboolean createResultDataset
and AbstractProximityAnalystParameter.resultDatasetName
must be specified when true.boolean returnResultRegion
double currentTime
double startTime
double endTime
PlayMode playMode
boolean autoUpdated
boolean enabled
double length
Length of animation, in milliseconds.
Read-only attribute.
int id
Layer ID
int parentLayerId
Parent layer ID
Style style
Layer style
boolean defaultVisibility
Whether it is visible
int[] subLayerIds
Child layer ID
double minScale
Minimum visible scale
double maxScale
Maximum visible scale
double xmin
double ymin
double xmax
double ymax
ArcGISSpatialReference spatialReference
Spatial reference system
int cols
int rows
double dpi
Point2D origin
java.lang.String format
LODInfo[] lods
ArcGISSpatialReference spatialReference
Spatial reference
long ioReactorSelectInterval
IOReactor selects time interval.
int ioReactorIoThreadCount
IOReactor IO thread count.
boolean ioReactorSoKeepAlive
IOReactor Whether to keep connection.
int clientMaxConnTotal
The maximum connection of client.
int clientMaxConnPerRoute
The maximum connection of every path on client.
int connectTimeout
The timeout of connection.
int soTimeout
socket timeout.
AuthorizeType type
Verify the type. When the value is AuthorizeType.PUBLIC
, AuthorizeSetting.deniedRoles
and AuthorizeSetting.permittedRoles
are invalid. When the value is AuthorizeType.AUTHENTICATED
, AuthorizeSetting.deniedRoles
is valid, AuthorizeSetting.permittedRoles
is invalid. When the value is AuthorizeType.PRIVATE
, AuthorizeSetting.deniedRoles
is valid, and AuthorizeSetting.permittedRoles
is invalid.
java.lang.String[] permittedRoles
The roles list which are allowed accessing. Valid when AuthorizeSetting.type
is AuthorizeType.PRIVATE
. When the user has a role in the list, and doesn't have a role in the AuthorizeSetting.deniedRoles
list, it will be allowed accessing.
java.lang.String[] deniedRoles
The roles list which are not allowed accessing. Valid when AuthorizeSetting.type
is AuthorizeType.AUTHENTICATED
or AuthorizeType.PRIVATE
. When the user has a role in the list, it will not be allowed accessing.
Point3D point
Obstacle point coordinates.
int id
ID of the obstacle model object.
java.lang.String layerName
The corresponding layer name of the obstacle model.
java.lang.String blankRegionId
Blank region ID, randomly generated
MarkType markType
PrjCoordSys prjCoordSys
BufferEndType endType
Buffer endpoint type.
BufferDistance leftDistance
BufferDistance rightDistance
int semicircleLineSegment
The number of arc segment of the Round, that is, with how many arc segments to simulate a semicircle. The default value is 4.
BufferRadiusUnit radiusUnit
Buffer radius unit, the default is M.
boolean isUnion
boolean isAttributeRetained
DataReturnOption dataReturnOption
TileIndex nextIndex
Next tiling index, which records the start position of next TileTask.
double altitude
The height of the camera.
AltitudeMode altitudeMode
Specified altitude mode of the camera.
The altitude mode has the following types: the clamp-to-ground altitude mode (CLAMP_TO_GROUND), the relative-to-ground altitude mode (RELATIVE_TO_GROUND), and the absolute altitude mode (ABSOLUTE). For related details, please see the enumeration type enum inAltitudeMode
.double heading
The camera's heading (the up direction, i.e., the included angle to the north) ranges from 0 to 360 degrees.
The azimuth: the direction of the compass. In the three-dimensional analysis and the spatial analysis, a angle that a illuminate is irradiating a surface is called the azimuth.
boolean empty
Whether the camera object is empty.
true means the camera object is null, false means not null.
double latitude
The latitude of the camera, in degree.
double longitude
The longitude of the camera, in degree.
double tilt
The camera's tilt (the angle around the X axis). The tilt ranges from 0 and 90 degrees.
int code
int required
java.lang.String acronym
int code
java.lang.String localName
java.lang.String name
java.lang.String primitive
java.util.List<E> attributeFields
boolean isQueryPoint
boolean isQueryLine
boolean isQueryRegion
java.lang.String attributeFilter
int chartFeatureInfoSpecCode
ChartQueryParameter[] chartQueryParams
int startRecord
int expectCount
java.lang.String mapName
Rectangle2D bounds
double[] mapScales
int picWidth
int picHeight
java.lang.String customParams
java.lang.String cacheMode
Geometry clipRegion
java.lang.String clipDatasourceName
java.lang.String clipDatasetName
boolean isClipInRegion
boolean isExactClip
java.lang.String id
CloudLicenseStatus status
int remianDays
java.lang.String productInfo
java.lang.String[] moduleNames
boolean isTrial
java.lang.String activeLicenseId
java.lang.String activeLicenseReturnId
CloudLicenseActiveMode activeMode
int codeCount
CodeInfo[] codeInfos
java.lang.String value
FieldType valueType
DistanceResult[] distanceResults
java.lang.String datasourceName
java.lang.String datasetName
java.lang.String inputDatasourceName
java.lang.String inputDatasetName
QueryParameter inputFilterQueryParameter
Geometry[] inputGeometries
Unit unit
Datum datum
java.lang.String name
SpatialRefType spatialRefType
CoordSysType type
PrimeMeridian primeMeridian
int xIndex
int yIndex
java.lang.String separator
boolean firstRowIsHead
int prjCoordsys
CSVFieldInfo[] fieldInfo
java.lang.String name
CSVFieldType type
int xIndex
int yIndex
java.lang.String separator
boolean firstRowIsHead
int prjCoordsys
java.lang.String dataset
double cutArea
The cut area in the cut and fill analysis result.
double cutVolume
The cut volume in the cut and fill analysis result.
double fillArea
The filled area in the cut and fill analysis result.
double fillVolume
The filled volume in the cut and fill analysis result.
double remainderArea
The area of the part that did not participate in the cut and fill analysis.
java.lang.String dataset
is DataReturnMode.DATASET_ONLY
, it is valid, and it is as the name of the returned dataset.
The dataset name can not start with a number or an underscore. If DataReturnOption.dataset
is an empty string, the result dataset is randomly named.
int expectCount
# dataReturnMode
, if less than 0 or equals to 0, it means it will return all.DataReturnMode dataReturnMode
When the value is DataReturnMode.RECORDSET_ONLY
, it will not create dataset.
boolean deleteExistResultDataset
If the result data set 's name which the user named is the same as the existing dataset name, whether to delete the existing dataset.
int blockSize
The raster dataset is stored in pixels by block, read-only.
The blocking mode is stored the block as the square, for instance, when blockSize is 4, blocking the square with 4*4 pixel, the image data will be blocked the matrix with 3 rows and 3 columns. Where, if the image data has not enough pixel to be blocked, so using the empty grid to make up for the block.
int height
int width
double minValue
double maxValue
double noValue
The raster value which doesn't have data.
PixelFormat pixelFormat
That is, what format the pixels are stored, and how many bytes are used for each pixel. For more information, please refer to the PixelFormat
enumeration class. DatasetImageInfo
does not currently support Double, Single, and BIT64 three pixel formats.
double average
double[] majority
double[] minority
double maxValue
double medianValue
double minValue
double stdDeviation
double variance
int blockSize
The image dataset is stored in pixels by block, read-only.
The blocking mode is stored the block as the square, for instance, when blockSize is 4, blocking the square with 4*4 pixel, the image data will be blocked the matrix with 3 rows and 3 columns. Where, if the image data has not enough pixel to be blocked, so using the empty grid to make up for the block.
int height
int width
java.util.List<E> palette
java.util.List<E>[] palettes
PixelFormat pixelFormat
That is, what format the pixels are stored, and how many bytes are used for each pixel. For more information, please refer to the PixelFormat
enumeration class. DatasetImageInfo
does not currently support Double, Single, and BIT64 three pixel formats.
boolean isMultiBand
int bandCount
java.lang.String[] bandNames
ColorSpaceType colorSpace
java.lang.String description
PrjCoordSys prjCoordSys
boolean isReadOnly
java.lang.String tableName
For database datasources, it's the data table name corresponding to this dataset in the database; for file datasources, it's the table name of this dataset used to store the attributes (files of file datasources store spatial data by .sdb files and store attribute data by .sdd files).
EncodeType encodeType
Using a encoding for a dataset can reduce the space used to store this dataset, decrease the load of the net or the load of the server. The encoding type for the vector dataset can be Byte, Int16, Int24 and Int32, SGL,LZW,DCT, or you can choose not to encode or compress this dataset, which is None. The encoding type of the raster dataset can be DCT, SGL, LZW or None, which means do not compress the data. For more information, please refer to the EncodeType
DatasetType type
Dataset type, required.
java.lang.String dataSourceName
Datasource name. Read-only.
Rectangle2D bounds
Dataset bounds. Read-only.
DatasourceConnectionInfo datasourceConnectionInfo
java.lang.String[] sourceDatasetFields
The list of field names remain in the result dataset of the source dataset.
java.lang.String[] operateDatasetFields
The list of field names remain in the result dataset of the overlay dataset.
double tolerance
The tolerance of the overlay analysis. After the overlay analysis, if the distance between the two nodes is less than this value, the two nodes are merged.
DataReturnOption dataReturnOption
java.lang.String dataset
Recordset recordset
java.lang.String[] sourceDatasetFields
The list of the retained fields in result dataset from the source dataset.
java.lang.String[] operateDatasetFields
The list of the retained fields in result dataset from the overlay dataset.
java.lang.String positionMode
The tolerance of overlay analysis. After performing the overlay analysis, if the distance between two points is less than this value, the two points will be merged.
DataReturnOption dataReturnOption
boolean isFileCache
Charset charset
int recordCount
java.lang.String alias
java.lang.String dataBase
java.lang.String driver
the driver program name needed for the datasource connection.
For SQL Server database, which uses the ODBC connect, the driver name returned is SQL Server or SQL Native Client.For the WMTS service published by iServer, the driver name returned is WMTS.
EngineType engineType
java.lang.String password
java.lang.String server
The database server name, file name or service address.
1 For the SDB and UDB file, it's the absolute path for the file. Note: when the absolute path length exceeds 260 bytes of UTF-8 encoding format, the datasource cannot be opened.
2 For the Oracle database datasource, it is the TNS service name.
3 For the SQL Server database datasource, it is the system DSN(Database System Name).
4 For PostgreSQL database, the server name is "IP:port number", the default port number is 5432.
5 For DB2 database, there is no need for setting the server since it has been edited.
6 For Kingbase database the server name is the IP.
7 For GoogleMaps datasource, its the service address, the default is "", it can't be changed.
8 For SuperMapCloud datasource, it's the service address.
9 For MapWorld datasource, its the service address, the default is "", it can't be changed.
10 For OGC and REST datasource, it's the service address.
java.lang.String user
boolean connect
boolean exclusive
boolean openLinkTable
boolean readOnly
java.lang.String username
java.lang.String password
DataSourceConnectionPoolInfo.DataBaseType dbType
java.lang.String driverClass
java.lang.String jdbcUrl
java.lang.String maxPoolSize
java.lang.String initialPoolSize
java.lang.String minPoolSize
java.lang.String maxIdleTime
java.lang.String maxWait
java.lang.String description
EngineType engineType
PrjCoordSys prjCoordSys
Unit coordUnit
Unit distanceUnit
java.lang.String name
The alias of the datasource.
Alias is used to uniquely identify datasource in a workspace and can also be used to call a datasource. The alias of a datasource has been assigned once the datasource was created or opened. You can use a different alias to open a datasource.
java.lang.String name
DatumType type
The GeoDatum type object.
When the datum is defined by the user, it is required to specify ellipsoid parameters; other values are predefined.
Spheroid spheroid
double actualResourceValue
It indicates the shortest path value from the demand result to the resource supply center in the location analysis.
int demandID
The ID of the nodes or the arc sections according to the demand results.
It returns the ID of the edge when the isEdge method is true; it returns the ID of the node when the isEdge method is false.
SupplyCenter supplyCenter
The resource supply center of the demand result.
boolean isEdge
Determines the feature according to the demand results is the arc sections or the nodes.
True indicates that the corresponding element of the demand result is an arc, false indicates that the corresponding element of the demand result is a node.
Rectangle2D bounds
double resultGridDatasetResolution
double searchRadius
java.lang.String description
java.lang.String fieldName
java.lang.String name
DomainType type
FieldType valueType
boolean succeed
int[] ids
Rectangle2D bounds
java.lang.String message
DataPathItem item
java.lang.String exportingId
java.lang.String dataPath
long dataSize
java.lang.String masterSideId
The id of master.
TileIndex nextIndex
double datumValue
Base Contour is the original value for creating the isoline, it is not necessary the smallest contour line. For instance, the raster data with altitude range from 220 to 1550, if the Base Contour is 0, Contour Interval is 50. Then when the isoline is extracted, the start point would be Base Contour 0, and the Contour Interval would be 50 For the smallest altitude value is 220, so, for the specified range, the smallest altitude for exacting isoline is 250 The result would be: the smallest isoline is 250, the largest isoline is 1550 So, if some of the value is not within the range, then it will extract that within the range
Also, if the extract value are all not within the range. For instance, if we set the Base Contour as 1600 for the example above, Then there is no isoline that can be extracted within the altitude range, the system will throw an exception
double interval
Contour Interval is the interval value between the two contour lines. If the contour Interval is set as 0. Then it will not use the way of adding base contour plus Contour Interval for extracting
double[] expectedZValues
It is not supported when use point dataset for isoregion extraction. There may be wrong result
Z value is the specified value used to generate the isoline. that is, only the altitude value that is in the Z collection would be extracted
double resampleTolerance
The larger the resample tolerance, the simpler the sample result data.
If the result is not right, the user can adjust the Resampling Tolerance to a smaller value
int smoothness
Take 0-5 for example, 0 represeents there is no smooth operation, the bigger the value, the higher the smoothness The higher the smoothness, the smoother the isolines extracted are, and the time and memory for the calculation would be larger too. If the Contour Interval is too small, the isoline would intersect if the smoothness is too high.
SmoothMethod smoothMethod
class.Geometry clipRegion
java.lang.String directionField
java.lang.String edgeIDField
The field that identifies the edge ID in the 3D network dataset.
java.lang.String fNodeIDfield
The field that identifies the edge start node ID in the 3D network dataset.
java.lang.String tNodeIDField
java.lang.String nodeIDField
double tolerance
The distance tolerance from the node to the arc.
WeightFieldInfo3D[] weightFieldInfos
PrjCoordSys prjCoordSys
int[] barrierEdges
int[] barrierNodes
boolean isUncertainDirectionValid
java.lang.String weightName
boolean returnFeatures
Feature[] edges
The edge feature collection in the analysis result
int[] edgeIDs
The arc ID collection in the analysis result
boolean imageReturn
Whether the image is returned
boolean edgeFeatureReturn
Returns whether the arc feature collection is contained in the analysis result.
True means it includes the arc feature collection
boolean edgeIDReturn
Returns whether the arc ID array is contained in the analysis result.
True means it includes the arc ID array
double fareStep
double startFare
double startFareRange
FareType fareType
Geometry geometry
java.lang.String[] fieldValues
java.lang.String[] fieldNames
long createTime
The millisecond from 8:00:00 on January 1, 1970.
java.lang.String createUser
long lastEditTime
The millisecond from 8:00:00 on January 1, 1970.
java.lang.String lastEditUser
java.lang.String name
The name is used to identifying a field. The name can not be the same
java.lang.String caption
Alias can be the same. Different field can has the same alias
FieldType type
java.lang.String defaultValue
int maxLength
boolean isRequired
boolean isZeroLengthAllowed
boolean isSystemField
SuperMap system fields starts with "SM" except for SMUserID
java.lang.String fieldName
Field name, now supports the number type field; otherwise, inavailable.
long[] values
The value in the filed.
FieldValuesDisplayMode fieldValuesDisplayMode
Filter mode.
Used to control how to process the the filtered feature (display, hide and so on).
java.lang.String taskID
Upload task ID
java.lang.String path
Store directory for uploaded data
double progress
Upload progress percentage Only effective when FileUploadTaskInfo.state
is FileUploadTaskInfo.State.UPLOADING
java.lang.String md5
MD5 value of uploaded data Client calculate and send it to the server for the validation
java.lang.String uploadedDataMD5
MD5 of data is uploaded For validation when the uploading is breaking and the client continue to upload Only effective when FileUploadTaskInfo.state
is FileUploadTaskInfo.State.UPLOADING_ERROR
The value may be less than 0 to represent unusable for continuing to upload
long uploadedByteCount
The byte of data that has already been uploaded. For validation when the uploading is breaking and the client continue to upload Only effective when FileUploadTaskInfo.state
is FileUploadTaskInfo.State.UPLOADING_ERROR
The value may be null to represent unusable for continuing to upload.
FileUploadTaskInfo.State state
Task status
Color color
The fog color.
double density
The fog density.
FogMode mode
The fog mode.
There are three modes of fog, EXP, EXP2 and Linear, please refer toFogMode
double endDistance
The terminate distance of the fog. Only valid when the mode of the fog is set as LINEAR
double startDistance
The start distance of the fog. Only valid when the mode of the fog is set as LINEAR
boolean enable
Sets whether to enable the fog effect.
java.lang.String routeDataset
The name of the route dataset used to create spatial data.
java.lang.String routeIDField
The route identification field used to generate the spatial data in the routing data set.
java.lang.String eventTable
The event table name used to generate spatial data.
java.lang.String eventRouteIDField
The route identification field used to generate the event table for the spatial data.
java.lang.String measureField
The scale field of the event table used to generate the spatial data is meaningful only if the event is a point event.
java.lang.String measureStartField
The start scale field of the event table used to generate the spatial data is meaningful only if the event is a line event.
java.lang.String measureEndField
The end scale field of the event table used to generate the spatial data is meaningful only if the event is a line event.
java.lang.String measureOffsetField
Scale offset field.
java.lang.String errorInfoField
Error message field, written directly to the original event table, is used to describe the error message of the event failed to generate the corresponding point or line.
java.lang.String[] retainedFields
The set of fields to be retained in the result spatial data (except for the system fields). Note: Route ID field, scale offset field, scale field will always be kept into spatial data results; If returnedFields parameter is not specified or the length of it is 0. Then all the user fields will be returned.
java.lang.String address
Point2D location
java.lang.String[] filters
double score
Point2D center
The center point of the arc.
double radius
The radius of the arc.
double startAngle
The start angle of the arc.
double sweepAngle
The sweep angle measured from the start angle defining where the arc ends.
Point2D[] controlPoints
Control points
Point2D[] controlPoints
Control points
Point2D center
The center of the ellipse which the GeoChord object belongs to.
double semimajorAxis
The semi-major axis of the ellipse which the GeoChord object belongs to.
double semiminorAxis
The semi-minor axis of the ellipse which the GeoChord object belongs to.
double startAngle
The start angle of the elliptical arc which the GeoChord object corresponds to.
double sweepAngle
The sweep angle of the elliptic arc corresponding to the GeoChord object.
double rotation
Sets the rotation angle of the GeoChord object. The pivot point is the center of the ellipse which the GeoChord object belongs to.
Point2D center
The specified center of the circle.
double radius
The specified radius of the circle.
java.lang.String address
int fromIndex
int toIndex
int maxReturn
java.lang.String[] filters
PrjCoordSys targetPrj
Point2D[] controlPoints
Control points
double x
double y
int fromIndex
int toIndex
int maxReturn
double geoDecodingRadius
PrjCoordSys targetPrj
java.lang.String[] filters
Point2D center
the center of the ellipse.
double semimajorAxis
the length of the semimajor of the ellipse.
double semiminorAxis
The length of the semiminor of the ellipse.
double rotation
the rotation angle of the ellipse. The pivot point is the center of the ellipse.
Point2D center
the specified center of the ellipse where the elliptic arc lies.
double semimajorAxis
the length of the semimajor of the ellipse where the elliptic arc lies.
double semiminorAxis
the length of the semiminor of the ellipse where the elliptic arc lies.
double startAngle
the start angle of the GeoEllipticArc object.
double sweepAngle
The sweep angle measured from the start angle ranging from -360 degrees to 360 degrees defining where the elliptical arc ends.
double rotation
Rotation. The pivot point is the center of the ellipse which the GeoEllipticArc object belongs to.
int libID
Label library ID.
int code
Symbol code.
int symbolType
Symbol type.
java.lang.String symbolName
Symbol name.
boolean negativeImage
int symbolRank
Symbol level.
boolean scaleByMap
Free zoom.
boolean limitWidthHeight
Width lock.
Point2D symbolSize
Symbol Size
Point2D anchorPoint
Point3D scale2D
The zoom scale.
Point3D rotate2D
int[] subSymbols
Child symbol array
double[] scaleValues
Scale array
Point2D[] scalePoints
Scale point array.
int surroundLineType
Line type
Color surroundLineColor
Line Color.
double surroundLineWidth2D
2D line width.
java.lang.String textContent
int annotationPosition
Notation position.
TextStyle textStyle2D
Notation style.
GraphicObjectCell[] innerCells
Internal image info.
int[] symbolRanks
Symbol level supported.
boolean middleMarkExist
Whether it has middle notation.
int algoMaxEditPts
Max count of symbol
int algoMinEditPts
Min count of symbol
Rectangle2D middleMarkBounds
Notation range.
boolean symbolIsCanFill
Open graphic fill
int id
ID of geometry
SMID in SuperMap
Point2D[] points
2D coordinate pair collection of the node which forms the geometry object
1,Geometry Object includes two types: simple one and complex one. The difference: The simple one is one object. The complex one is generated by multiple simple objects joining together or through spatial operation. For instance, the rectangle is the simple object, while the rectangle with a hole is the complex one.
2, All the geometry objects(point, line, region) is concluded by simple point coordinate. The field stores the point coordinate collection that form the geometry object. For simple object, its start point coordinate and end point coordinate is the same.
3, For the complex geometry object, the number of the nodes of the simple objects that form the complex object is decided by parts attribute. So the distribution of the coordinate pair of point2DS field can be solved
4, For point and text object, the point2Ds[0] represents coordinate. The other value is invalid
int[] parts
int[] partTopo
GeometryType type
The type of the geometry object.
Style style
PrjCoordSys prjCoordSys
The projected coordinate system of geoemtry object
double rotationX
Returns the rotation angle of the3D geometry object relative to X Axis, in degree.
double rotationY
Returns the rotation angle of the3D geometry object relative to Y Axis, in degree.
double rotationZ
Returns the rotation angle of the3D geometry object relative to Z Axis, in degree.
double scaleX
The zoom scale of the3D geometry object relative to X Axis.
double scaleY
The zoom scale of the3D geometry object relative to Y Axis.
double scaleZ
The zoom scale of the3D geometry object relative to Z Axis.
Point3D position
Geometry[] geoParts
Geometry resultGeometry
ImageResult image
The SpatialAnalyst result images
The description about the images generated by SuperMap iServer spatial analysis. The image parameters can be set by ImageParameter
, including the range, scale of the image. The URL address of the image can be obtained by ImageResult.imageURL
boolean returnGeometry
boolean returnImage
Whether return image after analysis
ImageParameter imageParameter
ImageOutputOption imageOutputOption
TextStyle textStyle
java.lang.String[] texts
double[] rotations
BoundingBox3D boundingBox
The Bounding Box of the model.
java.lang.String name
BoundingBox3D boundingBox
The Bounding Box of the model.
byte[] model
Style style
Point2D center
the center of the ellipse which the GeoPie object belongs to.
double semimajorAxis
The length of the semi-major axis of the ellipse which the GeoPie object belongs to.
double semiminorAxis
The length of the semi-minor axis of the ellipse which the GeoPie object belongs to.
double startAngle
The sweep angle measured from the start angle ranging from -360 degrees to 360 degrees defining where the elliptical arc ends.
double sweepAngle
The rotation angle of the GeoPie object. The pivot point is the center of the ellipse which the GeoPie object belongs to.
double rotation
Sets the rotation angle of the GeoPie object. The pivot point is the center of the ellipse which the GeoPie object belongs to.
Point2D center
Center point.
double height
The height of the GeoRectangle object before rotating.
double width
The width of the GeoRectangle object before rotating.
double rotation
The rotation angle of the Rectangle2D object. The pivot point is the center point of the Rectangle2D object.
QueryParameter sourceFilter
The source dataset query parameter in spatial relation analysis. Only name, ids, attributeFilter and fields are available
QueryParameter referenceFilter
The reference dataset query parameter in spatial relation analysis. Only name, ids, attributeFilter and fields are available
SpatialRelationType spatialRelationType
The spatial relation type specified.
boolean isBorderInside
Whether the point or line on the border is inside the object, that is whether the line with only one endpoint on the border is intersect with the region.
boolean returnFeature
Whether to return Feature information.
boolean returnGeoRelatedOnly
Whether to return the spatial object that meet the specified spatial relationship, the default is True.
int startRecord
The start location of the spatial relationship analysis, the default is 0.
int expectCount
The number of the expected result records in the spatial analysis, the default is 500. If the number of the records is less than 500, then it will return all the analysis results.
java.lang.Object source
Source spatial object or source spatial data ID. Return the source spatial object if returnFeature=true, return the source spatial data ID otherwise.
int count
The number of objects in the action dataset that meets a given georelation with the source dataset.
java.lang.Object[] result
The object array or object ID array in the operating dataset that meet the given spatial relation with the source spatial object. Return the object array if returnFeature=true, return object ID array otherwise.
Point2D center
Center point.
double height
The height before rotating.
double width
The width before rotating.
double radiusX
The length of the semi-major axis of the round corner.
double radiusY
The length of the semi-minor axis of the round corner.
double rotation
Rotation. The pivot point is the center point of the Rectangle2D object.
AltitudeMode altitudeMode
The altitude mode.
double bottomAltitude
The bottom altitude value. When the two-dimensional geometric object displays as the 3D geometric object in the 3D window, the value can be used to display the two-dimensional geometric object on this altitude.
double extendedHeight
The extended height value. When the two-dimensional geometric object displays as the 3D geometric object in the 3D window, the value can be used as the extended height to vertically stretch the two-dimensional geometric object.
java.lang.String[] sideTextureFiles
The full paths of a series of image files for texture rendering. The sides of the 3D object will use the property for texture rendering.
FillMode3D fillMode
The fill mode of the 3D body object.
There are three fill modes of the 3D body object: Line, Fill, and Line And Fill.Color fillForeColor
The color of the 3D line geometry object.
Color lineColor
The color of the 3D line geometry object.
double lineWidth
The width of the 3D line geometry object.
java.lang.String markerIconFile
The full path of the 3D point geometry object icon. The icon can be used to symbolize 3D point geometry objects.
double markerIconScale
The zoom ratio of the marker icon.
Color getMarkerColor
The color of the 3D point geometry object.
double markerSize
The size of the 3D point geometry object and the unit is 0.1 mm.
double tilingU
The horizontal repeat numbers of the side texture.
The specified images can be used to render the sides of the 3D object. When rendering, the image will be stretched according to the image size, the side size, and the vertical and horizontal repeat times. The horizontal repeat times can be a decimal and it is specified by tilingU.double tilingV
The vertical repeat numbers of the side texture.
The specified images can be used to render the sides of the 3D object. When rendering, the image will be stretched according to the image size, the side size, and the vertical and horizontal repeat times. The vertical repeat times can be a decimal and it is specified by topTextureFile
The full path of the top texture image.
If there are several top texture image files, the paths of those files are separated by ";". The top of the 3D body object will use the image for texture xml
java.lang.String datasourceName
java.lang.String[] fields
int maxFeatures
int fromIndex
The minimum index of the result.
int toIndex
The maxmum index of the result, ie., the query results locate in range [fromIndex, toIndex].
PrjCoordSys targetPrj
java.lang.String datasetName
Rectangle2D bounds
PrjCoordSys sourcePrj
java.lang.String attributeFilter
java.lang.String datasetName
Geometry geometry
double bufferDistance
java.lang.String attributeFilter
java.lang.String datasetName
Geometry geometry
SpatialQueryMode spatialQueryMode
java.lang.String attributeFilter
QueryParameter queryParam
java.util.List<E> features
int totalCount
totalCount is not the same as the number of GetFeatureResult.features
When set the GetFeatureParameters.maxFeatures
, and the feature number is larger than maxFeatures, the totalCount is larger than the number of GetFeatureResult.features
int libID
int code
Point2D[] inputPoints
int symbolRank
boolean negativeImage
int surroundLineType
int[] subSymbols
double[] scaleValues
Point2D[] scalePoints
Point2D newScalePoint
int newScalePointIndex
int type
Primitive type.
boolean surroundLineFlag
Line mark.
Point2D[] positionPoints
Point string.
Style style
TextStyle textStyle
Text style.
int surroundLineType
Line type
Color surroundLineColor
Line Color.
double surroundLineWidth
2D line width.
java.lang.String textContent
Text contents.
boolean lineTypeLimit
Line control.
boolean lineWidthLimit
Line wide control.
boolean lineColorLimit
Line color control.
boolean fillLimit
Fill control.
boolean fillColorLimit
Fill color control.
boolean surroundLineLimit
Line control.
boolean fontColorLimit
Font color control.
double value
int row
int column
Point2D centerPoint
int rowCount
int columnCount
int valuesCount
GridValue[][] values
Geometry[] geometries
int[] geometryIDs
Style style
java.lang.String name
Color backColor
Color foreColor
OutputFormat format
Output format of the image
Only transparent PNG format is support for the tracking layer
Note: If the output format is PNG, while setting the background color of the image to transparent, parameter, the background color of the output image will be black, not transparent, if the color quality of the computer is set to 16-bit. However, if the color quality of the computer is set to 32-bit, the output image will have a transparent background.
boolean transparent
whether the map image are transparent.
The setting is used for the overlay of multiple map images to build composite map. If the transparency of the map is no transparency, than the setting would not work. Only PNG format image transparency is supported.
Note: If the output format is PNG, while setting the background color of the image to transparent, parameter, the background color of the output image will be black, not transparent, if the color quality of the computer is set to 16-bit. However, if the color quality of the computer is set to 32-bit, the output image will have a transparent background.
PDFOption pdfOption
Rectangle2D bounds
Rectangle viewer
Point2D center
double scale
PrjCoordSys prjCoordSys
Style style
Style setting, including the styles of the point, line and region
ImageParameter imageParameter
java.lang.String imageURL
GIS server would create the images of the map accroding to the client request. The images are named and saved on a fixed location. The server would provide the URL of the images
byte[] imageData
Only when the image output format is ImageOutputOption.format
of OutputFormat.BINARY
, this field would store the binary stream of the image, otherwise it is null
int rowCount
int columnCount
int valuesCount
ImageValue[][] values
java.lang.String workspacePath
Workspace path.
java.lang.String datasourceName
The datasource name.
java.lang.String datasetNames
The dataset name.
java.util.List<E> providerNames
The names of service providers
boolean isDatasetAppended
Whether to append dataset
java.lang.String[] instances
Service instance name array
AuthorizeSetting authorizeSetting
The authorization information corresponding to the service instance
java.lang.String[] addRoles
The added user
java.lang.String[] removeRoles
The user to be deleted
double angle
is SearchMode.QUADTREE
.double nugget
double range
double sill
VariogramMode variogramMode
java.lang.String inputDatasourceName
java.lang.String inputDatasetName
Point3D[] inputPoints
QueryParameter filterQueryParameter
java.lang.String zValueFieldName
double zValueScale
java.lang.String outputDatasourceName
java.lang.String outputDatasetName
PixelFormat pixelFormat
Rectangle2D bounds
double resolution
SearchMode searchMode
double searchRadius
int expectedCount
int maxPointCountForInterpolation
int maxPointCountInNode
ClipParameter clipParam
boolean succeed
Returns true if analysis successfully; otherwise false.
java.lang.String msg
The related info during analysis
DatasetInfo resultDatasetInfo
Exponent exponent
java.lang.String jobId
Caching task ID.
ScaleBuildConfig[] scaleConfigs
The scale information of caching task.
java.lang.String mapStatusHashcode
A hashcode to mark the map status. The value is null ,which means not distinguishing map status.
java.lang.String cutomParameter
boolean isRetile
PrjCoordSys prjCoordSys
java.util.List<E> tileRegions
Tile area list. The same tile areas have the same settings.
boolean local
Whether it is the task that local master deployed to worker. It it is, call-back to inform.
java.lang.String masterAddress
The tile server address.
TilesetDesc tilesetDesc
Information description of tile result.
JobDeployingInfo.DeployingStatus deployingStatus
The deployment status.
JobDeployingInfo.ErrorStatus errorStatus
The error status.
java.math.BigInteger total
The total bytes to be uploaded.
java.math.BigInteger uploaded
The uploaded bytes.
long retryTime
The retry time if an error occurs and retry. Some errors cannot be given a retry.
long retryDelay
The retry delay if an error occurs and retry. The unit is milliseconds. This field calculates every time when requesting JobInfo
according to JobDeployingInfo.retryTime
FileVerificationMode fileVerificationMode
File verification mode.
By default, it is verified by file size.
java.lang.String jobId
TaskExecutingState lastTaskState
and last executed by worker.ThreadRunningInfo deployJobThreadInfo
JobExecutingState[] jobStates
State set on worker
long updateTime
Update time.
java.lang.String dataConnectionString
The connection information of data to be tiled, there are two expressions, one is the service component name, such as "map-china400", the other is service component configuration information.
java.lang.String mapName
Tiled map name.
double[] scaleDenominators
Denominator set of caching scale, such as ["1000000","2000000"].
double[] resolutions
Point2D originalPoint
Caching index start, for calculating the node point coordinates of caching, the default point is top-left point of the map.
Rectangle2D cacheBounds
The caching range, such as [0,0,180,90], the default value is the extent range if not set.
TileSize tileSize
The size of the cache image, the default is 256.
OutputFormat format
Cache image format, such as "PNG".
float compressionQuality
JPG image compression rate.
boolean transparent
Whether the images are transparent, the default value is False.
int epsgCode
The caching coordinate system, it will use the original map coordinate system if not set.
TileSourceInfo storeConfig
boolean createNewTileVersion
java.lang.String tileVersionDescription
is parentTileVersion
java.lang.String actualTileVersion
java.lang.String refMapRestAdress
TaskAssignmentType taskAssignmentType
CacheVersion cacheVersion
Cache Version
Configuration is needed only when caching by UGO.
StorageType storageType
Storage type.
java.lang.String vectorBounds
The vector range of caching task.
UDB file path.
TileType tileType
Tile type.
UTFGridJobParameter utfGridParameter
UTFGrid configuration parameter.
The parameter is supported only when JobInfo.tileType
is UTFGrid.
VectorJobParameter vectorParameter
Vector tile configuration parameter.
The parameter is supported only when JobInfo.tileType
is Vector.
RealspaceJobParameter realspaceParameter
3D tiles configuration.
It is valid when JobInfo.tileType
is Terrain or RealspaceImage.
boolean createStandardMBTiles
Whether to create the standard MBTiles.
It is valid when the storage type is SMTiles.
DataPreProcessInfo dataPreProcessInfo
Whether to process data
boolean convertToPng8
FileVerificationMode fileVerificationMode
File verification mode.
By default, it is verified by file size.
boolean autoAvoidEffectEnabled
CacheRegionsInfo cacheRegions
Supports to tile based on irregular polygon. The JobInfo.cacheBounds
will be invalid after setting this parameter.
boolean useLocal
The master node will increase the pressure of the master node tiling, leading to affect the scheduling performance and stability of the master node tiling.
When there are more than two child nodes, it is suggest that set the main node does not tile
java.lang.String foreignTableName
java.lang.String joinFilter
JoinType joinType
java.lang.String name
java.lang.String keywords
The key words query. Multiple key words are separated by comma or space.
The layers you query include key words.
int startRecord
int expectCount
java.lang.String keywords
The key words query. Multiple key words are separated by comma or space.
The layers you query include element set of the key words.
The property is valid only when KeywordsQueryParameterSet#queryParameters
is null.
QueryOption queryOption
The query result option object used to specify the content contained in the query result. By default, it returns properties and geometric entities, i.e., QueryOption.ATTRIBUTEANDGEOMETRY
KeywordsQueryParameter[] queryParams
double height
java.lang.String pathField
double rotation
double width
boolean sizeFixed
LabelMatrixCellType type
The enumeration of the matrix label elements.
TextStyle defaultStyle
java.lang.String separator
The text separator, the style of which employs the default style. The separator can be only one character.
The separator is a symbol which is used to separate the text. Supposes there are the style arrays such as Style1,Style2, DefaultStyle. If "_" is defined as the separator, the text "5_109" is separate into two parts, "5" and "109". At this time the character "5" has the display style with the Style1 and the separator and "_" has the same display style with the DefaultStyle and the rest characters, "1", "0", "9", have the same style with the style3.
int[] splitIndexes
TextStyle[] styles
boolean separatorEnabled
Style style
The symbol style. The symbol code of Style (also the style ID) does not work here, the symbol style ID is indicated by LabelSymbolCell.symbolIDField
java.lang.String symbolIDField
Symbol ID or the field name for recording symbol ID.
ThemeLabel themeLabel
boolean visible
Whether the graticule is visible. True means visible.
boolean textVisible
Whether the texts on graticule object are visible. True means visible.
java.lang.String name
The layer name.
The name of a Layer is the unique identifier of a map. The property is case-sensitive.
SuperMap layer name = "the corresponding dataset name@datasource name". For example, the layer corresponding dataset name is "Dataset1", and the mother datasource of this dataset is "Datasource", so the layer name will be "Dataset1@Datasource". The layer can not be accessed by dataset name or datasource name directly.
java.lang.String caption
The caption of the map layer.
The layer caption is the same with layer name by default. The layer names displayed in legend control or layer control are the layer captions.
Users could modify the layer captions so that the layer name in the legend will be changed. For example, a layer (Layer
) name is created by the dataset name and datasource name, then the users could modify the name as the layer content (such as "World") by changing the caption, then the layer name displayed in legend control will be "World" .
java.lang.String description
boolean visible
boolean queryable
LayerCollection subLayers
Rectangle2D bounds
LayerType type
Layer3DType layer3DType
The type of 3D layer.
java.lang.String dataName
The data name used in 3D layer.
If the data is from the 3D cache data directly, it will be full path name of cache configuration file. If it is from dataset, the name will be DatasetName@DatasourceAlias. If it is from the map, the name will be the map name.
double maxVisibleAltitude
The maximum visible altitude of 3D layer.
double minVisibleAltitude
The minimum visible altitude of 3D layer.
double visibleDistance
The visible distance of objects in 3D layer.
boolean alwaysRender
Whether the 3D layer is always rendered. True means always rendered.
boolean editable
Whether the 3D layer is editable. True means editable.
int level
The cache layer number. The default value is "-1".
Since the amount of 3D data is very large and it will cost many CPU, so in order to improve the whole performance, SuperMap provides the 3D data pre-processing function to make 3D layer cache based on different levels. This field is used to set the level number after setting the 3D layer cache.
boolean oldCache
java.lang.String dataConfigPath
The configuration file of cache data.
java.lang.String cachePassword
The password of the cache data.
boolean useTwoDimenCache
boolean isWebDatasource
Whether it is the Web data source, such as OGC service, iServer REST and so on.
boolean hasLocalCache
Whether to save the network data to local.
QueryParameter displayFilter
The filter of 3D thematic map.
By setting the display filter, certain features of the layer can be displayed, and other features will not be displayed. Therefore, the featurs of interest will be highlighted, while other features will be filtered out. .Theme3D theme
The thematic map object of current 3D thematic map layer.
Layer3DSetting layer3DSetting
The layer setting.
DatasetInfo dataset
java.lang.String preCachePath
boolean transparent
int transparentColorTolerance
Color transparentColor
long cacheCapacity
The cache capacity of 3D map layer.
boolean cacheEnabled
Whether the cache of 3D map layer is available. True means the cache is available.
boolean cacheAutoCleared
Whether to clean up the cache automatically.
java.lang.String map
Layer3DDatasetType layer3DDatasetType
The types of the 3D dataset layers, including image layer, grid layer, vector layer, etc.
Color transparentColor
The transparent color.
boolean transparent
Whether to display the transparent color and the colors within the transparent color tolerance transparently.
int transparentColorTolerance
The transparent color tolerance, which ranges from 0 to 255.
java.util.List<E> colorTable
The Layer3DSettingGrid color.
double specialValue
Color specialValueColor
boolean specialValueTransparent
Color transparentColor
The transparent color.
boolean transparent
Whether to display the transparent color and the colors within the transparent color tolerance transparently.
int transparentColorTolerance
The transparent color tolerance, which ranges from 0 to 255.
java.lang.String bottomAltitudeField
The bottom altitude field.
java.lang.String extendedHeightField
The extended height field.
java.lang.String topTextureField
The top texture field.
java.lang.String tilingUField
The tilingU field.
java.lang.String tilingVField
The tilingV field..
java.lang.String sideTextureField
The side texture field.
GeoStyle3D style
The display style of 3D geometry object.
GeoStyle3D style
for details.DatasourceConnectionInfo datasourceConnectionInfo
java.lang.String[] foreignKeys
java.lang.String foreignTable
About the name of linked external attribute table, currently only SuperMap managed table is supported, which is the DBMS table corresponded with the other vector dataset.
java.lang.String[] linkFields
The reserving external attribute table field.
It will not return to any attribute information of external attribute table if field is not set or the set field does not exist in the external table. A nonexistent field name should be set as the external table field alias if the reserving external table field name is the same with a primary table field name.
java.lang.String linkFilter
The join query condition with external attribute table.
java.lang.String name
java.lang.String[] primaryKeys
The primary key of external attribute table.
boolean returnNodeFeatures
Whether to return attribute information of the result edge. Default is true.
int expectedSupplyCenterCount
The expected number of supply centers for location-allocation analysis.
When the value is 0, the resources supply centers amount of the final facilities locations is default to be the least needed supply centers number that covers the analysis area
SupplyCenterCollection supplyCenters
The resource supply center collection.
The resource supply center collection contains information of resources supply center.
java.lang.String turnWeightField
The name of the turn weight field.
java.lang.String weightName
Denotes the field name of the weight field.
The weight used by the location-allocation analysis contains forward and reverse weights. WeightFieldInfo
specifies the name of forward and reverse weight fields. The environmental settings of the transportation network analysis (TransportationAnalystSetting
) specifies weight field information collection (weightFieldInfos
). weightName is the name of a object.
boolean isFromCenter
Determines whether to allocate resources from supply center.
True denotes allocating from SupplyCenter, while false denotes not.
The edge in network data has both from-to impedance and to-from impedance, which may not be the same. Therefore, allocating resources from supply center to demand node and allocating resources from demand node to supply center may have different analysis result.
The two examples below will help you better understand the difference. Given that the from-to impedance and the to-from impedance of the edge are different.
DemandResult[] demandResults
The demand result object array.
SupplyResult[] supplyResults
The demand result object array.
int level
double scale
double resolution
double[] points
The point set in geometric object.
For 2D geometric objects (Point2D,Line,Region), each coordinate is represented by two array members, such as [-180,90,180,-90] indicates two points (-180,90) and (180,-90).
java.lang.String[] texts
TextStyle textStyle
double[] rotations
java.lang.String customResponse
java.lang.String imageUrl
The URL address of the map image.
GIS server would create the images of the map accroding to the client request. The images are named and saved on a fixed location. The server would provide the URL of the images
byte[] imageData
Binary stream that the map picture corresponds to.
Only when the image output format ImageOutputOption.format
is OutputFormat.BINARY
, this field would store the binary stream of the map image, otherwise it is null.
, OutputFormat
java.awt.image.BufferedImage image
BufferedImage object corresponding with map image.
BufferedImage is actually a java object, GIS server can operate BufferedImage object to achieve the operation for processing the map image, such as picture clipping and merging.
long lastModified
The time of modifying map last time.
Gets the time to finally generate the contents of current map at last through this field.
MapParameter mapParam
Map parameter
Gets the information description of current map through this field, such as: current map name, map range, scale, and son on.
double minScale
double scale
double maxScale
java.lang.String name
Point2D center
Rectangle2D viewBounds
The map range corresponding with viewer (MapParameter.viewer
, map image range)
The unit is geographical coordinates.
ReturnType returnType
The returned type for image.
Pictures can be returned in binary, file path, URL path, and so on. Valid when returnImage is true.
Rectangle2D bounds
The full range of the map.
The unit is geographical coordinates.
Rectangle viewer
View Also be called the range of map image.
When requesting a map image, it will ask how much picture (pixel coordinates, such as 512 * 512), that is, the range of the window.
boolean returnImage
java.util.List<E> layers
TrackingLayer trackingLayer
The tracking layers.
The tracking layer is a transparent layer at the top of layers of the map, it is used to temporarily store some graphic objects, texts etc., and now it mainly used for storing the highlight information, that's the reason why it can also be called as highlight layer.
PrjCoordSys prjCoordSys
PrjCoordSysType customPrjCoordSysType
boolean cacheEnabled
java.lang.String customParams
UserInfo userToken
RectifyType rectifyType
Geometry clipRegion
boolean clipRegionEnabled
Rectangle2D customEntireBounds
Customs the display range of full-size map.
When the property value of MapParameter.customEntireBoundsEnabled
is true, viewEntire() from component Map
will be used the range marked by this field to full extent map.
boolean customEntireBoundsEnabled
Whether it is valid that customing the display range of full-size map.
When the property value is true, viewEntire() from component Map
will be used the range marked by this field MapParameter.customEntireBounds
to full extent map.
double angle
boolean antialias
Style backgroundStyle
MapColorMode colorMode
Unit coordUnit
Unit distanceUnit
java.lang.String description
boolean dynamicProjection
boolean markerAngleFixed
double maxVisibleTextSize
The maximum visible size of text, unit: mm.
The default value is 1000, That is, geometric object will not be displayed if its size is more than 1000 mm.
int maxVisibleVertex
The maximum number of visible nodes of geometric object, geometric object will not be displayed if its nodes number is more than the specified number.
double minVisibleTextSize
The minimum visible size of text, unit: mm.
The default value is 0.1.
boolean overlapDisplayed
In the same range, whether the map objects overlay to display, the default is False.
If it is true, the same range of objects will be overlaid; Otherwise, controlling that the objects do not overlay through MapParameter.overlapDisplayedOptions
OverlapDisplayedOptions overlapDisplayedOptions
The map's gland filtering display option is valid when MapParameter.overlapDisplayed
is false.
Used to enhance the handling of the map overlay display.
boolean paintBackground
boolean textAngleFixed
boolean textOrientationFixed
double[] visibleScales
Returns the visible scale array of the map.
boolean visibleScalesEnabled
boolean autoAvoidEffectEnabled
Whether to enable automatic avoidance effect.
java.lang.String tileversion
java.lang.String name
java.awt.Color ambient
java.awt.Color diffuse
Diffuse reflectance parameter.
java.awt.Color emission
java.awt.Color specular
double shininess
java.lang.String textureFile
PrjCoordSys prjCoordSys
The map coordinate system for measurement. If the parameter is null, the original map coordinate reference system is used to calculate.
Unit unit
DistanceMode distanceMode
double distance
double area
Unit unit
int[] indexes
Material material
double[] nomals
double[] textureCoords
double[] vectices
Color[] colors
java.lang.Object[] nodesVisited
Via network nodes of this path.
java.lang.Object center
The dilivery center of this path.
boolean hasNetworkDataset3D
Whether to contain the 3D network dataset.
java.lang.String path
The relative path of 3D off-line data
java.lang.String url
Downloads the url corresponding with 3D offline data
long size
The size of 3D offline data
Rectangle2D bounds
The geographic range of tile data files.
double scale
int size
OutputFormat format
boolean allowPointOverlap
Whether to display the overlapped point object when a point overlaps a point. Default is true.
boolean allowPointWithTextDisplay
Whether the points on the label and corresponding normal layer to filtering show together, if filtering showing, Only drawing points in the point style of the smallest index layer of the corresponding dataset in the set of layers. Default is true.
boolean allowTextOverlap
Whether to display overlapped texts, when the texts overlap in the map. Default is true. If it is True, representing to allow the overlapped texts to display in overlapping; If it is False, only displaying first layer, not displaying latter layer.
boolean allowTextAndPointOverlap
Whether to display the overlapped texts or point objects when texts overlap points(This attribute does not deal with the overlaps in texts and the overlaps in points). Default is true.
boolean allowThemeGraduatedSymbolOverlap
Whether to display the overlapped rank symbol elements when rank symbol elements overlap. Default is false.
boolean allowThemeGraphOverlap
Whether to display the overlapped statistics thematic map elements when statistics thematic map elements overlap. Default is false.
double horizontalOverlappedSpaceSize
The horizontal overlap gap between the two objects, unit is 0.1mm, using with OverlapDisplayedOptions.verticalOverlappedSpaceSize
, When the horizontal gap between the two objects is smaller than the value, and longitudinal gap is smaller than OverlapDisplayedOptions.verticalOverlappedSpaceSize
, it is considered to be overlapped.
Positive number represents the horizontal gap between the two objects, negative number represents the horizontal overlap gap between the two objects. The default is 0.
double verticalOverlappedSpaceSize
The horizontal overlap gap between the two objects, unit is 0.1mm, using with OverlapDisplayedOptions.verticalOverlappedSpaceSize
, When the horizontal gap between the two objects is smaller than the value, and longitudinal gap is smaller than OverlapDisplayedOptions.verticalOverlappedSpaceSize
, it is considered to be overlapped.
Positive number represents the horizontal gap between the two objects, negative number represents the horizontal overlap gap between the two objects. The default is 0
boolean succeed
Returns true if analysis successfully; otherwise false.
java.lang.String msg
The related info during analysis
DatasetInfo resultDatasetInfo
java.lang.String mapName
long lastModified
The time of modifying image last time.
Gets the time to finally modify the contents of current image at last through this field.
java.lang.String imageUrl
Rectangle viewer
Rectangle2D viewBounds
int pageSize
int currentPage
int totalPage
int total
java.util.List<E> content
SearchParameter searchParameter
int[] edgeIDs
Analyzes the collection of the passing through arc ID of the result.
int[] nodeIDs
Analyzes the collection of the passing through node ID of the result.
Route route
Analyzes the route objects corresponding to the result.
Feature[] nodeFeatures
Analyzes the collection of passing node elements of the result. Each element in the array may refer to instance of the same Feature, also may be null
Feature[] edgeFeatures
Analyzes the collection of passing arc elements of the result.
PathGuideItem[] pathGuideItems
Analyzes the collection of the driving guide items corresponding to result.
double weight
The cost of current path.
double[] stopWeights
Returns the array of total cost of each path. The multitraveler analysis as shown below, the analysis result of total cost of 1,3,4,5,6 center point is 5,10,11,13,8, respectively Then returns [5,10,11,13,8].
java.lang.String description
The description for PathGuide.
Geometry geometry
The object on ground corresponding with the path guide item.
Rectangle2D bounds
The range of PathGuide. For arcs, it is the external rectangle of the arc. For point, it is the point self.
DirectionType directionType
The direction of path.
There are 5 values returned: East, South, West, North and none direction. When the value returned by isEdge method is True, the directionType can be East, South, West, North; When the value returned by isEdge method is False, the directionType is none direction.
double distance
The distance from the site to the arc.
The distance is the distance from the site to the nearest arc. As follows, orange points represent the network nodes, blue represents arcs, the gray points indicate the sites, the red lines mean the distance. For example, if the users want to calculate the shortest path from home to hospital riding bus, except the shortest path needs to be calculated, the shortest path from home to the bus station also should be calculated and this path is the distance identified by PathGuideItem.distance
int id
The ID of PathGuideItem object If the item is an arc, this value is the ID of the corresponding arc; If the item is a network node, this value is the ID of the corresponding node; If the item is the site which does not on the network, this value is -1. The analyzed shortest path from site 1 to site 2 is shown as follows, the position of site 1 is as a path guide sub item, the ID value is -1, the next path guide sub item is the arc 1, its ID is the arc's ID; and the next item is the network node A, its ID is the ID of node A.
int index
The No. of PathGuideItem object.
double length
The length of arc (when the item is a arc).
java.lang.String name
The name of PathGuideItem object
SideType sideType
Driving position is on the left side of the road, on the right side or on the road.
When PathGuideItem.isEdge
is true, returning SideType.NONE
double turnAngle
Angle of turning. The unit is degree, accurate to 0.1 degrees.
TurnType turnType
double weight
The weight value of item, that is the cost of item.
boolean isEdge
Determines whether the item is an arc.
True means the item is an arc, false means the item isn't an arc.
boolean isStop
Determines whether the item is an site, that is the point inputed by users for path analysis, Sites may overlap with network nodes, or they may not be on the network.
As the above figure, the site 1,2 are not on the network. True means it is a point, false means it isn't a point.
boolean entire
boolean lineStyleRetained
boolean pointStyleRetained
boolean regionStyleRetained
boolean vector
int[] points
The point set in geometric object.
Each coordinate is represented by two array members, such as [0,0,1,1] indicates two points (0,0) and (1,1).
java.lang.String[] texts
double[] rotations
TextStyle textStyle
int x
int y
double x
The X coordinate of the Point2D.
double y
The Y coordinate of the Point2D.
QueryParameter filterQueryParameter
java.lang.String zValueField
double resolution
double z
Z value
PointEPSType type
Point type
java.lang.String name
Point name
double measure
Measure, is the distance from the routing point to the starting point.
double longitudeValue
java.lang.String name
PrimeMeridianType type
int epsgCode
The EPSG codes corresponding to the projected coordinate system.
EPSG name space borrows code from the table of the European petroleum mapping group, the codes are defined as CRS code If this projection frame does not have corresponding EPSG Code, The value of this field is -1000.
Unit distanceUnit
PrjCoordSysType type
Projection projection
Unit coordUnit
java.lang.String name
CoordSys coordSystem
PrjParameter projectionParam
double falseEasting
double falseNorthing
double centralMeridian
double centralParallel
double firstStandardParallel
double secondStandardParallel
double scaleFactor
double azimuth
double firstPointLongitude
double secondPointLongitude
double rectifiedAngle
java.lang.String name
ProjectionType type
java.lang.String name
Service provider names.
java.lang.Object config
the configuration information of the service provider.
java.lang.String type
Service provider type.
ExportedDataPathItem[] dataItems
Data path.
java.util.List<E> innerProviders
Internal provider information list.
java.lang.String inputDatasourceName
java.lang.String inputDatasetName
QueryParameter filterQueryParameter
Point2D[] points
java.lang.String datasourceName
. Valid when AbstractProximityAnalystParameter.createResultDataset
is truejava.lang.String datasetName
. Valid when AbstractProximityAnalystParameter.createResultDataset
is trueGeometry[] regions
is trueint rgb
int width
int height
java.lang.String format
boolean hasAlpha
java.lang.String name
Data set name, or layer name, depending on the actual functions.
In general the field is the data set name, but when operating the function related to the map, needs to set name for layer (layer name format: data set name @ data alias). Because a map layer may be from data sets of different data sources, and different data sources may exist the same data sets, using the data set name the data sets cannot be uniquely determined, so when operating the function related to the map, needs to set the value as the layer name.
Querying CAD data sets and CAD layers is not currently supported
JoinItem[] joinItems
Join query item array
Valid when querying SQL.
LinkItem[] linkItems
Join info of foreign table.
Valid when querying SQL.
int[] ids
java.lang.String attributeFilter
The attributes filter condition.
The format of WHERE clause of SQL sentence is WHERE < Condition expression >,attributeFilter that is "condition expression".
The use of this field is attributeFilter = "filter condition".
For example, to query a record which is less than 100 of fieldValue fields, sets attributeFilter = "fieldValue < 100"; To query a record of fields whose value is "hotel", sets attributeFilter = "name like "%hotel%",and so on.
java.lang.String orderBy
The field of results sorting in SQL query and spatial query . The fields used for sorting must be numeric.
The format of ORDER BY clause of SQL sentence is ORDER BY < Or ORDER BY < Column name sorting rules >. The column name is the name of each column in the attribute table, column can also be called attribute, named as field in SuperMap, sets orderBy as field name. Sorting rules are to sort in ascending or descending order of field, asc represents ascending order, desc represents descending order, if does not specify the sorting rules, sorts by ascending order.
When sorting single field, the use of this field is orderBy ="field name", ascending order is orderBy = "field name asc"; descending order is orderBy = "field name dec"; When sorting multiple fields, the fields are separated by commas, the use is orderBy = "field name 1, field name 2 asc, field name 2 desc".
For example, in a national data set, there are two fields and the field names are respectively “SmArea” and “pop_1994”, the area of the country and the population of each country in 1994 are expressed respectively. If the records are sorted according to the population of each country, sets orderBy = "pop_1994"; If you want to sort in area descending and population ascending order, set orderBy = "SmArea desc, pop_1994 asc".
Valid when querying SQL and space.
java.lang.String groupBy
The fields of results grouping conditions in SQL query.
The format of GROUP BY clause of SQL sentence is GROUP BY < Column name >,the column name is the name of each column in the attribute table, column can also be called attribute, named as field in SuperMap, sets groupBy as field name.
When grouping single field, the use of this field is groupBy ="field name", When grouping multiple fields, the fields are separated by commas, the use is groupBy = "field name 1, field name 2".
For example, there is a global cities data set that has two fields, the field names are respectively “Continent” and “Country”, State and country that a city belongs to can be expressed respectively, ;if global cities are grouped according to the countries, sets groupBy = "Country"; if cities are grouped according to the states and countries, sets groupBy = "Continent, Country".
Valid when querying SQL. Note: Spatial query does not support groupBy field, otherwise, the result of the spatial query may not be correct.
java.lang.String[] fields
QueryParameter[] queryParams
int startRecord
int expectCount
The returned number of result records in the query results, it is greater than 0.
When the query condition is querying distance, and the number of query results is greater than the expectedly returned result record number(expectCount), the distance query results are expectCount geometries randomly selected from the total query records.
When the query condition is querying the nearest geometry, and the number of query results is greater than the expectedly returned result record number(expectCount), the nearest geometry query results are expectCount geometries closest to the center from the total query records. the expectCount geometries are unordered.
GeometryType networkType
Query type corresponding to network data set, divided into two types: point and line, and the default is line geometry object type, which is GeometryType.LINE
java.lang.String customParams
Custom parameters for extended use. If user inputs geometry=null, geometry=null is the returned query results.
QueryOption queryOption
The query result option object, used to specify the content contained in the query result. By default, it returns properties and geometric entities, i.e., QueryOption.ATTRIBUTEANDGEOMETRY
int resampleExpectCount
The number of 2D coordinates pair returned after querying the expected resample of each factor, the default value is -1, indicating that it is not set. Actually resampling, if user can get less result than the value, the number of 2D coordinates pair is equal to the result; If user can not get less result than the value, the minimum value after resampling is still greater than that value,the number of 2D coordinates pair is equal to the minimum value after resampling;
boolean ignoreTotalCount
Whether the query results returns accurate totalCount When querying multi-layer, if the number of query results of some layers meets the requirements of QueryParameterSet.expectCount
, to calculate the value of QueryResult.totalCount
, it will continue to query the remaining layers, if the field is set as false, it will not continue to query. Default is false.
PrjCoordSys prjCoordSys
int totalCount
Recordset[] recordsets
Query record set.
SuperMap iServer places the query results in different record sets by layer classification respectively. Geometric information of a record set is in the same layer.
java.lang.String customResponse
int currentCount
int rangeCount
RangeInfo[] rangeInfos
java.lang.String dataName
The name of the 3D data.
Corresponds to the name of the 3D layer in the SuperMap 3D scene (LayerName).
RealspaceDataType dataType
The 3D datas type. Including SuperMap vector data, image data, terrain data, model data, KML data, etc.
java.lang.String dataName
The name of the 3D data.
The name of the 3D layer in the 3D scene (LayerName), when the 3D data is the terrain data, corresponding to the topographic layer Caption (Caption).
DataFindType dataFindType
How to get the three-dimensional cache file.
int xIndex
The index of the tile data file in the X direction.
int yIndex
The index of the tile data file in the Y direction.
int level
The cache layer number. The default value is "-1".
Since the data amount of 3D data is very large and it will cost many CPU, in order to improve the whole performance, SuperMap provides the 3D data pre-processing function This field is used to set the layer number after setting the data layering cache.
java.lang.String fileExtension
The extension of the tile data file.
java.lang.String relativePath
The relative path of tile data file.
If the relative cache configuration file is set, the settings for the tile data relative path are as follows:
java.lang.String dataVersion
The version of the tile data file.
Rectangle2D bounds
The geographic range of tile data files.
double scale
RelativePathType relativePathType
The relative path type can be relative to the data file, or relative to the workspace file.
CompressType compressType
RealspaceDataParam dataParam
Generates data query parameter of the result.
byte[] dataContent
java.lang.String dataUrl
URL of 3D cache file. In the local, that is the full path of identifying the 3D cache file.
java.lang.String layerName
java.lang.String sceneName
boolean isDataFloat
long currentRevision
long startRevidsion
boolean allCleared
RealspaceTilesRevisionInfo.Tile[] geometryTiles
RealspaceTilesRevisionInfo.Tile[] attributeTiles
java.lang.String[] fields
The name of all fields in the recordset.
Fields include:
java.lang.String[] fieldCaptions
The alias name of all fields in the recordset.
Feature[] features
All the terrain features in recordset.
Note: The element array got by recordset.features
, each element object does not contain field name (Feature.fieldNames
). If users gets the elements of the record and wants to get the field names of the elements, user can use Recordset.getFeature(int)
method or Recordset.getFeatures()
FieldType[] fieldTypes
All the fields types in recordset.
java.lang.String datasetName
The name of dataset, is the unique identifier of the dataset.
Point leftTop
Point rightBottom
Point2D leftBottom
Point2D rightTop
java.lang.String orderField
Sort fields, sorted by time order by default
java.lang.String mapName
The name of map where the resource locates.
int height
The height of resource image. Unit is pixel.
ImageOutputOption outputOption
The output settings for resource image.
Note: For the resource image, the output settings only supports outputOption.format
ResourceType type
Style style
The style of resource image.
used to set the size of point marker, when the size of point marker is smaller than the size of set resource image(ResourceParameter.width
x ResourceParameter.height
), the blank space will be filled with black. As shown below:Example:
When the size of point marker is larger than the size of set resource image(ResourceParameter.width
x ResourceParameter.height
), the point marker redundance is removed. In general, the picture size should be subject to the set of ResourceParameter.width
and ResourceParameter.height
Note: The unit of Style.markerSize
is mm; The unit of ResourceParameter.width
and ResourceParameter.height
is pixel.
int width
The height of resource image. Unit is pixel.
ResourceType resourceType
The resource type.
ReturnType returnType
The returned type for resource.
java.lang.String resourceURI
The URI address corresponding with resource file.
byte[] resourceData
The binary stream corresponding with resource file, that is the cache data.
int maxElementsInMemory
int maxSizeOnDisk
Maximum disk capacity.
The unit is MB, the default size is 2048MB.
int timeToLiveSeconds
int timeToIdleSeconds
Geometry line
The line geometric object corresponding with route.
Geometry region
The region geometric object corresponding with route.
double length
The length of route object, the unit is the same as the dataset unit.
double maxM
The maximum value in the Route object's Measure value.
double minM
The minimum value in the Route object's Measure value.
double scaleDenominator
The scale denominator.
double resolution
Resolution. Unit map: unit per pixel
java.math.BigDecimal tileBoundsWidth
The width range of tile.
java.math.BigDecimal tileBoundsHeight
The height range of tile.
Geometry[] cacheRegions
. When the field exists, JobInfo.cacheBounds
will be ignored. ScaleBuildConfig.excludeRegions
can be null.Geometry[] excludeRegions
double scaleDenominator
double resolution
TileMatrix tileMatrix
java.lang.String name
3D scene name.
Atmosphere atmosphere
Camera camera
The the camera object of current scene, it is equivalent to the viewpoint.
double cameraFOV
The angle of the scene camera, in degrees, in the range of 0-90 degrees.
Fog fog
The fog object.
double fogVisibleAltitude
The visible height of the fog in the three-dimensional scene, that is, the altitude from the surface of the earth.
boolean scaleLegendVisible
Whether the scale is visible. True means visible, false means it is not visible.
LatLonGrid latLonGrid
The LatLonGrid setting.
double maxCameraDistance
The maximum distance of the scene camera, in meters.
double minCameraDistance
The minimum distance of the scene camera, in meters.
ScreenLayer screenLayer
The screen layer.
The 3D scene only has one screen layer. The layer can add any 3D geometric objects and they are not changed with the operation of the sphere in the three-dimensional scene. The objects on the screen layer are still relative to the 3D window and can be used to display still contents in a three-dimensional window.
double terrainExaggeration
The exaggerated proportions of terrain.
The following two pictures were the effects before and after setting the terrain exaggerated.
The terrain data overlaying the image data (without terrain exaggerated):
After the terrain data is exaggerated (exaggeration coefficient is 3):
java.util.List<E> layers
The 3D layer collection. That is all layers included in 3D scene. The elements of collection can be any 3D layer. About the types of 3D layer, please see: Layer3DType
TrackingLayer3D trackingLayer
The 3D tracking layer.
java.lang.String xml
SceneType sceneType
java.util.Map<K,V> geometrys
Geometric object set of screen layer.
ScreenCoordinateUnit xUnit
Coordinate type of screen layer X axis.
ScreenCoordinateUnit yUnit
Coordinate type of screen layer Y axis.
boolean visible
Whether the screen layer is visible or not. True means visible, false means it is not visible.
java.lang.String[] keywords
int currentPage
int pageSize
SearchParameter.OrderType orderType
int[] nodeIDs
The ID collection of network nodes contained in this service area.
Feature[] nodeFeatures
The point element collection of network nodes contained in this service area.
int[] edgeIDs
The ID collection of network arcs contained in this service area.
Feature[] edgeFeatures
The point element collection of network arcs contained in this service area.
Route[] routes
The routing objects collection in this service area.
Geometry serviceRegion
The surface object corresponding to this service area, namely service range.
java.lang.String datasourceName
The data source name.
java.lang.String datasetName
Dataset name.
java.lang.String SMLFileName
Situation map file name.
java.lang.String SMLName
Situation map name.
java.lang.String SMLDesc
Situation map description.
java.lang.String SMLSeclevel
Situation map confidential level
java.lang.String SMLDepat
The department that the situation map belongs to.
java.lang.String SMLAuthor
The author of situation map.
java.lang.String SMLTime
The creation time of situation map.
boolean succeed
java.lang.String message
The information to return when it fails to analyze.
PositionMode posMode
int[] ids
double axis
double flatten
java.lang.String name
SpheroidType type
double fillGradientAngle
Rotation angle of Gradient fill.
In unit of degree, the accuracy is 0.1 degree, counterclockwise direction is positive.
For definitions of each gradient fill style type, please see FillGradientMode
For different gradient fill, the effect after its rotation is different, but each rotating center is the center of the smallest external rectangle, rotating anticlockwise.
1、Linear gradient(Linear)
When setting angle as arbitrary angle of 0-360 degrees, the passing start and end points rotates anticlockwise, its rotation center is the center of the minimum circumscribed rectangle, the gradient style rotates, the linear gradient still graduates from the start to the termination of the line. The gradient style of the special angle is displayed below:
(a) When the gradient fill angle is set to 0 degree or 360 degrees, then the gradient fill style is the linear gradient from left to right from the start color to the termination color, the start color is yellow, the termination color is pink as shown in figure;
(b) When the gradient fill angle is set to 180 degrees, the gradient fill style is opposite to the style described in (a), that is from right to left from the start color to the termination color;
(c) When the gradient fill angle is set to 90 degrees, the gradient fill style is from bottom to top from the start color to the termination color;
(d) When the gradient fill angle is set to 270 degrees, the gradient fill style is opposite to the style described in (c), that is from top to bottom from the start color to the termination color;
2、Radial gradient(Radial)
When the gradient angle is set to any angle (not beyond the normal range), it will define the radiation gradient round rotating according to the set angle, because the circle is symmetrical about the center of minimum circumscribed rectangle of the filling range, so after rotation, the gradient fill style always stays the same, that is, the radial gradient from center to the boundary of filling range, from foreground color to background color.
3、Conical gradient (Conical)
When the gradient Angle is set to any angle between 0-360 degrees, all generating lines of the cone will rotate, in the center of the cone, the center of the minimum circumscribed rectangle of the fill area is as the center of rotation, rotating anticlockwise. As the example shown in figure, the rotation angle is 90 degrees, all the generating lines rotate from the starting position (the position of the zero rotation angle) to the specified angle, takes the generating lines which pass the starting point as an example, they rotate from 0 degree to 90 degrees.
![]() |
![]() |
4、Square gradient (Square)
According to the given gradient angle, the gradient square rotates as the center of the fill area range, all the square start to rotate from the initial default position where the rotation angle is zero. The gradient is still from the internal square to the external square, from the start color to the termination color.
Color fillBackColor
boolean fillBackOpaque
double fillGradientOffsetRatioX
double fillGradientOffsetRatioY
Color fillForeColor
FillGradientMode fillGradientMode
The gradient type of gradient fill style.
int fillOpaqueRate
int fillSymbolID
Color lineColor
When the symbol is a linear symbol, the color of the sideline is represented; When the symbol is a maker symbol, the color of the maker is represented.
int lineSymbolID
double lineWidth
double markerAngle
double markerSize
The size of maker symbol.
The unit is : mm. The size of maker symbol and the display size of the maker are two concepts, and the set is the size of the maker symbol here.
Abolishes from 7.2.0, uses markerWidth和markerHeight instead
double markerWidth
The width of maker symbol.
The unit is : mm.
double markerHeight
The height of maker symbol.
The unit is : mm.
int markerSymbolID
int nodeID
Node ID of resource supply center.
double maxWeight
Maximum cost (resistance) of resource supply center node.
The maximum resistance of the center point is set larger, the influence of the resources provided by the center point is greater.
The maximum resistance value is used to limit the cost from the demand point to the center point. If the cost from the demand point (arc or node) to this center is greater than the maximum resistance value, the demand point is filtered out.
double resourceValue
Resource quantity of the resource supply center, does not take effect after setting.
SupplyCenterType type
Type of resource supply center.
About the type of resource supply center, please see SupplyCenterType
enumeration class.
Types of resource supply center include non-center, fixed center and optional center. Fixed center is used for resource allocation analysis; Fixed center and optional center is used for location analysis; Non-centers is not considered when analyzing two networks.
double actualResourceValue
The quantity of resources actually provided by the resource supply center.
double averageWeight
The average cost(resistance) from the resource supply center to each demand point.
int demandCount
The number of served demand points (arc).
double totalWeights
The sum cost(resistance) from the resource supply center to each demand point.
double resourceValue
Resource quantity of resource supply center.
SupplyCenterType type
Type of resource supply center.
About the type of resource supply center, please see SupplyCenterType
enumeration class.
Types of resource supply center point include non-center, fixed center and optional center. Fixed center is used for resource allocation analysis; Fixed center and optional center is used for location analysis; Non-centers is not considered when analyzing two networks.
int nodeID
Node ID of resource supply center.
double maxWeight
The maximum cost (resistance) of each demand object to the resource supply center. If the cost from the demand object(such as arc or node) to this center is greater than the value, the object is filtered out.
Geometry[] geometries
The geometric object used to surface analysis.
DatasetInfo datasetInfo
Data set information. For details please refer to DatasetInfo
VectorTileLayer layerInfo
Style style
int libID
Label library ID.
int symbolCount
The number of symbol.
java.lang.String symbolLibName
The name of symbol library.
java.lang.String classFication
The classification of symbol library.
java.lang.String createTime
The time of created symbol library.
java.lang.String creator
The unit of symbol library.
java.lang.String modifyTime
The time of the symbol modified.
java.lang.String version
The version of symbol library.
java.lang.String rootSymbolIconUrl
The root URI of symbol Icon.
SymbolLibNode rootSymbolLibNode
The root node of symbol library.
int dotCount
The number of marker symbol.
int algoCount
The number of line and region symbol.
int libID
Label library ID.
int symbolCode
Symbol code.
java.lang.String symbolName
Symbol name.
SymbolNodeType symbolNodeType
The node type of symbol, group node or leaf node.
GraphicObjectType symbolType
The symbol type, marker symbol, line symbol or region symbol.
int childNodeCount
The number of sub nodes from group nodes.
java.util.ArrayList<E> childNodes
The sub nodes from group nodes.
int line3dID
The ID of 3D line. Through specifying SymbolLine3DItemType
as LINELIB and setting the parameter lineSymbolID to get the line library file corresponded with the line whose ID is lineSymbolID.
int modelID
ID of the model in the internal symbol library which is corresponded with the 3D line. Through specifying SymbolLine3DItemType
as GEOMODEL and setting the parameter modelID to get the corresponding model file whose ID is modelID in the symbol library which corresponds with line library.
int baseLineID
ID of the base line where the material corresponding with 3D line locates. The parameter should be used with SymbolLine3DResourceParameter.strokeID
parameter. Through specifying SymbolLine3DItemType
as MATERIAL and setting the parameter baseLineID and @link #strokeID} to get the corresponding material file in the symbol library which corresponds with line library.
int strokeID
Stroke ID of the material corresponding with 3D line locates. The parameter should be used with SymbolLine3DResourceParameter.baseLineID
parameter. Through specifying SymbolLine3DItemType
as MATERIAL and setting SymbolLine3DResourceParameter.baseLineID
and strokeID to get the corresponding material file in the symbol library which corresponds with line library.
SymbolLine3DItemType smbolLine3DItemType
The feature types of the got 3D line.
boolean support
Whether to support to publish by default. Default is false.
int networkDatasetCount
The number of the network dataset.
boolean iServerStandard
Whether it is iServer Standard. Default is false.
boolean noTALicense
Whether it has transportation analyst license. Default is false.
double[] scaleDenominators
The scale denominator.
TileMatrix[] tileMatrixs
The tile matrix set.
Rectangle2D[] tileTaskBounds
The current tile task corresponds to a collection of tile ranges
Corresponds to TileTask.tileMatrixToBuilds
, a tile matrix corresponds to a tile range.
long total
Tile is always, unit sheet.
long completed
Completed tiles
double speed
long startTime
Task start time.
java.lang.String taskId
Task ID.
TaskExecutingStep step
Task status.
TileRegion tileRegion
Tile area.
TaskType taskType
Task type
Rectangle2D bounds
BoundsType boundsType
double cellSize
CellSizeType cellSizeType
DatasetGridInfo datasetGrid
If a terrain layer is formed by a raster data set, then the field is not null, If a terrain layer is formed by caches, then the field is null.
boolean isDatasetGridFloat
TextAlignment align
StringAlignment stringAlignment
Color backColor
Color foreColor
boolean backOpaque
boolean sizeFixed
double fontHeight
Text font height, default value is 6, unit relates to TextStyle.sizeFixed
. When TextStyle.sizeFixed
is False, that is non-fixed text using map coordinate units, for example, the unit is degree in maps of geographic coordinates ; When TextStyle.sizeFixed
is True, unit is mm.
double fontWidth
int fontWeight
java.lang.String fontName
boolean bold
boolean italic
double italicAngle
boolean shadow
boolean strikeout
boolean outline
int outlineWidth
Returns the width of the text contour, the unit of the value is: pixel.
The numerical range is any integer between 0 and 5.
int borderSpacingWidth
Returns the spacing between the edge of the text background rectangle and the edge of the text, in pixels.
double fontScale
int opaqueRate
Note the non-transparency of the text, only valid for 3D fonts.
The non-transparency range is from 0 to 100.
boolean underline
double rotation
ThemeType type
java.util.Map<K,V> memoryData
Theme graph memory data.
When drawing a theme graph, if user sets the memory data, user will draw a theme graph based on the memory data. The specific implementation is: after using theme value to draw theme graph, it will replace thematic value with the external value to draw the corresponding theme graph.
The first parameter represents the theme value, which is the field or the value of expressions used to draw theme graphs in the data set; The second parameter represents the external value.
Theme3DType type
Types of 3D theme graphs.
java.lang.String labelExpression
3D annotation field expressions.
3D annotation field expressions are filed names or the SQL expressions of field. Determines the content displayed by the label, which is a field or the result of an SQL expression for a field.
TextStyle uniformStyle
Uniform text style.
java.lang.String rangeExpression
3D range field expression.
By comparing the value of the 3D range field expression of a elements and (determined according to certain range mode) the range values of each range, to determine the range where the element locates, to set the different style for the element falling in a different range.
java.util.List<E> items
Range theme graph item collection.
GeoStyle3D style
The style corresponding to theme graph item.
GeoStyle3D defaultStyle
Defauly style.
This style is displayed for objects that are not in the 3D unique theme graph item. If not set, uses the default layer display style.
java.lang.String uniqueExpression
3D unique theme graph field expression.
3D unique theme graph field expression is used to create the field or field expression of 3D unique theme graph. This field can be an attribute of a element (such as the time or component of a geological map), and the data type of its value can be numeric type or character type.
java.util.List<E> items
3D unique theme graph item collection.
GeoStyle3D style
The style corresponding to theme graph item.
java.lang.String fillBackColorExpression
The field expressions of filling the background color.
java.lang.String fillForeColorExpression
The field expressions of filling the color.
java.lang.String fillGradientAngleExpression
The field expressions of filling the angle.
java.lang.String fillGradientModeExpression
The field expressions of filling the gradient type.
java.lang.String fillGradientOffsetRatioXExpression
The field expressions of filling the X offset of center point.
java.lang.String fillGradientOffsetRatioYExpression
The field expressions of filling the Y offset of center point.
java.lang.String fillOpaqueRateExpression
The field expressions of filling the non-transparency.
java.lang.String fillSymbolIDExpression
The field expressions of filling the symbol style.
java.lang.String lineColorExpression
The field expressions of the color of line symbol or point symbol.
java.lang.String lineSymbolIDExpression
The field expressions of filling the line symbol style.
java.lang.String lineWidthExpression
The field expressions of filling the line symbol width.
java.lang.String markerAngleExpression
The field expressions of point symbol rotation angle. Only the point symbol can set this field on the desktop.
java.lang.String markerSizeExpression
The field expressions of point symbol size.
java.lang.String markerSymbolIDExpression
The field expressions of filling the point symbol style.
double value
java.lang.String dotExpression
Creates a field or field expression for a dot density theme graph.
A source of the number of dots or the density degree.
Style style
java.lang.String expression
GraduatedMode graduatedMode
java.lang.String offsetX
java.lang.String offsetY
Style leaderLineStyle
boolean leaderLineDisplayed
boolean flowEnabled
Style negativeStyle
boolean negativeDisplayed
Style zeroStyle
boolean zeroDisplayed
Style positiveStyle
double baseValue
boolean offsetFixed
ThemeGraphItem[] items
The subitem collection of a statistical theme graph.
Where, when the area graph is displayed, multiple item will be merged into one surface, and the style of the surface will be rendered in the style of the first item.
java.lang.String offsetX
java.lang.String offsetY
ThemeGraphType graphType
Statistics theme graph type.
SuperMap iServer Java defines 13 types of statistical graphs, which are area graph, ladder graph, line graph , dot graph, histogram graph, the 3D histogram graph, pie graph, 3D pie graph, rose graph, 3D rose graph, stacked bar graph, 3D stacked bar graph, circular graph, respectively.
double barWidth
double startAngle
double roseAngle
boolean flowEnabled
Style leaderLineStyle
boolean leaderLineDisplayed
Whether to show the leader line between the statistics graph and the objects it represents.
If the render symbol offsets the object, the graph and the object can be connected by a leader line. The leader line works only when setting ThemeGraph.flowEnabled
to be true.
boolean negativeDisplayed
In the theme graph, whether the attribute is shown in negative values, true represents displayed, false represents not displayed.
This method is invalid to area graph, ladder graph, line graph , dot graph, histogram graph, the 3D histogram graph, because negative data is always displayed when drawing; For pie graph, 3D pie graph, rose graph, 3D rose graph, pyramid theme graph - bar, pyramid theme graph - plane, if the user sets the method parameter to be true, then after the negative value is taken as the positive value, and if it is set to be false, it is not drawn (positive and negative data are not drawn).
Color axesColor
Coordinate axis color is valid when ThemeGraph.axesDisplayed
boolean axesDisplayed
TextStyle axesTextStyle
Coordinate axis text style. It is valid when ThemeGraph.axesTextDisplayed
=true. In which, for the text alignment method, the text alignment method of the coordinate axes in the statistics theme graph adopts the alignment method of lower right corner to prevent coordinate axis overlapping the text.
boolean axesTextDisplayed
boolean axesGridDisplayed
TextStyle graphTextStyle
The text annotation style on the graph works when ThemeGraph.graphTextDisplayed
=true .
GraphTextFormat graphTextFormat
Statistics theme graph text display format, such as percentage, real value, title, title + percentage, title + true value.
Details about statistics theme graph text display format, please refers to GraphTextFormat
enumeration class.
boolean graphTextDisplayed
double minGraphSize
double maxGraphSize
boolean graphSizeFixed
GraduatedMode graduatedMode
The mapping relationship (constants, logarithms, square roots) between the values of geographical elements in the statistics graph and the dimensions of the chart , which is classification method.
The classification is mainly to reduce the difference between the data size in drawing statistics theme graph. If the difference between the data is bigger, logarithmic or square root classification method can be used, thus reducing the differences of absolute size between data, visual effect of the statistics graph is better, at the same time, the comparison between different classes is still meaningful.
There are three classifications: constants, logarithms and square roots, and logarithms and square roots classification methods are not adopted to fields with negative values. Different classification methods are used to determine that the values of the symbol size are not the same, the constant is carried out in accordance with the original data of the field, the logarithm takes its natural logarithm of the sum of each components firstly, the square root takes its square root of the sum of each components firstly, to determine its level symbol size with the final results.
GraphAxesTextDisplayMode graphAxesTextDisplayMode
The display mode of the axis text of the graph map.
int[] memoryKeys
An key array when drawing a theme graph in an array of memory.
The value in an key array represents SmID value, it and value array(ThemeGraphItem.memoryDoubleValues
) of ThemeGraphItem
class Are associated with the application. The number of values in the key array must be consistent with the number of value array. The values in the value array will replace the original theme value to draw the statistics theme graph.
For example: Uses area fields and perimeter fields (that is, two statistics theme graph subitem) as theme variables to draw statistics theme graph.
Key array is set to(1,3,8,9), the value array whose theme variable is the "area" is set to (5.2,6.1,3.4,8.5),the value array whose theme variable is the "perimeter" is set to (10.2,12.44,6.4,16.1).
After completely drawing, there will be four statistics graphs, they are statistics graphs corresponding to the recorded SmID values which are 1, 3, 8 and 9 respectively. Each statistic has two items, representing area and perimeter respectively.
It should be noted that, at this time, the record whose SmID value is 1, the value of the corresponding area field is replaced by "5.2" of the value array, and the value of the perimeter field is replaced by "10.2" of the value array. The record whose SmID value is 3, the value of the corresponding area field value is replaced by "6.1" of the value array, the value of the perimeter field is replaced by "12.44" of the value array, and so on.
boolean offsetFixed
boolean overlapAvoided
java.lang.String caption
java.lang.String graphExpression
The theme variable of the statistics theme graph.
The theme variable can be a field or field expression. Setting this item without setting @link #memoryDoubleValues}.
Style uniformStyle
double[] memoryDoubleValues
An value array when drawing a theme graph in an array of memory.
Setting this item without setting ThemeGraphItem.graphExpression
When drawing a theme graph in an array of memory, only drawing a theme graph for the SmID values recorded in key array (ThemeGraph.memoryKeys
). The number of values in the value array must be consistent with the number of key array. The values in the value array will replace the original theme value to draw the statistics theme graph.
For example: Uses area fields and perimeter fields (that is, two statistics theme graph subitem) as theme variables to draw statistics theme graph.
Key array is set to(1,3,8,9), the value array whose theme variable is the "area" is set to (5.2,6.1,3.4,8.5),the value array whose theme variable is the "perimeter" is set to (10.2,12.44,6.4,16.1).
After completely drawing, there will be four statistics graphs, they are statistics graphs corresponding to the recorded SmID values which are 1, 3, 8 and 9 respectively. Each statistic has two items, representing area and perimeter respectively.
It should be noted that, at this time, the record whose SmID value is 1, the value of the corresponding area field is replaced by "5.2" of the value array, and the value of the perimeter field is replaced by "10.2" of the value array. The record whose SmID value is 3, the value of the corresponding area field value is replaced by "6.1" of the value array, the value of the perimeter field is replaced by "12.44" of the value array, and so on.
ThemeGridRangeItem[] items
The grid ranges map items are the ranges got from the subdivision of thematic values with a certain method.
RangeMode rangeMode
The grid ranges map supports four range modes: Equal Interval, Square Root, Logarithm, and Defined Interval.
double rangeParameter
This parameter is the range count when the adopted segmentation method is one of the equal interval, the square root, or the logarithm method.
boolean reverseColor
ColorGradientType colorGradientType
The mode of graduated colors.
boolean specialValueTransparent
Whether to transparently display the special values (currently supports null value).
int specialValue
java.lang.String caption
Color color
double start
double end
boolean visible
ThemeGridUniqueItem[] items
The items for setting the grid unique value thematic map.
The grid unique value thematic map categorizes pixels with the same attribute value into one class. Different classes are represented with different colors. Each class is a unique values map item.
Color defaultcolor
Displays features that not in the grid unique values map item list by using this color.
boolean specialValueTransparent
Whether to transparently display the special values (currently supports null value).
int specialValue
java.lang.String caption
The name of grid unique theme graph item.
Color color
The display color of grid unique theme graph item.
double unique
The theme value of grid unique theme graph item, which the value of cell, the cells with same value are in one item.
boolean visible
ThemeLabelItem[] items
The elements in each subitem displays labels according to the style of the subitem.
ThemeLabelUniqueItem[] uniqueItems
Style backStyle
Label background style of label theme graph.
When sets the back shape ThemeLabel.labelBackShape
attribute as default NONE, that is, when not displaying any style, backStyle attribute is invalid.
LabelBackShape labelBackShape
The shape type of background of label theme graph.
Background types can be rectangles, rounded rectangles, rhomboids, ellipses, triangles, symbols, etc., and default to NONE, i.e. not using any shape as the background of the label.
LabelOverLengthMode labelOverLengthMode
Overlong label processing mode.
The length of a label that exceeds the set maximum length of the label is called a super long label, and the maximum length of the label can be set by ThemeLabel.maxLabelLength
SuperMap provides three ways to deal with the overlong labels: NewLine, Omit, and None.
boolean flowEnabled
For the geometric objects which crosses large area and line, in a case that a map window can't fully display, if the label position is fixed, the label of the object in the current map window is not visible, And needs to view the label information of the object by a panning map. If the effect of the flow display is used, even if the object is partly displayed in the current map window, and its label is displayed in the current map window. When panning map, the label of object will move, in order to make sure the object partly or fully displayed in the current, its label is visible, which can easily view the label information of each element.
The graph below shows the effect schematic graph of the non-flow display and flow display.
![]() |
![]() |
non-flow display | flow display |
boolean alongLine
boolean angleFixed
If angle is fixed, all the labels are displayed according to the rotation angle of the front set in the text style, not to consider the direction of marking along the line. If it is not fixed, it will consider the rotation angle of the font and the direction of marking along the line. The schematic graph is below:
![]() |
![]() |
boolean overlapAvoided
boolean repeatedLabelAvoided
Returns whether to avoid repeated marker of map.
For the line data representing the Beijing subway line 4, if it is composed of 4 subsegments, when using the name field (the field value is: subway line 4) as the theme variable to draw label theme graph, If user does not choose to avoid repeated marker of map, the display effect is as left graph, if user chooses to avoid repeated marker of map, system will regard 4 sub-lines of this broken line as a line to mark, the display effect is shown in the figure below.
double labelRepeatInterval
The interval of the cyclic annotation when marking along the line.
The unit of length is consistent with the geographical unit of the map. The labelRepeatInterval attribute works only when setting ThemeLabel.repeatedLabelAvoided
to be true.
java.lang.String offsetX
java.lang.String offsetY
int maxLabelLength
Style leaderLineStyle
boolean leaderLineDisplayed
Whether to show the leader line between the label and the object it marks.
Default is false, that is, not showing the leader line between the label and the object it marks. When the label flow is displayed, its position is not fixed, as the leader line always points to the inner point of the element, so the display function of the leader line can be used to find the actually corresponding elements of the flowing label.
The following graph shows the drawn label theme graph in the condition of displaying the leader line:
Note: The leader line works only when setting ThemeLabel.flowEnabled
to be true.
java.lang.String uniqueExpression
Single value filed expression
Expression can be a field, but also can be constructed by multiple fields, controls the style of object label by the value of expression, the object labels with same expression values are displayed using the same style.
java.lang.String rangeExpression
java.lang.String labelExpression
The system displays the fields or values of the field expression corresponding to the labelExpression in the form of label.
TextStyle uniformStyle
LabelMixedTextStyle uniformMixedStyle
LabelMatrixCell[][] matrixCells
AlongLineDirection alongLineDirection
int maxTextHeight
int maxTextWidth
int minTextHeight
int minTextWidth
int numericPrecision
boolean offsetFixed
boolean repeatIntervalFixed
boolean smallGeometryLabeled
double textSpace
double start
double end
java.lang.String caption
TextStyle style
boolean visible
java.lang.String unique
java.lang.String caption
TextStyle style
double offsetX
double offsetY
boolean visible
RangeMode rangeMode
Range mode of range theme graph.
The method is adopted to divide range segmentations in accordance with the value of segmentation field expression (ThemeRange.rangeExpression
), including equal distance segmentation method, square root segmentation method, standard deviation segmentation method, logarithmic segmentation method, and other counting segmentation methods, and custom distance method.
double rangeParameter
Segmentation parameter.
When the segmented mode is one mode of equal distance segmentation method, square segmentation method, logarithmic segmentation method, and other counting segmentation methods, the parameter is the number of segments (note: it is invalid when the number of segments is ); When the segmentation mode is the standard deviation segmentation method, the parameter is not effective; When the segmented mode is the custom distance, this parameter represents the custom distance.
The default value is -1.
ThemeRangeItem[] items
The range theme graph item array of range theme graph.
The range theme graph item is the range segment divided by the value of range field expression(ThemeRange.rangeExpression
), the factors of same range segment belong to same range theme graph item.
java.lang.String rangeExpression
Range field expression.
The theme value is calculated to divide the range theme graph item. Range theme graph range method divides according to a certain distance, therefore the value of range field expression must be numeric type.
ColorGradientType colorGradientType
The color gradient mode.
The color gradient refers to the gradually mixture of multiple colors. It can be gradient from the starting color to the end color. It can also be gradient from the starting color to the end color with a variety of intermediate colors. The color gradient type can be applied to the color schema of theme graph object, such as: unique theme graph, range theme graph, grid range theme graph, etc.) objects.
double precision
Sets the rounding accuracy of the range segment theme graph, and the default value is 0.1.
double start
The initial value of range theme graph item, which is the minimum value of this theme range.
If the item is the first item in the segment, the starting value is the minimum value of the theme value; If the sequence number of the item is greater than or equal to 1, the starting value must be the same as the termination value of the previous item, otherwise the system will throw an exception.
double end
The initial value of range theme graph item, which is the maximum value of this theme range.
If the item is the last item in the segment, the termination value is the minimum value of the theme value; If it is not the last item, the termination value must be the same as the starting value of the previous item, otherwise the system will throw an exception.
boolean visible
Whether the range theme item is visible.
java.lang.String caption
Style style
The style of range theme graph item.
Each range theme graph item corresponds to a display style.
ThemeUniqueItem[] items
Unique theme graph item array.
In the unique theme graph, projects the factors with the same filed expression as a category, sets a rendering style for each category, therefore in which each category is a unique theme graph item.
For example, using the unique theme graphs to make administrative maps, the Name field represents the province/municipality name, the field is used to make theme variables, if the field values of the field totally have five different values, then the administrative maps have five theme graph items, the Name field values of factor in each item are the same.
java.lang.String uniqueExpression
The field or field expression used to draw unique theme graphs, sets the factor with the same filed expression as a unique theme graph item. In which, the field can be an attribute of a factor (such as the time or component of a geological map), and the data type of its value can be numeric type or character type.
Style defaultStyle
Default style of unique theme graph.
Unique theme graph item(ThemeUnique.items
) may not contain all of the factors, and for those factors that are not contained, namely the factors that do not participate in the unique theme expression, use this style to display.
ColorGradientType colorGradientType
The color gradient mode.
java.lang.String unique
The unique of unique theme graph item.
That is the value of field expression (ThemeUnique.uniqueExpression
)corresponding to unique of unique theme graph item.
boolean visible
java.lang.String caption
The name of unique theme graph item.
Style style
The display style of unique theme graph item.
That is the display style of factor in item.
long threadId
java.lang.String threadName
java.lang.String operation
long updateTime
int columnIndex
The column number of the tile.
int rowIndex
The row number of the tile.
TileIndex startingIndex
Starting index.
int columnCount
Column count.
int rowCount
Row count.
boolean[][] novalueFlags
TileRegionSetting setting
Tile range setting info.
Point2D leftTopPoint
The coordinates of the top-left corner.
double tileWidth
Tile width
double tileHeight
Tile height
int rowCount
Row count
int colCount
Column count
boolean completed
Finished or not
java.util.List<E> rows
TileRegionRow list.
TileColorType colorType
double[] suitableResolutions
double scaleDenominator
The scale denominator.
long total
The total number under this scale.
long completed
The completed tile number under this scale.
long completedBytes
TileMatrix totalMatrix
The tile matrix under current scale.
Geometry completedRegion
The range of completing tile.
Geometry failedRegion
The range of failed tile.
WorkerBuildingInfo[] workerBuildingInfos
Worker info of tile.
java.util.List<E> matrixes
java.util.List<E> scaleConfigs
int tileHeight
int tileWidth
TileSourceInfo sourceTileSourceInfo
java.lang.String sourceTilesetIdentifier
TileSourceInfo targetTileSourceInfo
java.lang.String targetTilesetIdentifier
double[] scaleDenominators
Rectangle2D bounds
java.lang.String[] tileVersions
java.lang.String targetInfo
java.lang.String relatedObject
TilesetExportJobRunState runState
int total
Total number of tiles
int completed
Completed tiles
int actualCompleted
The number of non-empty tiles
long startTime
Start time of tile
long elapsedTime
Time cost, the unit is millisecond.
long remainTime
Time rest, the unit is millisecond.
int speedPerSecond
Exports the speed of tile
java.util.List<E> toExportScales
A exported progress list at the scale level.
ExporttingScaleState exporttingScale
java.util.List<E> completedScales
Scale or other information of completed tiles.
TileMatrix tileMatrix
double scaleDenominator
double resolution
int total
int completed
The sum of completed tiles.
The number of non-empty tiles
TaskType taskType
Type of tile job
java.lang.String jobId
ID of tile job
java.lang.String id
ID of tile task.
ScaleBuildConfig[] scaleConfigs
The scale information.
TileMatrix[] tileMatrixToBuilds
Tile matrix collection of tile task.
Corresponds to TileTask.scaleConfigs
, a scale corresponds to a tile matrix.
long totalTileCount
The sum number of tiles of tile task.
TileTaskState state
The state of tile job.
java.lang.String masterAddress
The tile worker address of distributed tile job.
long deployTime
The time that tile worker distributes TileTask to the Worker, using the time difference between the distributed time and the coordinated universal time (midnight on 1 January 1970) to represent, unit is millisecond.
boolean isRetile
Whether it is a re-cutting task? iServer provides the function of re-cutting problem area after detected by white map.
DataPreProcessInfo dataPreProcessInfo
Point2D originalPoint
The start of tile index, calculating the start coordinate point of tile row and column index, the default is top-left point of the map.
java.lang.String ip
int port
java.lang.String hostName
java.lang.String address
java.lang.String id
java.lang.String name
java.lang.String token
boolean controllable
boolean local
java.lang.String masterAddress
ConnectionState connectionState
The connection status
JobExecutingStates jobExecutingStates
Task status
TopoErrorInfo[] topoErrorInfos
long sourceObjectID
The source object ID that violates the topology rules.
long targetObjectID
The target object ID that conforms to the topology rules. Corresponds to source object ID. Represents the objects corresponding to these two ID do not conform to the corresponding topological rules of topologyRule .
TopologyRule topologyRule
Topology rules.
Geometry resultGeometry
Topology error result object.
java.util.List<E> highlightTargets
java.util.Map<K,V> geometrys
Geometric objects of 3D tracking layer.
boolean symbolScalable
Whether the symbol size of the 3D tracking layer is scaled with the graph. true indicates that when it is scaled with the graph, the map zooms in, and the symbol also zooms in at the same time
boolean antialias
Whether it is anti-aliasing.
boolean visible
Whether it is visible.
double symbolScale
The natural scale of scaling the 3D tracking layer's symbol.
The natural scale of scaling the symbol works when the symbol is allowed to be scalable with graph. Specifies the symbol size corresponding to the map display scale when scaled with the graph. The symbol size will zoom in or out on the same scale, according to the ratio of the natural scale and the display scale in the map. For example, the symbol size is 30, the natural scale is 1:50000, and when the local map scale is 1:10000. The symbol size is 150.TransferPreference transferPreference
TransferTactic transferTactic
int solutionCount
double walkingRatio
long[] evadeLines
long[] evadeStops
long[] priorLines
long[] priorStops
java.util.Date travelTime
boolean isSupport
Whether to support to publish by default. Default is false.
boolean isStandardVersion
Whether it is iServer Standard. Default is false.
boolean noTALicense
Whether it has traffic transfer analyst license. Default is false. Default is false.
boolean noLineDataset
Whether the analysis result has not the line dataset. Default is false.
boolean noPointDataset
Whether the analysis result has not the point dataset. Default is false.
boolean noTabularDataset
Whether the analysis result has not the attribute dataset. Default is false.
TransferGuideItem[] items
int count
double totalDistance
int transferCount
double distance
int endIndex
java.lang.String endStopName
The name of termination station of a transfer route represented by the TransferGuideItem object.
java.lang.String endStopAliasName
The alias of termination station of a transfer route represented by the TransferGuideItem object.
Point2D endPosition
The position coordinates of termination station of a transfer or working route represented by the TransferGuideItem object.
java.lang.String lineName
The name of a transfer route represented by the TransferGuideItem object.
java.lang.String lineAliasName
The alias of a transfer route represented by the TransferGuideItem object.
int lineType
The type of a transfer route represented by the TransferGuideItem object.
The value is determined by the field value representing line type in bus line data set by lineTypeField of transfer line environment settings. The appointed data in the Supermap product is as follows: the field value is 0 denoting the bus; The field value is 1 denoting the subway; The field value is 2 denoting the trolleybus.
int passStopCount
Geometry route
Returns the line object of a transfer or walking route represented by the TransferGuideItem object.
int startIndex
Point2D startPosition
Returns the position coordinates of termination station of a transfer or working route represented by the TransferGuideItem object.
java.lang.String startStopName
Returns the name of starting station of a transfer route represented by the TransferGuideItem object.
java.lang.String startStopAliasName
Returns the alias of starting station of a transfer route represented by the TransferGuideItem object.
boolean isWalking
java.util.Date firstTime
java.util.Date lastTime
java.lang.String startStopName
The station name to get on the bus.
java.lang.String startStopAliasName
The alias of station to get on the bus.
int startStopIndex
The index of the bus station in the bus route.
java.lang.String lineName
Travel route name.
java.lang.String lineAliasName
Travel route alias.
long lineID
Travel route ID.
java.lang.String endStopName
The station name to get off the bus.
java.lang.String endStopAliasName
The alias of station to get off the bus.
int endStopIndex
The index of the bus station in the bus route.
TransferLine[] lineItems
The collection of available routes in this line.
TransferLines[] linesItems
Transfer lines array. Selects a bus route from each transfer line to make up the whole transfer line info.
int transferCount
The transfer times corresponding to transfer solution.
TransferSolution[] solutionItems
The item array of traffic transfer scheme.
TransferGuide defaultGuide
The default transfer route for the traffic transfer plan collection.
boolean suggestWalking
Whether to walk or not.
java.lang.String alias
int id
java.lang.String name
Point2D position
The coordinate of transfer stop.
long stopID
int[] barrierEdgeIDs
ID list of obstacles arc.
int[] barrierNodeIDs
The collection of obstacle node ID.
Point2D[] barrierPoints
Obstacle coordinate array, set obstacle in form of obstacle.
java.lang.String turnWeightField
The name of the turning weight field.
java.lang.String weightFieldName
The name of the weight field, identifies the weight fields used for network analyst.
The weight used by the network analyst contains forward and reverse weights. WeightFieldInfo
specifies the name of forward and reverse weight fields. The environmental settings of the transportation network analyst (TransportationAnalystSetting
) specifies weight field information collection (weightFieldInfos
). weightName is the name corresponding to a WeightFieldInfo
object. If not set, uses the first WeightFieldInfo
object of weightFieldInfos
to analyze network.
int[][] uCross
Forbidding limit fields of U type road.
Sets forbidding limit for U type road. The forbidding limit is designed for the adjacent three arcs, indicating that in one analysis, the result road cannot successively pass through these three arcs. The set is 2D array, the first represents the number of forbidding limit groups, the second represents the forbidding limited arc ID of each group (note that the arc ID numbers in each group must be equal to 3, the limit does not work if it is not equal to 3). The three arcs ID of each group must be adjacent arcs.
TransportationAnalystResultSetting resultSetting
Analyst result should contain settings of contents.
boolean returnEdgeIDs
Returns whether the collection of passing arc ID is contained in the analysis result.
True means it includes the collection of passing arc ID.
boolean returnNodeIDs
Returns whether the collection of passing node ID is contained in the analysis result.
True means it includes the collection of passing node ID.
boolean returnPathGuides
Returns whether the collection of driving guide is contained in the analysis result.
True means it includes the collection of driving guide, default is true.
boolean returnRoutes
Returns whether the collection of the route object is contained in the analysis result.
True means it includes the collection of the route object.
boolean returnEdgeFeatures
Whether to contain the collection of arc factor in the analysis result.
True means it includes the collection of arc factor.
boolean returnEdgeGeometry
Whether to return the geometric object info contained in the collection of arc factor in the analysis result.
Default is false, not to return the geometric object info contained in the collection of arc factor in the analysis result.
boolean returnNodeFeatures
Whether to contain the collection of node factor in the analysis result.
True means it contains the collection of node factor.
boolean returnNodeGeometry
Whether to return the geometric object info contained in the collection of node factor in the analysis result.
Default is false, not to return the geometric object info contained in the collection of node factor in the analysis result.
int[] stopIndexes
Uses index to represent the order of nodes passed by TSP path.
For example, in a TSP analysis, the target node is int[] nodeIDs = {1, 3, 5, 7}, and the order of nodes passed by TSP path through the analysis is 5, 3, 7, 1. And stopIndexes = {2, 1, 3, 0}. Because the first node is 5, the index in nodeIDs is 2, so stopIndexes[0] is 2.
java.lang.String datasetType
java.lang.String datasetName
java.lang.String bounds
int epsgCode
boolean readOnly
java.util.List<E> fieldInfos
Color[] colors
Color table object.
Used for displaying grid layer, when setting this parameter, UGCGridLayer.colorGradientType
parameter is invalid. When setting UGCGridLayer.colorDictionary
parameter, this parameter is invalid.
java.util.Map<K,V> colorDictionary
Color comparison table object.
The key name in the color comparison table is called the specific elevation value, and the key value indicates the color that the elevation value will display. For the point that the elevation value in grid layer is less than the minimum elevation value in the color comparison table, uses the color corresponding to the minimum elevation value in the color comparison table, for the point that the elevation value in grid layer is more than the maximum elevation value in the color comparison table, uses the color corresponding to the maximum elevation value in the color comparison table, for the point that the elevation value in grid layer does not have corresponding color in the color comparison table, then checks corresponding color of two elevations adjacent to current elevation in the color table, and then calculate the color to display by gradient. If color comparison table is set, the color table setting is invalid.
ColorGradientType colorGradientType
The gradient type pre-defined by the system, generates a default gradient color table with a height of 32 by type.
When setting UGCGridLayer.colors
or UGCGridLayer.colorDictionary
parameters, this parameter is invalid.
double specialValue
Color specialColor
Style dashStyle
The color of data in special value of grid data sets.
The special value of layer. When newly adding a Grid layer, it is the same as NoValue attribute of data set.
double horizontalSpacing
Style solidStyle
GridType gridType
double verticalSpacing
boolean sizeFixed
int brightness
The brightness of Grid layer.
The brightness of Grid layer, default is 0. The range of the values is -100 to 100, positive when increasing the brightness, negative when reducing the brightness.
int contrast
The contrast of Grid layer.
The contrast of Grid layer, default is 0. The range of the values is -100 to 100, positive when increasing the contrast, negative when reducing the contrast.
boolean specialValueTransparent
Whether the area where the SpecialValue is transparent.
Whether the area where the SpecialValue is transparent.
int kernelRadius
Color maxColor
Color minColor
double maxValue
double minValue
java.lang.String weightField
Geometry[] geometries
int[] displayBandIndexes
ColorSpaceType colorSpaceType
Color transparentColor
boolean transparent
int contrast
int brightness
int transparentColorTolerance
Background transparence tolerance.
Background transparence tolerance, the range is (0~255).
double backgroundValue
Color backgroundValueColor
boolean backgroundValueTransparent
double specialValue
Color specialValueColor
boolean specialValueTransparent
UGCLayerType ugcLayerType
java.lang.String displayFilter
When the corresponding layer contains fields such as id (integer), the following codes show how to use id as the filter condition to filter out The factor displayed in the layer :
layer.displayFilter = "id=2";
java.lang.String displayOrderBy
Layer factor displays order field.
When some factors in the layer exist overlaps, by setting the layer display order fields, user can customize the overlapping oder of factors existing overlaps, the sort fields can be specified as asc or desc, in which the asc denoting ascending oder, the desc denoting descending oder. The fields used for sorting must be numeric.
java.lang.String representationField
DatasetInfo datasetInfo
JoinItem[] joinItems
FieldValuesDisplayFilter fieldValuesDisplayFilter
According to the factor value, determines whether the filter is displayed on the map.
double minScale
double maxScale
double minVisibleGeometrySize
boolean completeLineSymbolDisplayed
int opaqueRate
boolean symbolScalable
double symbolScale
Theme theme
java.util.HashMap<K,V> themeElementPosition
Style style
java.lang.String userID
int pixCell
java.lang.String layerName
boolean hasDataPublishCapability
boolean hasMapPublishCapability
boolean hasRealspaceCapability
TADefaultPublishCapability taDefaultPublishCapability
TrafficTransferAnalystResult trafficTransferAnalystResult
NetworkAnalyst3DPublishCapability networkAnalyst3DPublishCapability
int id
VectorGeometry geometry
java.util.Map<K,V> attributes
java.lang.String searchValues
int[] parts
GeometryType type
The type of the geometry object.
newint[] cutEdges
Cuts edges.
Two adjacent array members represent a cut edge.
Example: [0,1,3,5] indicates the line segment between the zeroth point to the first point, the line segment between the third point to the fifth point is the cut edge.
Only valid for surface object.
int[] partTopo
java.lang.String expands
boolean containAttributes
VectorTileLayer[] layers
int compressTolerance
java.lang.String layerName
VectorFeature[] features
All the terrain factors in recordset.
java.lang.String[] fields
The name of all fields in the recordset.
Fields include:
FieldType[] fieldTypes
All the fields types in recordset.
VectorStyleType type
java.lang.String style
VectorRecordSet[] recordsets
java.lang.String name
int expandPixels
double minScale
double maxScale
java.lang.String[] searchFields
java.lang.String[] fields
The name of whole fields.
FieldType[] fieldTypes
All the filed types.
java.lang.String name
Rectangle2D bounds
The geographical extent of the map
double scale
VectorTileLayer[] layers
Rectangle2D viewBounds
Point2D originPoint
PrjCoordSys prjCoordSys
Rectangle viewer
View. The range of pixels for vector map tile.
boolean cacheEnabled
java.lang.String expands
The pixel value that each layer extends.
On the basis of layer encoding (the layersID coding method of the tileImage resource), the pixels extended by each layer are defined. The specific method is to add “_{pixel}” after the layer ID, to identify the pixel that the layer needs to extend; If “_{pixel}” is not added, the layer style will be calculated according to the default layer style.
For example:Replaced by VectorTileParameter.layers
boolean returnAttributes
boolean returnCutEdges
int compressTolerance
Vacuates tolerance.
The units are pixels, and merges the coordinate sequences within the tolerance range.
CoordinateType coordinateType
Barrier3DInfo[] barrierInfos
The collection of obstacle point information.
Geometry3D lineInvisible
Invisible object.
Geometry3D lineVisible
Visible object.
Point3D targetPoint
Observation point object.
Point3D viewPoint
Target point object.
boolean isVisible
Whether the observation point and target point are visible. true represents visible, false represents invisible.
java.lang.String name
The name of weight info, identifying this WeightFieldInfo object.
java.lang.String forwardWeightField
Forward weight field name.
java.lang.String backWeightField
Reverse weight field name.
Unit unit
Weight unit.
java.lang.String name
The name of weight field info.
java.lang.String ftWeightField
java.lang.String tfWeightField
The reverse weight field or field expression.
java.lang.String crsCode
A projected coordinate system represented in format of POSC.
java.lang.String url
java.lang.String version
java.lang.String service
java.lang.String request
java.lang.String typeName
java.lang.String url
java.lang.String version
java.lang.String service
java.lang.String format
java.lang.String styles
UserStyleElement[] layerStyles
java.lang.String request
java.lang.String exceptions
java.lang.String title
Rectangle2D latLonBoundingBox
BoundsWithCRS[] boundsWithCRSs
Geometry lastTileRegion
The geographical range of the last tile.
long completed
The number of completed tiles.
AdjacentTileIndex.AdjacentEdge[] adjacentEdges
adjacent / shared withPrjCoordSysType dataPrjCoordSysType
WaterMarkSetting watermark
java.lang.String[] exceptionTypes
java.lang.String[] featureInfoFormats
java.lang.String[] mapFormats
java.lang.String mapTitle
The map title.
The map title is the value of the & lt; Title & gt; element record in the & lt; Layer & gt; element in the returned service level metadata information.
java.util.List<E> layers
Map layer list.
java.util.List<E> requestList
A list of requests for service support
java.lang.String[] srss
java.lang.String version
ServiceDescription serviceDescription
java.lang.String[] crss
java.lang.String version
java.lang.String nameSpaceURI
java.lang.String[] fieldNames
The attribute field name of the feature.
Is a String array that corresponds to the # fieldValues
attribute, that is, the value field of the corresponding position in the fieldNames array is the value in the same position of the fieldValues array.
java.lang.String[] fieldValues
The attribute field value of the feature.
Is a String array that corresponds to the # fieldNames
attribute, that is, the value field of the corresponding position in the fieldNames array is the value in the same position of the fieldValues array.
java.lang.String mapName
int width
int height
java.lang.String[] layers
Map layer name list.
Point2D center
Rectangle2D entireBounds
Rectangle2D bounds
java.lang.String[] styles
Request a list of style names for the layer.
The value of the element in the list corresponds to the value of the & lt; Style & gt; element of the & lt; Layer & gt; element in the service metadata acquired by the GetCapabilities operation of the WMS. # styles
attribute array is one-to-one with the # layers
attribute array, which identifies the display style for each layer.
If the style that requested does not exist, the server will return a service exception (code = StyleNotDefined).
java.lang.String srs
boolean transparent
java.lang.String bgcolor
java.lang.String sldBody
java.lang.String exceptions
java.lang.String format
java.lang.String crs
Coordinate reference system</>
Used in WMS1.3.0
java.lang.String[] queryLayers
java.lang.String infoFormat
int featureCount
int x
X of the feature in pixel.
The leftmost is 0, the right increases.
int y
Y of the feature in pixel.
The top is 0, increasing downward.
java.util.Map<K,V> customParameters
java.lang.String resTitle
java.lang.String resAltTitle
ResRefDate resRefDate
java.lang.String resEd
java.lang.String isbn
java.lang.String otherCitDet
AggrDSName aggrDSName
java.lang.String assocType
FetCatDesc fetCatDesc
GeoEle geoEle
java.lang.String exDesc
IdCitation idCitation
java.lang.String idAbs
java.lang.String idPurp
java.lang.String dataLang
java.lang.String idStatus
IdPoC idPoC
java.lang.String keyword
GraphOver graphOver
java.lang.String resType
java.lang.String resSubType
java.lang.String tpCat
RefTheme refTheme
ResConst resConst
AggrInfo aggrInfo
DsFormat dsFormat
DataExt dataExt
java.lang.String spatRpType
DataScale dataScale
java.lang.String dataChar
OnLineSrc onLineSrc
DistFormat distFormat
Distributor distributor
java.lang.String rpIndName
java.lang.String rpOrgName
java.lang.String rpPosName
RpCntInfo rpCntInfo
java.lang.String role
DistorCont distorCont
java.lang.String ordInstr
java.lang.String resFees
GeoBndBox geoBndBox
java.lang.String resTitle
ResRefDate resRefDate
java.lang.String resEd
java.lang.String rpIndName
java.lang.String rpOrgName
java.lang.String rpPosName
RpCntInfo rpCntInfo
java.lang.String role
java.lang.String mdFileID
java.lang.String mdLang
java.lang.String mdChar
MdContact mdContact
java.lang.String mdDateSt
java.lang.String mdStanName
java.lang.String mdStanVer
DataIdInfo dataIdInfo
DqInfo dqInfo
SpatRepInfo spatRepInfo
RefSysInfo refSysInfo
ContInfo contInfo
DistInfo distInfo
java.lang.String createdBy
MdCoRefSys mdCoRefSys
java.lang.String refSysID
SecConsts secConsts
CntAddress cntAddress
CntOnLineRes cntOnLineRes
java.lang.String voiceNum
java.lang.String faxNum
IdCitation idCitation
GridSpatRep gridSpatRep
VectSpatRep vectSpatRep
java.lang.String person
The person to contact.
java.lang.String organization
The organization.
java.lang.String position
The position.
java.lang.String addressType
The address type.
java.lang.String address
The address.
java.lang.String city
The city.
java.lang.String stateOrProvince
The province or district.
java.lang.String postCode
The post code.
java.lang.String country
The country.
java.lang.String voiceTelephone
The contact telephone.
java.lang.String facsimileTelephone
The fax.
java.lang.String electronicMailAddress
The E-mail address.
java.lang.String individualName
Contact name.
java.lang.String positionName
Contact position.
java.lang.String phoneNumber
The contact telephone.
java.lang.String faxNumber
The fax.
java.lang.String deliveryPoint
Mail address, such as street.
java.lang.String addressCity
The city.
java.lang.String addressAdministrativeArea
Administrative division.
java.lang.String addressPostalCode
The post code.
java.lang.String addressCountry
The country.
java.lang.String addressElectronicMailAddress
java.lang.String name
The service name.
A service name represents an instantiated service. For example, a service named "WMS" represents a WMS service instance.
java.lang.String title
The title.
Identifies the server. For example, the title "SuperMap Map Server" indicates that the server provides the WMS service.
java.lang.String serviceAbstract
The server description.
The more detailed server description.
java.lang.String[] keywords
Uses keywords to facilitate directory searching.
java.lang.String onlineResource
The online resources.
Records the service’s Web site, usually the service’s URL address.
ContactInformation contactInformation
The service provider contact information.
java.lang.String fees
The cost.
The cost of using the service. The keyword "none" means that the service is free to use.
java.lang.String accessConstraints
The access constraint.
Access to the constraints of a service. The keyword "none" indicates that the service has no access constraints.
java.lang.String title
Service title.
java.lang.String description
Service description.
java.util.List<E> keywords
Service keywords.
java.lang.String fees
Service price.
java.lang.String accessConstraints
Service connect restrictions
java.lang.String serviceType
java.lang.String serviceTypeVersion
Service version.
java.lang.String providerName
Service provider name.
java.lang.String providerSite
Service provider homepage.
ServiceContact serviceContact
Service provider contact information.
Filter[] subExpression
An array of child Filter elements.
java.lang.String name
The name of the Filter element.
E.g., "BBOX", "Contains", etc.
java.lang.String crsCode
The spatial coordinate reference system of the geometric object.
Represented using either POSC (Petrotechnical Open Software Corporation) formats with the form "EPSG:", or URL formats.
Geometry geometry
Geometric objects in SuperMap iServer.
java.util.List<E> serviceInfos
The information list of service endpoint.
java.lang.String[] mapNames
Map name.
java.lang.String targetName
The name of the map after the aggregation.
boolean cacheEnabled
java.lang.String restServiceRootURL
rest service address, points to the root resource path of feature services. request list.
Such as: http://localhost:6080/arcgis/rest/services/China/FeatureServer
java.lang.String token
java.lang.String httpReferer
java.lang.String restServiceRootURL
rest service address, points to the root resource path of feature services. request list.
Such as: http://localhost:6080/arcgis/rest/services/China/NAServer
java.lang.String token
java.lang.String httpReferer
java.lang.String networkDataset
java.lang.String routeLayer
java.lang.String serviceAreaLayer
java.lang.String closestFacilityLayer
java.lang.String ak
The key of Baidu users apply for registration.
Required parameter. The key needs to contain the Places API, Geocoding API permissions.
java.lang.String sn
Sn used in security verification.
Nonessential parameters. If the verification method of ak is sn check, this parameter must be set.
java.lang.String suggestionUrl
Place Suggestion API service URL.
Optional parameters. Default value is:
java.lang.String gecodingUrl
Geocoding API service URL.
Optional parameters. Default value is:
java.lang.String datasetName
QueryParameter queryParam
java.lang.String datasetName
DatasetInfo newDatasetInfo
DatasourceInfo newDatasourceInfo
java.lang.String mapName
ExcludedFieldsInLayer[] excludedFieldsInLayers
DatasourceConnectionInfo connInfo
java.util.List<E> includedDatasetNames
java.lang.String filesPath
java.lang.String bounds
Map range.
Default: -20037508.3427892440,-20037508.3427892440,20037508.3427892440,20037508.3427892440.
double dpi
Default: 96.
int tileSize
OutputFormat format
double zoom0ScaleDenator
Level 0 scale denominator.
Default: 5.916587109091312E8
java.lang.String mapName
Map name.
The default is # filePath
directory name.
java.lang.String googleMapLanguage
The language used for text annotation in the map.
java.lang.String googleMapCryptoKey
The private key of the account.
java.lang.String googleMapClientID
The account with Google Maps access.
java.lang.String googleMapWidth
Each time you request a tile from Google Maps, the width of the tile (pixels). Since there may be a Geoogle watermark on each request for a single tile, the larger tile setting can reduce the watermark density throughout the window. However, single tile too large may affect the efficiency of tile access, because you should be based on hardware and software and network conditions, set a reasonable value.
java.lang.String googleMapHeight
Each time you request a tile from Google Maps, the width of the tile (pixels). Generally set the same width, height tiles .
java.lang.String googleProxyAddress
Google Maps proxy address. If the service can not be normal due to network reasons, you should set this parameter, such as:
int googleProxyPort
Google Maps proxy port.
java.lang.String[] serverAdresses
java.lang.String database
The default is smtiles
java.lang.String username
java.lang.String password
java.lang.String[] tilesetNames
Optional parameters. When the parameter is empty, all the 3D slices in the MongoDB database are published.
java.lang.String[] serverAdresses
java.lang.String mapName
Optional parameters.
java.lang.String tilesetName
Optional parameters. The names of the maps are the same, but its size, transparency, scale, etc. may be different, so use a slice set name to uniquely identify a slice set.
java.lang.String database
The default is smtiles
java.lang.String username
java.lang.String password
java.lang.String mapName
Optional parameters.
java.lang.String tilesetName
Optional parameters. The names of the maps are the same, but its size, transparency, scale, etc. may be different, so use a slice set name to uniquely identify a slice set.
java.lang.String nodeName
java.lang.String instanceName
java.lang.String accessKeyId
java.lang.String accessKeySecret
boolean fromPublic
java.lang.String restServiceRootURL
AddressMatch service address, point to the root resource path of the AddressMatch service.
java.lang.String httpReferer
java.lang.String userName
The username information, when the rest service needs to be authenticated, it is necessary to fill in the information.
java.lang.String password
The password information, when the rest service needs to be authenticated, it is necessary to fill in the information. Used with user name information.
java.lang.String token
boolean useCache
RestProviderCacheConfig restProviderCacheConfig
java.lang.String restServiceRootURL
rest service address, points to the root resource path of rest services.
java.lang.String userName
The username information, when the rest service needs to be authenticated, it is necessary to fill in the information.
java.lang.String password
The password information, when the rest service needs to be authenticated, it is necessary to fill in the information. Used with user name information.
java.lang.String token
java.lang.String httpReferer
boolean useCache
RestProviderCacheConfig restProviderCacheConfig
java.lang.String restServiceRootURL
rest service address, points to the root resource path of rest services.
java.lang.String userName
The username information, when the rest service needs to be authenticated, it is necessary to fill in the information.
java.lang.String password
The password information, when the rest service needs to be authenticated, it is necessary to fill in the information. Used with user name information.
java.lang.String token
java.lang.String httpReferer
boolean useCache
RestProviderCacheConfig restProviderCacheConfig
java.lang.String restServiceRootURL
rest service address, points to the root resource path of rest services.
java.lang.String httpReferer
java.lang.String token
java.lang.String userName
The username information, when the rest service needs to be authenticated, it is necessary to fill in the information.
java.lang.String password
The password information, when the rest service needs to be authenticated, it is necessary to fill in the information. Used with user name information.
RestProviderCacheConfig restProviderCacheConfig
boolean useCache
java.lang.String restServiceRootURL
SpatialAnalyst service address, points to the root resource path of SpatialAnalyst services.
java.lang.String httpReferer
java.lang.String userName
The username information, when the rest service needs to be authenticated, it is necessary to fill in the information.
java.lang.String password
The password information, when the rest service needs to be authenticated, it is necessary to fill in the information. Used with user name information.
java.lang.String token
boolean useCache
RestProviderCacheConfig restProviderCacheConfig
java.lang.String restServiceRootURL
TrafficTransferAnalyst service address, pointing to the root resource path of the TrafficTransferAnalyst service.
java.lang.String httpReferer
java.lang.String userName
The username information, when the rest service needs to be authenticated, it is necessary to fill in the information.
java.lang.String password
The password information, when the rest service needs to be authenticated, it is necessary to fill in the information. Used with user name information.
java.lang.String token
boolean useCache
RestProviderCacheConfig restProviderCacheConfig
java.lang.String restServiceRootURL
TrafficTransferAnalyst service address, pointing to the root resource path of the TrafficTransferAnalyst service.
java.lang.String httpReferer
java.lang.String userName
The user name information.
java.lang.String password
The password information.
java.lang.String token
boolean useCache
RestProviderCacheConfig restProviderCacheConfig
TileSourceInfo tileSourceInfo
Slice source (required).
java.lang.String mapName
The name of the map to be published (optional).
java.lang.String tilesetName
Slice set name (optional).
java.lang.String name
java.lang.String workspaceConnectString
Workspace connection string.
TransferLineSetting transferLineSetting
TransferStopSetting transferStopSetting
TransferRelationSetting transferRelationSetting
double mergeTolerance
Bus station merge margin.
If multiple sites of the same name are relatively close, and the distance of these sites is within the bounds of a given site, they are merged into the same site during the bus transfer analysis, called the merge site. The default merge site is 100.
double snapTolerance
Bus station to capture tolerance.
The bus station capture tolerance is used to determine whether the site is on the line, and if the distance from the site to the line is greater than the capture margin, it is considered not the site on the line. The default is 50.
double walkingTolerance
Unit unit
java.lang.String datasourceName
The datasource name.
java.lang.String datasetName
Dataset name.
java.lang.String aliasField
java.lang.String lengthField
java.lang.String lineIDField
java.lang.String nameField
java.lang.String lineTypeField
java.lang.String speedField
java.lang.String firstTimeField
java.lang.String lastTimeField
java.lang.String intervalField
java.lang.String datasourceName
The datasource name.
java.lang.String datasetName
Net dataset name.
java.lang.String edgeIDField
The field name that identifies the network arc ID.
The default value is "SmEdgeID".
Can not be modifiedjava.lang.String nodeIDField
The field name that identifies the network node ID.
The default value is “SmNodeID”.
Can not be modifiedjava.lang.String fromNodeIDField
Identifies the field name of the arc start node ID.
The default value is “SmFNode”.
Can not be modifiedjava.lang.String toNodeIDField
Identifies the field name of the arc stop node ID.
The default value is “SmTNode”.
Can not be modifiedjava.lang.String datasourceName
The datasource name.
java.lang.String datasetName
Dataset name.
java.lang.String lineIDField
java.lang.String stopIDField
java.lang.String serialNumField
java.lang.String datasetNetworkName
java.lang.String edgeIDField
java.lang.String nodeIDField
java.lang.String fNodeIDField
java.lang.String tNodeIDField
java.lang.String datasetPathName
java.lang.String exitIDField
java.lang.String exitNameCField
java.lang.String exitNamePYField
java.lang.String stationIDField
java.lang.String datasourceName
The datasource name.
java.lang.String datasetName
Dataset name.
java.lang.String aliasField
The bus site alias field, the field type is text type.
java.lang.String nameField
java.lang.String stopIDField
java.lang.String ruleField
Indicates the field name of the network arc traffic rules.
Network arc traffic rules can be divided into positive one-way line, reverse one-way line, double line, forbidden line and so on. In the network dataset An arc has a start node and an end node, and from the beginning node to the end node is positive, and vice versa.
Refer to TransportationAnalystSetting.forwardSingleWayRuleValues
for the traffic rule valus corresponding to the forward single way, Refer to TransportationAnalystSetting.backwardSingleWayRuleValues
for the traffic rule valus corresponding to the backward sngle way, Refer to TransportationAnalystSetting.twoWayRuleValues
for the traffic rule valus corresponding to the two way.
, , ,java.lang.String[] forwardSingleWayRuleValues
An array of strings representing the forward single way.
When the value of the field specified by TransportationAnalystSetting.ruleField
is one of them, the arc is the forward single way.
Network arc traffic rules can be divided into positive one-way line, reverse one-way line, double line, forbidden line and so on. In the network dataset An arc has a start node and an end node, and from the beginning node to the end node is positive, and vice versa.
java.lang.String[] backwardSingleWayRuleValues
An array of strings representing the backward single way.
When the value of the field specified by TransportationAnalystSetting.ruleField
is one of them, the arc is the backward single way.
Network arc traffic rules can be divided into positive one-way line, reverse one-way line, double line, forbidden line and so on. In the network dataset An arc has a start node and an end node, and from the beginning node to the end node is positive, and vice versa.
java.lang.String[] twoWayRuleValues
An array of strings representing the two way.
When the value of the field specified by TransportationAnalystSetting.ruleField
is one of them, the arc is the two way.
Network arc traffic rules can be divided into positive one-way line, reverse one-way line, double line, forbidden line and so on. In the network dataset An arc has a start node and an end node, and from the beginning node to the end node is positive, and vice versa. The two way indicates that the traffic rules of the network arc can be reversed either forward or backward.
java.lang.String[] prohibitedWayRuleValues
Indicates an array of strings representing lines.
When the value of the field specified by TransportationAnalystSetting.ruleField
is one of them, the arc is forbidden line.
Network arc traffic rules can be divided into positive one-way line, reverse one-way line, double line, forbidden line and so on. Forbidden lines indicate that the arc is prohibited in traffic rules.
int[] barrierEdges
The obstacle arc ID array identifies which network arcs are the obstacle arcs.
The arc ID is not necessarily the value of the SmID field, but the value of the field specified by TransportationAnalystSetting.edgeIDField
int[] barrierNodes
The obstacle node ID array identifies which network nodes are the obstacle nodes.
The node ID is not necessarily the value of the SmID field, but the value of the field specified byTransportationAnalystSetting.nodeIDField
java.lang.String edgeIDField
The field name that identifies the network arc ID. Once this field is set, it will take effect throughout the analysis.
The default value is "SmEdgeID".
Can not be modifiedjava.lang.String edgeNameField
The field name that identifies the network arc name.
Can be modifiedjava.lang.String nodeIDField
The field name that identifies the network node ID. The value of this field represents the ID of a node, which takes effect throughout the analysis once set.
The default value is “SmNodeID”.
Can not be modifiedjava.lang.String nodeNameField
The field name that identifies the network node name.
Can be modifiedjava.lang.String fromNodeIDField
Identifies the field name of the arc start node ID.
The default value is “SmFNode”.
Can not be modifiedjava.lang.String toNodeIDField
Identifies the field name of the arc stop node ID.
The default value is “SmTNode”.
Can not be modifieddouble tolerance
The distance tolerance from the node to the arc.
In principle, the network analysis can specify any point in the network as a site in the path analysis, The site should be near the network. If this point is not on the network (neither on the arc nor on the node), The network analysis will attribute the site to the network based on the distance tolerance. As shown below, the orange dot represents the network node, blue for the arc, gray point for the site, the red line segment is the distance from the site to the arc AB, and if the distance in the set distance tolerance, the site is attributed to the arc AB.
Set the appropriate distance tolerance in order to ensure the normal network analysis, and when the specified point within the tolerance range, the point will be attributed to the network, In the network analysis, will take the corresponding arc (such as the above mentioned arc AB) of the starting node and the termination of the node as the site to be calculated respectively, And then take the minimum calculation results.
The distance tolerance value can be calculated by the following method:
The default value is 0.01, the unit is the same as the current data set coordinate unit (coordUnit).
WeightFieldInfo[] weightFieldInfos
A set of weight field information,is a necessary parameter.
Via the weight field information (WeightFieldInfo
) You can get the field names that represent the forward and negative weights.
and WeightFieldInfo.forwardWeightField
, theoretically can be modifiedTurnDatasetInfo turnDatasetInfo
Steering table data set.
, , can not be modified.# weightFields
can be modifiedjava.lang.String pathGuideDescriptionLanguage
int poolSize
The maximum number of concurrency allowed for traffic transfer analysis.
The default value is Runtime.availableProcessors()
java.lang.Boolean autoCheckNetwork
Whether to automatically check the network dataset
java.lang.String directionField
Flow field
boolean initFacilityAnalyst
Whether to initialize facility network analysis
java.lang.String nodeIDFilterField
In facility network analysis upstream and downstream key facility lookup, it generates filter fields for default sourceNodeIDs parameters
java.lang.String nodeIDField
The field name that represents the destination node ID. The default is "NodeID".
java.lang.String fromEdgeIDField
Indicates the field name to the start arc ID. The default is "FEdgeID".
java.lang.String toEdgeIDField
The name of the field that represents the end of the arc ID. The default is "TEdgeID".
java.lang.String[] weightFields
Indicates an array of field names.
java.lang.String workspaceConnectString
Workspace connection string. It can be a relative path or an absolute path.
java.lang.String workspaceType
Workspace type, one of the strings SXWU, SXW, SMWU, SMW.
If the value is not set or not one of the above four values, the file suffix is used to determine. If you can not judge by the suffix name, it is considered SXW type.
java.lang.String datasourceName
The datasource name.
java.lang.String datasetName
Dataset name.
int[] barrierEdges
ID list of arc obstacles.
int[] barrierNodes
ID list of node obstacles.
java.lang.String directionField
java.lang.String edgeIDField
The 3D network data set the word that identifies the arc ID.
java.lang.String fNodeIDfield
The 3D network data set the word that identifies the start arc ID.
java.lang.String tNodeIDField
java.lang.String nodeIDField
double tolerance
The distance tolerance from the node to the arc.
WeightFieldInfo3D[] weightFieldInfo3Ds
boolean autoCheckNetwork
java.lang.String workspacePath
The workspace path on the server.
java.util.List<E> datasourceInfos
java.lang.String[] datasourceNames
The name of the data source involved in the analysis.
java.lang.String tmpDatasourceName
Temporary data source name.
java.lang.String identifier
java.lang.String format
java.lang.String[] formats
java.lang.String tileMatrixSet
BoundsWithCRS wgs84BoundingBox
BoundsWithCRS[] boundingBoxes
java.lang.String[] tileMatrixSets
java.lang.String[] styles
java.lang.String server
java.lang.String username
java.lang.String password
java.lang.String type
java.lang.String database
java.lang.String name
java.lang.String driver
java.lang.String type
The endpoint type of the service.
For example, set the SuperMap Objects provided by the GIS function as an endpoint, you need to set the value of the field "UGC"; To set the WMS service as an endpoint, you need to set the value of the field to "WMS".
java.lang.String binding
Service binding information.
For example, set the SuperMap Objects provided by the GIS function as an endpoint, in the binding information you need to set here map name, picture output path, Image output site (URL address), etc .; set the WMS service as an endpoint, you need to set the binding information in the WMS service version number, such as "1.1.1".
java.lang.String address
Service binding address.
For example, set the SuperMap Objects provided by the GIS function as an endpoint, you need to set the value of the field for the SuperMap workspace path, For example, "data \\ world.sxw"; set the WMS service as an endpoint, and you need to set the value of the field to the address of the WMS service.
java.lang.String accessControlAllowOrigin
This field sets which services the REST service can access across domains, with a value of "*", indicating that all services can access the current REST service across domains.
double defaultHoldTime
Default saving time.
java.lang.Object arithParamObj
java.lang.Object arithResultObj
java.lang.String childUrl
java.lang.Object childContent
boolean isAsynchronizedReturn
java.lang.String childID
The ID of the child resource.
java.lang.Object customResult
Self-defined result.
Geometry[] sourceGeometries
The source geometry object data, that is the geometric object array manipulated .
Geometry[] operateGeometries
Manipulates geometric object data array.
java.lang.String operation
Overlay mode, the optional value for the clip, erase, identity, intersect, union, update.
java.lang.String datasetCompare
The reference data set for checking. It is set to null if the topology rule used does not need to reference the dataset.
TopologyRule[] topologyRules
Array of topology rules.
Geometry validRegion
If the area is null, the entire topology dataset is checked by default, otherwise the topology of the validateRegion area is checked.
boolean preprocess
Whether topology preprocessing of the data set is performed before topology checking.
java.lang.String name
ResourceType resourceType
java.lang.String resourceConfigID
java.lang.String path
java.lang.String[] supportedMediaTypes
Point2D sourcePoint
Specified source point.
Point2D targetPoint
Specified target point.
SmoothMethod smoothMethod
Specified smooth way to smooth the least-cost path.
int smoothDegree
Specified smoothness. (1 means no smoothing, the higher the number, the higher the smoothness, but the efficiency will be reduced, it is recommended to set the range [1,3])
DataReturnOption resultSetting
Returns value setting parameters, sets whether to return records, whether to create a result data set.
double maxUpslopeDegree
The maximum uphill angle when calculating the shortest path between two points (source and target).
double maxDownslopeDegree
The maximum downhill angle when calculating the shortest path between two points (source and target).
CutFillType cutFillType
The types of cut and fill analysis. The default one is doing cut and fill analysis based on result raster data.
java.lang.String afterCutFillDataset
The result dataset after doing cut and fill analysis is valid if the type is GRID.
Geometry3D line3D
The route of cut and fill analysis is valid if the type is LINE3DANDBUFFERRADIUS.
double bufferRadius
The buffer radius of cut and fill analysis is valid if the type is LINE3DANDBUFFERRADIUS.
boolean isRoundHead
Whether use a round buffer of the cut and fill route or not. The default value is false. It is valid if the type is LINE3DANDBUFFERRADIUS.
Geometry region
The region of cut and fill analysis is valid if the type is REGIONANDALTITUDE.
double baseAltitude
The specified result eveluation of cut and fill analysis is valid if the type is REGIONANDALTITUDE.
java.lang.String resultDataset
The result dataset of a cut and fill analysis.
boolean deleteExistResultDataset
Whether to delete the existing dataset if the name of the result dataset named by users is the same as that of an existing dataset.
boolean buildPyramid
Whether creating image pyramid or not for the result raster dataset.
Geometry3D region3D
3D region, valid when cutFillTyoe is REGION3D.
QueryParameter filterQueryParameter
An attribute filter that filters the point data center point object. Only points that meet the filter criteria are involved in the analysis.
BufferAnalystParameter bufferAnalystParameter
Buffer analysis parameters, provide the necessary parameter information for the buffer analysis, sees BufferAnalystParameter
boolean isAttributeRetained
Whether to retain the attribute field. Whether to retain the field properties of the object for the buffer analysis. This parameter is invalid when the result data set is merged. That is valid when the isUnion parameter is false.
boolean isUnion
Whether to merge the result surface object.
DataReturnOption dataReturnOption
Returns records.
Named datasetInfo
The dataset information.
The default value is null.
java.util.List<E> childUriList
The list of links that point to child resources of the dataset.
Child resources of the dataset resource include the feature resource and the field resource.
boolean supportAttachments
boolean supportFeatureMetadatas
java.lang.String srcDatasetName
Source dataset name.
The source of the data set.
java.lang.String srcDatasourceName
Source datasource name.
The source of the source data set.
java.lang.String destDatasetName
Target dataset name.
The name of the dataset to be created.
java.lang.String datasetName
Name of the data set.
DatasetType datasetType
Type of the data set.
java.lang.String zValueFieldName
The field name used to record the third dimension information in the point data set.
When an contour is extracted, the dot data in the point set is interpolated using the values in the field to obtain the raster dataset (intermediate result), and then the contours are extracted from the raster dataset.
double resolution
The resolution of the intermediate result (raster dataset).
QueryParameter sourceDatasetFilter
The operational data set (first dataset) filter condition can be null.
java.lang.String[] sourceDatasetFields
A collection of field names that need to be reserved in the source dataset.
java.lang.String operateDataset
Operational the data set.
QueryParameter operateDatasetFilter
The operational data set (second dataset) filter condition can be null.
java.lang.String[] operateDatasetFields
A collection of field names that need to be reserved in the operational dataset.
Geometry[] operateRegions
Operating area. After the operation area is set, and only the objects in the area are analyzed.
java.lang.String operation
Overlay, select one of clip, erase, identity, intersect, union, update, xor.
DataReturnOption dataReturnOption
The result return settings.
double tolerance
The tolerance of the overlay analysis. After the overlay analysis, if the distance between the two nodes is less than this value, the two nodes are merged.
java.lang.String name
java.lang.String path
DatasetInfo datasetInfo
Data set information.
java.util.List<E> childResourceInfos
The information of the child resource.
int datasetCount
The size of the dataset collection, that is, the number of datasets that are contained.
Default is 0.
java.util.List<E> datasetNames
A list of dataset names in the dataset collection.
java.util.List<E> childUriList
The list of URIs corresponding to the dataset name, that is, the access path of its child resource (dataset resource).
QueryParameter sourceDatasetFilter
The filter of the operated dataset (the first dataset), which can be null.
java.lang.String[] sourceDatasetFields
The fields to be retained from the source dataset.
java.lang.String operateDataset
The operate dataset.
QueryParameter operateDatasetFilter
The filter of the operate dataset (the second dataset), which can be null.
java.lang.String[] operateDatasetFields
The fields to be retained from the operate dataset.
Geometry operateRegion
The range to perform the operation. The analysis will be executed only within the specified region if it is not null.
double bottomAltitude
The altitude of the bottom.
double extendedHeight
The height to be extended.
DataReturnOption dataReturnOption
Settings for the returning result.
java.lang.String positionMode
java.lang.String description
Description of the dataset.
PrjCoordSys prjCoordSys
The projection coordinate system of the data set
DatasourceInfo datasourceInfo
Data source information.
java.util.List<E> childUriList
The list of sub resource URIs for the atasource resource.
int datasourceCount
The number of data sources in the data source collection.
Default is 0.
java.util.List<E> datasourceNames
A list of data source names in the data source collection.
java.util.List<E> childUriList
List of URIs for data source access in the data source collection.
java.util.List<E> verifierClasss
The extended security validator implements the class name collection.
java.util.List<E> resourcesConfigFileNames
Extended resource. The collection of the path (including the name) of the resource configuration file.
java.util.List<E> encodingClasses
The extended expression generator implements the name collection of the class.
java.util.List<E> decoderClasses
The extended parameter parser implements a collection of class names.
java.lang.String componentName
java.lang.String name
ExtractParameter extractParameter
The parameter settings of the contour / isosurface when extracted.
DataReturnOption resultSetting
Returns result of the extracted result setting.
int featureCount
The number of features in the feature set.
The number of sub-resources of the features resource.
GeometryType geometryType
The geometric type of the feature in the feature set.
java.util.List<E> childUriList
The list of sub resource URIs for the features resource.
The access path for all the elements in the feature set.
int startIndex
The starting position of the feature in the feature set.
FieldInfo fieldInfo
Field information.
java.util.List<E> childUriList
Field resource sub-resource URI list, that is, the field of various types of statistical statistical resources of the URI access path.
double height
The height of the submerged height, ie the elevation value of the submerged water level.
Geometry region
The valid calculationarea. After specifying this area, only the flooded area is calculated in the area.
java.lang.String routeIDField
The route identification field used to generate the spatial data in the routing data set.
java.lang.String eventTable
The event table name used to generate spatial data.
java.lang.String eventRouteIDField
The route identification field used to generate the event table for the spatial data.
java.lang.String measureField
The scale field of the event table used to generate the spatial data is meaningful only if the event is a point event.
java.lang.String measureStartField
The start scale field of the event table used to generate the spatial data is meaningful only if the event is a line event.
java.lang.String measureEndField
The end scale field of the event table used to generate the spatial data is meaningful only if the event is a line event.
java.lang.String measureOffsetField
Scale offset field.
java.lang.String errorInfoField
Error message field, written directly to the original event table, is used to describe the error message of the event failed to generate the corresponding point or line.
java.lang.String[] retainedFields
The set of fields to be retained in the result spatial data (except for the system fields). Note that when generating spatial data, whether to specify a reserved field, a route ID field, a scale offset field, a scale value field (point event for the tick field, line event is the start and end scale fields) are retained in the result space data ; Returns the all user fields if the retainFields parameter is not specified or the retainFields parameter array length is 0.
DataReturnOption dataReturnOption
The result return settings.
GeometryWithPrjCoordSys sourceGeometry
Source geometry object data, that is, geometric objects that require buffer analysis.
BufferAnalystParameter analystParameter
Parameters for geometry object buffer analysis, sees BufferAnalystParameter
Point2D[] points
Geographical coordinates.
double[] zValues
Elevation value.
double resolution
Geometry sourceGeometry
The source geometry object data, that is the geometric object manipulated .
Geometry operateGeometry
Manipulates geometric object data.
java.lang.String operation
Overlay mode, the optional value for the clip, erase, identity, intersect, union, update.
Geometry sourceGeometry
The source geometry, i.e., the geometry to be operated.
double bottomAltitudeSource
double extendedHeightSource
Geometry operateGeometry
The operate geometry.
double bottomAltitudeOperate
double extendedHeightOperate
java.lang.String expression
A custom raster operation expression.
Geometry extractRegion
User-specified valid calculation area.
If it is null, it means that all regions are calculated. If the range of data sets participating in the operation is inconsistent, the intersection of the ranges of all data sets will be used as the calculation area.
boolean isZip
Whether the result data set is zipped. True means zipped.
boolean ignoreNoValue
whether to ignore the valueless grid data. true means that no value data is ignored, that is, no value grid does not participate in the operation.
java.lang.String targetDatasource
Specified data source of the stored result dataset.
java.lang.String resultGridName
Specified result dataset.
boolean deleteExistResultDataset
If the result data set 's name which the user named is the same as the existing dataset name, whether to delete the existing dataset.
double angle
Exponent exponent
double mean
double nugget
double range
double sill
VariogramMode variogramMode
InterpolationAlgorithmType type
QueryParameter filterQueryParameter
java.lang.String zValueFieldName
double zValueScale
java.lang.String outputDatasourceName
java.lang.String outputDatasetName
PixelFormat pixelFormat
Rectangle2D bounds
double resolution
SearchMode searchMode
double searchRadius
int expectedCount
int maxPointCountForInterpolation
int maxPointCountInNode
Point3D[] inputPoints
ClipParameter clipParam
Rectangle2D bounds
double resultGridDatasetResolution
double searchRadius
java.lang.String fieldName
java.lang.String targetDatasource
java.lang.String resultGridName
boolean deleteExistResultDataset
double minScale
double scale
double maxScale
java.lang.String name
Point2D center
Rectangle2D bounds
Rectangle2D viewBounds
Rectangle viewer
PrjCoordSys prjCoordSys
java.util.List<E> dynamicPrjCoordSyses
boolean cacheEnabled
java.lang.String customParams
UserInfo userToken
Geometry clipRegion
boolean clipRegionEnabled
Rectangle2D customEntireBounds
boolean customEntireBoundsEnabled
double angle
boolean antialias
Style backgroundStyle
MapColorMode colorMode
Unit coordUnit
Unit distanceUnit
java.lang.String description
boolean dynamicProjection
boolean markerAngleFixed
double maxVisibleTextSize
int maxVisibleVertex
double minVisibleTextSize
boolean overlapDisplayed
OverlapDisplayedOptions overlapDisplayedOptions
The map's gland filtering display option is valid when MapContent.overlapDisplayed
is false.
boolean paintBackground
boolean textAngleFixed
boolean textOrientationFixed
double[] visibleScales
Returns the visible scale array of the map.
boolean visibleScalesEnabled
boolean autoAvoidEffectEnabled
Whether to enable automatic avoidance effect.
java.lang.String messageID
Message id
MQMessageStatus messageStatus
Message status.
java.lang.String commitTime
Message submission time. If the message has been submitted to indicate the time at which the message was submitted. If the message is not submitted, the time the message will be submitted.
int mqFeatureCount
The number of features in the message queue feature collection.
The number of sub-resources of the MQfeatures resource.
java.util.List<E> childUriList
The list of sub resource URIs for the MQfeatures resource.
The access path for all features in the message queue feature collection.
Geometry extractRegion
Generates a geomorphic area
java.lang.String targetDatasource
Target data source.
java.lang.String resultGridName
Target data set.
boolean deleteExistResultDataset
Whether to delete an existing dataset of the same name
Point2D startPoint
Point2D endPoint
java.lang.String[] modelDatasets
java.lang.String surfaceGrid
boolean returnDatasetOrRecordset
QueryParameter filterQueryParameter
Filtering parameters for filtering points, only the points that meet the criteria can be used to make the difference.
java.lang.String lineDataset
The dataset for a given profile analysis must be a line dataset
Geometry line
Line segment or polyline for profiling.
double resampleTolerance
Specified resampling tolerance.
Geometry[] inputGeometries
QueryParameter inputFilterQueryParameter
java.lang.String referenceDatasetName
QueryParameter referenceFilterQueryParameter
boolean createResultDataset
java.lang.String resultDatasetName
java.lang.String resultDatasourceName
double minDistance
double maxDistance
Geometry clipRegion
boolean createResultDataset
java.lang.String resultDatasetName
java.lang.String resultDatasourceName
QueryParameter filterQueryParameter
Point2D[] points
Coordinate point string. When use the array of points to be analyzed, it is a required parameter.
boolean returnResultRegion
double volume
Specify the volume of the fill or digging.
boolean isFill
Specifies whether to perform a fill calculation. If true is the fill calculation, false means the calculation of the excavation.
Geometry validRegion
Specified valid calculation area. When the area is specified, only the area is filled or cut in the area, and if the parameter is empty, it is calculated over the entire raster dataset.
Route sourceRoute
Routing object.
LocateType type
Route targeting type.
double measure
The M value for the anchor point.
double offset
Fixed point offset.
boolean isIgnoreGap
Whether to ignore the distance between child objects.
double startMeasure
The starting M value of the positioning line.
double endMeasure
The end of the positioning line M value.
java.lang.String routeIDField
java.lang.String routeID
double result
The value of the statistical result.
StatisticMode mode
Use the field statistics method.
ResourceParameter resourceParameter
java.lang.String resourceImageUrl
TerrainAnalystSetting terrainAnalystSetting
Terrain analysis environment settings.
java.lang.String resultDatasetName
Result dataset name.
boolean deleteExistResultDataset
If the result data set 's name which the user named is the same as the existing dataset name, whether to delete the existing dataset.
boolean deleteExistResultDataset
If the result data set 's name which the user named is the same as the existing dataset name, whether to delete the existing dataset.
java.lang.String averageCurvatureName
Output the name of the average curvature dataset.
java.lang.String profileCurvatureName
Output the name of the profile curvature data set.
java.lang.String planCurvatureName
Output the name of the plane curvature data set.
double zFactor
Elevation scaling factor.
TerrainAnalystSetting terrainAnalystSetting
Terrain analysis environment settings.
java.lang.String resultDatasetName
Result dataset name.
boolean deleteExistResultDataset
If the result data set 's name which the user named is the same as the existing dataset name, whether to delete the existing dataset.
SlopeType slopeType
Result of the unit type of the slope.
double zFactor
Elevation scaling factor.
boolean isFileCache
Whether to use the file form of the cache.
File cache can improve the browsing speed, and only for database-based data source is valid.
Charset charset
The character set used by the vector dataset.
The default is UTF-8.
int currentCount
The number of service access records currently returned.
int totalCount
Total number of service records.
InstanceAccessRecord[] records
Returns the record details for the currently returned service, and the same number as currentCount.
boolean publishEnabled
Whether it has administrative rights to a collection of components or components
MixedPermissions instanceAccessPermissions
Service access.
MixedPermissions componentManagerPermissions
Component and component collection management rights.
java.lang.String version
WCS version
ServiceIdentification identification
Service description.
ServiceProvider provider
The information of the service provider.
NamespaceConfig namespaceConfig
int maxFeatures
getFeature operation The maximum number of return elements. Defaults is 2000, and if set to 0 or -1, it means that all records are returned by default.
java.lang.String version
WFS service version number
java.lang.String[] pointStyles
Supported point style collection.
java.lang.String[] lineStyles
Supported line style collection.
java.lang.String[] polygonStyles
Supported fill style collection.
java.lang.String[] textStyles
Supported text style collection.
java.lang.String mapName
ServiceDescription serviceDescription
java.lang.String version
The WMS service version. Such as "1.1.1".
java.lang.String[] srs
java.lang.String[] crs
boolean cacheEnabled
SLDConfig sld
Supported style information configuration.
boolean useStandardBGColor
java.lang.String identifier
The tile matrix name.
double scaleDenominator
The scale denominator.
If the scale denominator is 2000, the tile matrix corresponds to a map scale of 1:2000.
double resolution
Tile matrix resolution.
java.lang.String topLeftCorner
the coordinates of the top-left corner.
Ie the upper left corner of the tile matrix. Format is "x y", there is a space between x and y, with such a string to represent.
int tileWidth
The width of each tile, in pixels. SuperMap iServer currently provides a tile width of 512 pixels.
int tileHeight
The height of each tile, in pixels. SuperMap iServer currently provides a tile height of 512 pixels.
int matrixWidth
The width of the tile matrix, represented by the number of tiles in the X direction.
int matrixHeight
The height of the tile matrix, represented by the number of tiles in the Y direction.
java.lang.String identifier
The name of the tile matrix set.
java.lang.String supportedCRS
Supported coordinate system. Each tile matrix corresponds to 1 supported coordinate system.
java.util.List<E> tileMatrixs
The tile matrix list contained in the collection.
java.lang.String wellKnownScaleSet
General scale set. Each tile matrix corresponds to 1 or 0 general scale sets.
java.lang.String scales
The scale information of the scale set.
java.lang.Double dpi
The dpi specified in the WMTS standard is 90.7142857142857, that is, 1 pixel represents 0.28 mm.
java.lang.Integer tileWidth
The width of the tile, the default value is 256.
java.lang.Integer tileHeight
The height of the tile, the default value is 256.
java.util.List<E> matrixList
The tile matrix is used to avoid the incorrect number of tiles.
ServiceIdentification identification
Service description.
ServiceProvider provider
The information of the service provider.
java.lang.String customEntireBounds
Configure the full range of the map in WMTS service. It's needed that the range of the WMTS service should be consistent with the base map for some third-party client side such as OpenLayers 2.10 overlaying WMTS service.
java.lang.String maps
The map names which are allowed publishing, multiple map names are separated by comma.
TileMatrixSet[] tileMatrixSets
The set of the all scales supported by WMTS service. If the scale set is null or some of the scale set is null, it uses a 256x256 pixel to represent the full map on level 0; 2x2 256x256 pixels to represent it in level 1, and so on, multiplied by 2 gradually.
java.lang.String pixelSizes
When it doesn't use general scales, it will configure to use the pixel values of the corresponding customized scale, while multiple values are separated by comma.
java.lang.String wellKnownScaleSet
The corresponding general scale set of the tile matrix set.
java.lang.Double dpi
The dpi specified in the WMTS standard is 90.7142857142857, that is, 1 pixel represents 0.28 mm.
java.lang.Integer tileHeight
The height of the tile, the default value is 256.
java.lang.Integer tileWidth
The width of the tile, the default value is 256.
java.lang.String scales
The scale information of the scale set.
VerifyMode verifyMode
Specify the verification mode
java.lang.String[] fieldNames
The attribute field name of the feature.
is a String array, which corresponds to the WMTSFeatureInfo.fieldValues
property, that is, the property field value of the corresponding position in the fieldNames array is the value in the same position of the fieldValues array.
java.lang.String[] fieldValues
The attribute field value of the feature.
is a String array, which corresponds to the WMTSFeatureInfo.fieldNames
property, that is, the property field value of the corresponding position in the fieldNames array is the value in the same position of the fieldValues array.
java.lang.String infoFormat
Rectangle2D bounds
The geographic extent
int width
The tile width
int height
The tile height
int featureCount
int x
X of the feature in pixel.
The leftmost is 0, the right increases.
int y
Y of the feature in pixel.
The top is 0, increasing downward.
java.util.Map<K,V> customParameters
GenerateCapabilities generateCapabilities
Get the service abilities object provided by the WFS service.
SpatialAnalyst spatialAnalyst
Spatial analysis service component interface
TrafficTransferAnalyst trafficTransferAnalyst
traffic transfer analysis service component interface.
TransportationAnalyst transportationAnalyst
Traffic network analysis service component interface.
java.lang.String providerURL
URL of the provider
int epsgCode
long lastTime
GenerateCapabilities generateCapabilities
Get the service abilities provided by the WPS service.
GenerateDescribeProcess generateDescribeProcess
Get the description object of the specified operation